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Breaking : PM Imran to show 'threat letter' to senior journalists, allies today

Can Imran fire the chiefs ?

I knew from day one that CIA+ establishment wants IK gone.
Then China would roll up CPEC projects and start building infrastructure in india.
Theres no sense why would Est. want somethign like that to happen.Pakistan would end up losing confidence of its best partner in the region. It deosnt sit well.. Pakistani military is not even dependent on US military equiment any more.
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There should be no confidence against Bajwa by miliary first.

Won't happen in a million years.

And tbh, should not happen either.

I said it back when it happened, giving an extension was the worst move. You never give an extension to anybody, they just consolidate more power. Should always have a natural transition of power.

On another note, Gen Faiz would be the biggest loser in all of this! :P

On a serious note though, IK should do two things...call an NCA meeting so that the letter comes in the minutes of the meeting and everyone knows in formal record, and secondly makes a commission of the SC to investigate. These things make the letter a formal entity and it becomes an official record of the government.

Giving it to allies or journalists only goes for political purposes, but not legal or governmental purposes.
If that is so then what's stopping Imran from dishonorably discharging those general. Does he have constitutional right to do so?
Constitutionally he can. But not in a million years will this actually happen. Martial law will be imposed.
Their inaction? Not just now but historically, there was no action against these traitors.
What do you expect Establishment to do other than providing govt. intelligence
I have been asking this all arounf dor past month..Do you expect them to arrest MNAs so they are unable to make it for the vote? or declare emergency and takeover?
Just watching the news. Apparently, some of these threats have also come from within Pakistani Establishment. Also, the fauj is trying to ensure the letter doesnt reach the Supreme Court. So that's your answer. Fauj is at the centre of it esp since MQM parted ways with PTI. No better signal than that.

Arshaf Sharif is one brave guy and also brother of a Shaheed.

Add to that, Shahzain Bugti.
What do you expect Establishment to do other than providing govt. intelligence
I have been asking this all arounf dor past month..Do you expect them to arrest MNAs so they are unable to make it for the vote? or declare emergency and takeover?
I expect them to use any means necessary to look after our nation's interest, do you think they don't have means to take care of traitors? For it to come to where it is now, they are either useless, or they are involved with opposition.
On a serious note though, IK should do two things...call an NCA meeting so that the letter comes in the minutes of the meeting and everyone knows in formal record, and secondly makes a commission of the SC to investigate. These things make the letter a formal entity and it becomes an official record of the government.

But I am sure the government heads are debating this in with themselves too, and contemplating the options.

They have shared it otherwise with the military top brass as well.

So the better question could be, why is the govt not calling an NCA meeting? There must be some argument by the government against calling the meeting, and I am very interested to know what that is. Why not take it to the court?

Again, showing it to journos or allies is fine and dandy, but the punishment is to be decided by the court and in a legal manner.
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