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Breaking : PM Imran to show 'threat letter' to senior journalists, allies today

Whole internal scenario of pakistan may make good netflix series ..this is hollywood stuff... Support, betrayal, politcal corruption ..etc.. name it : The Neutrals ....lol
Lol yeah.

Desi Game of thrones! 😜
The Chronicles of Bajwa
MNS and the 40 thieves
CM of the 5 MNAs
Mr. 10%
IK- the man of U-turns
IK and his corruption laundry services
Joker of the 21st century (IK)
The king's party
The kingmakers
Guardians of the status-quo 💂👮
The saint and the sinner (Maulana Fazl ur Rehman)
Bad Boys
The downfall
Charlie the boot licker
Traitors of the motherland
Mujhay Q nikala
What do you expect Establishment to do other than providing govt. intelligence
I have been asking this all arounf dor past month..Do you expect them to arrest MNAs so they are unable to make it for the vote? or declare emergency and takeover?
No just make a phone call as usual! That's it, that's what they do the best. 😜😂🤣🤣😂🤫🙈🙉🙊

And believe me there's nothing strange in it. Well being "neutral" is strange and weird phenomena here.
If IK knows there is a massive foreign sponsored conspiracy to de seat current GOP government in this no confidence motion, Imran should impose emergency in the country, this is a very serious situation which can't be brushed under the carpet, Establishment can't keep on playing dirty games forever, they won't be able to control the situation which is fast getting out of their hands.
Nope, establishment would simply switch the sides to still keep the game firmly in their hands. 😜👻👽😎
Still PM. Call ambassador from that country and lodge protest. Declare him persona non grata. Show courage and go with guns blazing.
The game just get much more dangerous, whoever is/was behind the threatening letter will not want it to be public, because if it was really from US they will make sure the letter does not made public because it will expose the USA secret regime change conspiracies, and it will be picked up by China as well, I don't know what China is doing ? it will be interesting to see, If Army is on board with this whole regime change from the west then I think China should cut off support from Pakistan. PA has to make it clear what and where they are standing, I think IK did a major blunder when he gave Bajwa a extension.
Every extension is practically the murder of the merit, spreads discontentment, unrest among the eligible persons and let the man in charge to further fortify and consolidate his position and power. We might have lost a lot of great minds and talent just due to this extension syndrome.
Military is with him generally..because the military are from the peope. However some senior commanders are and have always been bent. They need to be taken care of. Inshallah they plot and Allah plots. I have confidence in IK and faith in his creator
What kind of taken care of? How is it even possible!

So now you want a fully loaded J-10C on a mission to Rawalpindi? Like the botched attempt to do the same through the F-16 in the past!

Generally military is an organization whose members are brainwashed to follow a strict chain of command since day 1.

So don't expect any heroic act from junior military officials, it's never gonna happen. Our military's top brass is so much sensitive about it's image projection that it would go to any limits to preserve their sacred cow's image at any cost. I repeat at any cost!
the change of ISI chief was one of a major event in all this . At the time IK was asking for interviews if you remember all that fiasco, well for the establishment that is an insult. They think so highly of themselves that even questioning them is not possible or if one does, well than face the consequences. If PAk is to move forward, establishment should be controlled!
Bloody Civilians! How dare you!

We (military) are the flag bearers since British times and have munched you countless times before too. You bloody Civilians! Screw you!
Imran Khan has genuine support, I was present in the recent Islamabad gathering, it was a sea of people. Estab is hugely miscalculated at this point. Public reaction will be fierce.
If IK keeps protesting and lives! Not when he would be dead in his grave. We are a nation of thankless, memoryless cowards.
A barrister representing the PTI was also on the show, he did not refute her comments. The show called 'Nasim Zehra' at 8 PM of 30th March 2022 should be available on the Youtube tomorrow. You could check it out yourself. Besides, since the letter is written by a Pakistani diplomat, it is quite easy for the foreign office to ask their employee to put whatever they want in it.
Looks like she was mis-informed earliier or she bought the fake propaganda, here's her statement today.
apart from few jazbati n league supporters who will rejoice on this support from establishment! the rest is not happy. Mostly business related community and ordinary working people too they want this cycle to stop and establishment to go home. These sentiments will only increase from here. Lets see how long it takes.........years , days or decades. BUt the reckoning will come.
What if a conflict flares at our eastern border. For example a skirmish or something like that and then ISPR taking over from there and hit the refresh button 🔘. 😜👽👻

And that's it!
If I may toss a highly far fetched speculation:
"بے پر کی چھوڑوں ایک"

MQM left PTI as a deception, to trick the opposition group into thinking that they have the numbers.
On the day of no confidence, they will vote for IK. :argh:

Then it may be 171 IK -vs- 170 opp.

Add a few more who can make last minute switch. Then vote fails.
Good summary:

Is voting on Thursday (today)?

So opposition needs 172 votes.

Only MQM being absent can bring the count below 172 right?
What if a conflict flares at our eastern border. For example a skirmish or something like that and then ISPR taking over from there and hit the refresh button 🔘. 😜👽👻

And that's it!
Don't keep such hopes..although adventure from eastern border is more likely now in future..The lunatics will be encouraged by the sad state of affairs on our side..they will know that they can do adventure & all it takes is a threat from uncle sam to keep our ppl in check..
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