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Breaking : PM Imran to show 'threat letter' to senior journalists, allies today

What do you expect Establishment to do other than providing govt. intelligence
I have been asking this all arounf dor past month..Do you expect them to arrest MNAs so they are unable to make it for the vote? or declare emergency and takeover?

What else is the job of an intelligence agency? To protect the state against foreign interference.
BAP was hijacked by PPP last year when Jam Kamal Khan was kicked out.. BAP is no more an establishment party ..
As for MQM they havent announced their decision yet .. . so need to wait and see
I ask you what about GDA and PMLQ aren't they kings party.. so why did they join pti.

What else is the job of an intelligence agency? To protect the state against foreign interference.
Thats not possible in a democracy and parliament system. where money can be distributed to get required result.Its unrealistic to expect zero foreign interference..If we have such expectations we should have one party system like China.
Secondly agencies can provide information..Its the bureaucracy that has to act and get culprits arrested and its govt.s job for prosecution team to get them punished at a court.
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Arshad Sharif lost it live on TV. Govt. being threatened with official secrets act to not share the letter with supreme court or others.
Bajwa is angry and threatening imran to dont show our wet pants

Inko theek karna zarori hi gia ha bhot , yahi burai ki jar hain
If IK knows there is a massive foreign sponsored conspiracy to de seat current GOP government in this no confidence motion, Imran should impose emergency in the country, this is a very serious situation which can't be brushed under the carpet, Establishment can't keep on playing dirty games forever, they won't be able to control the situation which is fast getting out of their hands.
ARY Laguna has joint projects with DHA, ofcourse they would do it.

But the cat is out of the bag.
Arshad Sharif was so sure and emotional with his news piece! Absolutely shocking! What is more shocking is the fact that his news is not being discussed at all! They just rolled over it! IK cant fight every one in this country, from the fauj, media, politicians, beuracrats. Its a whole fucking pie of traitors! And they are seated at the top too!
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