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BREAKING NEWS: Traced calls confirm RAW's involvement in Safoora Chowrangi massacre

India has always used Afghanistan as a second front against Pakistan. Said former US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hegel.

Seriously, what made you believe that Mumbai Attack was done by ISI or non state actors from Pakistani side ??
Jehadi will not ask for forgiveness From Hindus GOD ''Bhagwan'' Rathar Allah..Ajmal Kasab on Hospital bed said that Bhagwan will not forgive me lol..Seriously he was From Pakistan ?? :lol: First ask your drama Queen Indian Politicians,RA&W and specially your Media to prove that it was done by Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi :police:
Here come another ZH fanboy with his brilliant conspiracy theories.
If true than i want 470 bhartiis blown up into pieces or top ranks of all intelligence agencies and sindh police, bureaucrats in defense and interior ministry should be sacked and tried for negligence.
If you got same privilege as me than why the brainless dotheads like you keep on whining that mods loves to kick your sorry a$$es.? only if you guys had little bit of self respect you wouldn't have been here but what to say you are bhartii after all

You clearly have triple digit IQ but with negative sign, but you as typical dotheads doesn't know your potential.
@Dazzler I suppose this is the rule of this forum bcoz neither do i see a mod edit nor do i see any rating. So i must assume you (as a representative of this forum) are alignment with these views. And few days back you wr riding a high horse:-
whoever breaks the rules, there is no partiality here unlike some other fora on the net these days
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Really after what i post you give a one liner.......:-):-):-) So its better you stop tagging me as i can clearly see you are nothing but a too bit wannabe terrorist. Enjoy your life in hell.:sniper:

Yeah i gave one liner and told you that like majority of dotheads you are also not aware of your potential.
Here come another ZH fanboy with his brilliant conspiracy theories.
Here comes another Patriot with a very strong Argument,tell me that they didn't feed you wrong Info..I'm not a fan boy i said a very simple thing..
- If he is terrorist then you should say same for your PM :lol:
Here comes another Patriot with a very strong Argument,tell me that they didn't feed you wrong Info..I'm not a fan boy i said a very simple thing..
- If he is terrorist then you should say same for your PM :lol:
So much for your strong arguement.
A lot of things are not known to the people about RAW and ISI. It is not necessary that they will response them in their way.

Yesterday two Indians and three americans died in Kabul, in a hotel siege by the militants , where Indian ambassador was also present. Many believe this attack was for Indian envoy.

I believe they already gave the response. But I doubt the karachi massacre is not RAW's work.

We can bring such points into a discussion, but there are lot of things ISI does to counter Indians too. Like they have been successful in maintaining Kashmir as a disputed territory. For ISI it is easy to bring Indian Muslims into their confidence for destabalization. ISI is doing good to defame India in many issues too, don't worry. All of India's neighbour are not so friendly with India and ISI has done a good job in that. This is for your motivation.

I understand the ISI has not been sitting idle watching these events unfold and perhaps the Kabul siege was their response. But they have been unsuccessful towards countering RAW plans of economic starvation of Karachi and guaranteeing the safety of it's citizens from foreign threats. One well known indian asset in Karachi is MQM. MQM has known links to RAW and it is also possible that their target killers were hired in exchange for help (Re: Recent pressure on MQM). ISI has not done much in this regard. If they need more funding to get the job done, I say lets give them the money they need but failure will not be acceptable.
I understand the ISI has not been sitting idle watching these events unfold and perhaps the Kabul siege was their response. But they have been unsuccessful towards countering RAW plans of economic starvation of Karachi and guaranteeing the safety of it's citizens from foreign threats. One well known indian asset in Karachi is MQM. MQM has known links to RAW and it is also possible that their target killers were hired in exchange for help (Re: Recent pressure on MQM). ISI has not done much in this regard. If they need more funding to get the job done, I say lets give them the money they need but failure will not be acceptable.
You mean this Kabul siege by ISI?

Two Pakistanis killed in Kabul guesthouse attack: embassy
Looks like in Pakistan,even if someone's goat is stolen R&AW is blamed.

Last time Karachi DG blamed R&AW for Karachi attack, stating that weapon recovered are "Made in India"; but the reality was that the type of weapons recovered were not even manufactured in India.

It is to be seen how far will this Pakistani drama go this time. Hope they present some proofs to back up their big mouth this time.

India doesn't make any weapon, thats for sure. Indians just copy it. Maybe it is written on thosse weapon, copy cat by Indians.
I understand the ISI has not been sitting idle watching these events unfold and perhaps the Kabul siege was their response. But they have been unsuccessful towards countering RAW plans of economic starvation of Karachi and guaranteeing the safety of it's citizens from foreign threats. One well known indian asset in Karachi is MQM. MQM has known links to RAW and it is also possible that their target killers were hired in exchange for help (Re: Recent pressure on MQM). ISI has not done much in this regard. If they need more funding to get the job done, I say lets give them the money they need but failure will not be acceptable.

I think, it will be a blunder if every one starts blaming whole of the MQM for having relations with Indian intelligence. Because this will lead to more crisis. As MQM leaders already said that they have been called as RAW agents due to strong hold of Punjabi community in Pakistan. Altaf Hussain has given a message which has been fed to whole of the Non Sunni/Sunni, and Mahajir community in Pakistan. Any wrong action against the people will create civil unrest.
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