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BREAKING NEWS: Traced calls confirm RAW's involvement in Safoora Chowrangi massacre

India training terrorists to carry out cross-border terrorism is an open secret.

We have seen how indian trained terrorists like LTTE, Mukti Bahini, TTP and BLA have spread havocs in the neighboring countries.

So stop diverting it.

RAW and india is involved in cross-border terrorism in Pakistan and the evidence has been provided to the relevant powers.

While bleeding India dry is a main objective, adding a secondary objective is beneficial in this case.

Do you know why Israeli morale is so high? It is because they know that if someone hurts one of their own, they will be avenged in a swift and dramatic manner. If Pakistanis believed that about their government's sincerity like the Israelis, they would be unstoppable. Tit for tat also sends a message to your enemies that their actions have consequences and it makes them think twice before attempting future misadventures. Doing nothing in this case sends a strong signal of weakness.

Now lets talk a little bit about RAW's objectives. One of those objectives is to strangle foreign investment in Pakistan and economically starve it. Looking at the cancellation of the Zimbabwe cricket tour just after this massacre, i'd say RAW has been very successful in driving away foreigners. Other teams were ready to come to Pakistan but noone was willing to be the first. This tour was our ticket to foreigners coming to Pakistan again, but now the chance has gone. Mission accomplished for RAW which means they must pay for what they have done.

So how you gonna pay us back for cancellation of ZW series?
Ok, let's do one thing. As a token of protest, Do not come play in IPL anymore.

Oh wait. You are not allowed there already.:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
Me and MODS don't share great chemistary, but as a rule what i think i put on the thread if you like it or don,t like it its not my problem. And as Pakistani you feel superior because........ you beat us in Economy, militarily, sports, space programe, IT and software, power generation, no. of scientific patent file, population,GDP, Nobel prize winners, Domastic car industry, Export, etc.:lol::lol::lol: I have seen many moron, but you are topping the chart currently. Keep up the good work.

You clearly have triple digit IQ but with negative sign, but you as typical dotheads doesn't know your potential.
Facilitator has been confirmed as AFGHAN. Kabul Indian embassy dirty work.

If afghnis involved then we should clean this afgani mess from our country on emargency basis.
Send afganis back to afganistan bu force.
Pakistanis took these accusations to the UN, and were laughed out of the room by the council.
You clearly have triple digit IQ but with negative sign, but you as typical dotheads doesn't know your potential.
Really after what i post you give a one liner.......:-):-):-) So its better you stop tagging me as i can clearly see you are nothing but a too bit wannabe terrorist. Enjoy your life in hell.:sniper:
India has always used Afghanistan as a second front against Pakistan. Said former US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hegel.

India has always used Afghanistan as a second front against Pakistan. Said former US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hegel.

While bleeding India dry is a main objective, adding a secondary objective is beneficial in this case.

Do you know why Israeli morale is so high? It is because they know that if someone hurts one of their own, they will be avenged in a swift and dramatic manner. If Pakistanis believed that about their government's sincerity like the Israelis, they would be unstoppable. Tit for tat also sends a message to your enemies that their actions have consequences and it makes them think twice before attempting future misadventures. Doing nothing in this case sends a strong signal of weakness.

A lot of things are not known to the people about RAW and ISI. It is not necessary that they will response them in their way.

Yesterday two Indians and three americans died in Kabul, in a hotel siege by the militants , where Indian ambassador was also present. Many believe this attack was for Indian envoy.

I believe they already gave the response. But I doubt the karachi massacre is not RAW's work.

Now lets talk a little bit about RAW's objectives. One of those objectives is to strangle foreign investment in Pakistan and economically starve it. Looking at the cancellation of the Zimbabwe cricket tour just after this massacre, i'd say RAW has been very successful in driving away foreigners. Other teams were ready to come to Pakistan but noone was willing to be the first. This tour was our ticket to foreigners coming to Pakistan again, but now the chance has gone. Mission accomplished for RAW which means they must pay for what they have done.

We can bring such points into a discussion, but there are lot of things ISI does to counter Indians too. Like they have been successful in maintaining Kashmir as a disputed territory. For ISI it is easy to bring Indian Muslims into their confidence for destabalization. ISI is doing good to defame India in many issues too, don't worry. All of India's neighbour are not so friendly with India and ISI has done a good job in that. This is for your motivation.
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People were still laughing when they came out of the UN, that's how the world got to know how Pakistan was humiliated and sent back.

Humiliation is indias permanent fate ,hence indians like to drag pakistan in everything to cover up their faces.

U got no links to ur trash to back it up.
Seriously, If we could make every other govt organization as effective as Pakistan claim RAW to be.
We will be super power of universe in no time :D
Looks like in Pakistan,even if someone's goat is stolen R&AW is blamed.

Last time Karachi DG blamed R&AW for Karachi attack, stating that weapon recovered are "Made in India"; but the reality was that the type of weapons recovered were not even manufactured in India.

It is to be seen how far will this Pakistani drama go this time. Hope they present some proofs to back up their big mouth this time.

Seriously, what made you believe that Mumbai Attack was done by ISI or non state actors from Pakistani side ??
Jehadi will not ask for forgiveness From Hindus GOD ''Bhagwan'' Rathar Allah..Ajmal Kasab on Hospital bed said that Bhagwan will not forgive me lol..Seriously he was From Pakistan ?? :lol: First ask your drama Queen Indian Politicians,RA&W and specially your Media to prove that it was done by Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi :police:
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