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Breaking : PM Imran to show 'threat letter' to senior journalists, allies today

Didn't Turkey do like a referendum on this after the attempted coup?

In the past Turkey had a parliamentary system with the President and PM elected by parliament. Kind of like Pakistan.

In 2007 they held a referendum and the president became directly elected. There was also a PM elected by the parliament. At the time of the coup attempt Erdogan was a directly elected president.

After the coup attempt, 2017, they held another referendum and abolished the position of PM and switched completely to a presidential system.
To give it an appearance of their non-involvement.
Lol with that logic if some people switch last minute before vote it may destroy so called establishment Plan.
. pmlq joined after ch prevaiz elahi was promised CMship of punjab.
GDA joined because of their issues with ppp...
In the past Turkey had a parliamentary system with the President and PM elected by parliament. Kind of like Pakistan.

In 2007 they held a referendum and the president became directly elected. There was also a PM elected by the parliament. At the time of the coup attempt Erdogan was a directly elected president.

After the coup attempt, 2017, they held another referendum and abolished the position of PM and switched completely to a presidential system.

U think its possible for us to do the same?
U think its possible for us to do the same?
Power becomes concentrated, if NS becomes president there's nothing you can do to stop him
You can just look at the intrests of the few areas and you can get elected - presidential system kills off the whatever limited power smaller populated regions have
First casuality of Western bloc vs Russo-Sino Alliance and that is .. Regime change in Pakistan but Target is Russia....Western countries have made prime example for other countries for backing russia over their narratives ... This will set precedent for any country tilting towards Russia ... China and Russia will be watching closely.. game on..
First casuality of Western bloc vs Russo-Sino Alliance and that is .. Regime change in Pakistan but Target is Russia....Western countries have made prime example for other countries for backing russia over their narratives ... This will set precedent for any country tilting towards Russia ... China and Russia will be watching closely.. game on..

And India will be spared ?
U think its possible for us to do the same?

It can be done, but force will be needed.

The military high command is very committed to maintaining the status quo, even if it means that the country keeps sinking into poverty. They don't have the guts or bravery to do the reforms that the country needs.

There can only be two ways to break out of this stagnation. Either there's a coup within the army to bring reform minded leadership or civil disobedience.

The military is very united. That is a blessing and a curse. A curse because no one questions bad policies. Kayani is an example of a horrible COAS under whose command the criminals looted without mercy.

The other way is for a civilian insurrection to force change. I don't know is this is possible. People in Pakistan are very docile. Not like people of some other nations who don't tolerate bad governments.
On a lighter note dear. Situation is already tense. Let's relax ourselves a bit.
Actually the issue is with Pakistani mentality of thinking we are god’s gift to earth. Chosen ones like Bani Israel…
That reflects onto Pakistani perception of their military and other state security elements as “must be infallible superhumans equal to 10 Indians/Israelis/Americans” which has no relationship to reality. This disconnect partly does have blame within the Fauj and ISPR of how it’s portrayed as Pakistanis made better which is true-ish only to the extent of the organizational values and not how general society still impacts their worldview.

The other aspect of narcissistic mentality is that if something good has happened it was their superhuman ability endowed by Allah or if it hasn’t moved immediately for a Pakistani it’s either poor luck, evil eye or not Allah’s will that it isn’t happening. So if someone does something good Pakistanis Maaz-Allah immediately put that person next to our Prophet and if it doesn’t go well then that person is the devil incarnate.

A history of civil-military relationships and perception will be testament to it.

Then, not all institutions(and subdivisions) are on the same page in terms of information, resources and plan of action both due to inherent institution and personality limitations/clashes.

So today if a well executed foreign interference plan is in play and the state institutions are reacting to whatever their abilities and different approaches to tackle it based on their roles & responsibilities along with those overreaching ones interfering in others it will be a disjointed or at best average effort to combat it. Pair that with a very ad hoc leader in IK who is making decisions at times at whim you aren’t going to get better results.

Lastly, lets say some institution guy takes action based on a directive and it doesn’t work out. All will pile on him/them and their careers(hence their families livelihood) will be at stake. So they might not suggest actions or try to hold off on some they deem too risky as well.

Ironically, this isn’t confined to Pakistan; the foreign nation accused of interfering has had its own electoral process interfered with many times through the media and lobbying. That doesn’t mean its security agencies are incompetent or lax but that they too face the same human elements.

I highly encourage a read of “The looming tower” because it does paint a good picture of how 9/11 happened not because of some large conspiracy but rather institutional infighting and the overall system not having those security checks and balances in place.
LOL right. You guys are the only ones who understand inflation. We aren't sending money home every month to cover rising costs?

Most of us who are abroad are there because our families could not survive in Pakistan. People here work two jobs to pay bills here AND in Pakistan.

Those of you who support opposition only do so because you thrive in the corrupt environment they offer.
oh so sad costing you probably 100usd more however you guys should thank niaxi he helped you get 50% more for your remittance , its so ironic you guys are so far out from reality that you dont even realise wth is going on ...
As I said in another thread..
I have come to the conclusion that traitors in power suit establishment so that they can blackmail them as and when needed... I had become anti Imran khan due to his bad governance but whatever is happening now..is unacceptable...
Army used to portray themselves as guadians of national security but truth is..whenever national security is at risk..whether memo gate, dawn leaks or now this letter,,army does zilch.. in earlier two cases, they only used them to blackmail culprits but did nothing to punish culprits but only hyped the cases to blackmail them.. this time..its worse..army is actually siding with culprits...by supposedly acting neutral and doing nothing to crush this conspiracy against Pak..infact aiding the culprits conspiring with foreign govt..to come back in power.....
Had Imran Khan not exposed existence of such letter..army would have happily let these goons come back to power with US aid, without public even knowing it.. atleast public now knows this..that army is part of this .....
Can't see her here, in this group of journalists

and if its her personal assessment then Kashif Abbasi etc. had totally different opinion to give

A barrister representing the PTI was also on the show, he did not refute her comments. The show called 'Nasim Zehra' at 8 PM of 30th March 2022 should be available on the Youtube tomorrow. You could check it out yourself. Besides, since the letter is written by a Pakistani diplomat, it is quite easy for the foreign office to ask their employee to put whatever they want in it.
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Just watching the news. Apparently, some of these threats have also come from within Pakistani Establishment. Also, the fauj is trying to ensure the letter doesnt reach the Supreme Court. So that's your answer. Fauj is at the centre of it esp since MQM parted ways with PTI. No better signal than that.

And this is a piece of shit theory. In fact I seriously doubt if your comment is intentional spin on the event to promote anti army sentiments or its a genuine misunderstanding & lack of knowledge.

  • Army is NOT anti Imran.

  • Army wants to stay out of politics.

  • Army wants IK to lead himself and this perception pushed by opposition parties that IK was brought in by establishment to be buried.

  • Army wants political maturity in Pakistan

  • Army wants a strong administrator in Punjab

  • Army wants better economic performance of Pakistan

  • Army would obey orders of its PM but would not do anything unconstitutional and out of the way to protect his seat

  • The law makers, state, public, everyone would have to come together to protect PM and Pakistan's interests, army would not serve you this in a plate anymore

  • People spewing hate towards armed forces are either working on foreign agendas OR becoming a tool for promoting foreign narratives.

Hot headedness of military is gone, military has a policy of staying level headed as much as they can. Any attempts to make any side furious would only cause damage for Pakistan. Don't fuel a non existent conflict.

Air force, Army, Navy - massive defence procurements during IK tenure. Pro-Pakistan policy, IK defended his troops on all forums. IK has strong support from within military. Military men love his fearless & independent foreign policies.
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