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Breaking News: Large explosion in western Tehran

that is true news and i heve pic of it !






Well it's good news if this is the US striking Iran instead of striking Iranian proxies in Arab lands, you can both take the fight directly to each other.

Iran should fire missiles on Israel and let this ignite.

Stick to the topic. That is how trolling commences, by posting irrelevant things which serve as ammunition for further trolling.

Rules are for all members.
Iran should fire missiles on Israel and let this ignite.
Let's say Iran fires 50 missiles at Telaviv and many Israelis get killed and then what will happen? Israel will counterstrike, and then Iran will strike back again and so forth. What will be the end result ? destruction on both sides.

IMO the undercover war must continue but Iran needs to catch up ASAP.
Let's say Iran fires 50 missiles at Telaviv and many Israelis get killed and then what will happen? Israel will counterstrike, and then Iran will strike back again and so forth. What will be the end result ? destruction on both sides.

IMO the undercover war must continue but Iran needs to catch up ASAP.

Yes that's my point, destruction for both sides instead of Lebanon, Syria and Iraq being used a proxy areas. Iran shouldn't have missed in Al-Asad, you should aim at a better target next time. Let it ignite.
Yes that's my point, destruction for both sides instead of Lebanon, Syria and Iraq being used a proxy areas. Iran shouldn't have missed in Al-Asad, you should aim at a better target next time. Let it ignite.
In Al Assad case Iran could have killed around 100-150 US soldiers within 2-3 salvos. But it gave the enemy soldiers warning so they can escape to shelters. Iran just does not want to escalate. That is the point. It does not want a war.
In Al Assad case Iran could have killed around 100-150 US soldiers within 2-3 salvos. But it gave the enemy soldiers warning so they can escape to shelters. Iran just does not want to escalate. That is the point. It does not want a war.
Iranian leadership is being pragmatic.

People think that attacking a military base and killing a large number of American troops in a foreign land is a JOKE? What do they think will happen next?

Iranian response was measured and message substantial. Many do not have comparable level of guts, but talk too much.

Admittedly, the sheer scale of response surprised me too.
Let's say Iran fires 50 missiles at Telaviv and many Israelis get killed and then what will happen? Israel will counterstrike, and then Iran will strike back again and so forth. What will be the end result ? destruction on both sides.

IMO the undercover war must continue but Iran needs to catch up ASAP.
Iran fires 50 missiles at Tel Aviv and we won't give them another chance to strike.

Iranian leadership is being pragmatic.

People think that attacking a military base and killing a large number of American troops in a foreign land is a JOKE? What do they think will happen next?

Iranian response was measured and message substantial. Many do not have comparable level of guts, but talk too much.

Admittedly, the sheer scale of response surprised me too.
There were no Americans killed.
The conversation isn't about the humiliation Iran faced when it failed to achieve anything in response to Soleimani's death, it's the humiliation it's currently facing.
Iran fires 50 missiles at Tel Aviv and we won't give them another chance to strike.

There were no Americans killed.
The conversation isn't about the humiliation Iran faced when it failed to achieve anything in response to Soleimani's death, it's the humiliation it's currently facing.
Your arrogance will be your downfall.
There were no Americans killed.
The conversation isn't about the humiliation Iran faced when it failed to achieve anything in response to Soleimani's death, it's the humiliation it's currently facing.
Thanks for telling me something that is well-known, and the reminder of of current developments.

Iran, Israel and Saudi Arabia are the 3 rogue nations destroying the entire middle east. Hopefully all 3 will destroy each other. Although speaking an Indo-Iranian language, maybe my heart goes to our fellow linguistic Iranian cousins. :P
Idk why the Iranians (or anyone really) here converse with Benny (dude's not a nice guy).

He isn't here to make friends, he doesn't care for any of our positions, he could care less about Iran outside of Nukes and missiles. So why should any of us give him our time of day let alone attention?

Technically speaking, he is the enemy full-stop so that alone should be enough not to talk to him.

Please stop giving him your time, he hates you lol.
You're the ones openly claiming you will destroy Israel, I am just a citizen with an opinion.
You're the arrogants.
To be absolutely honest, based on your own prophecies, you are more sure about your annihilation by Iran. and judging based on your actions, it's seems you can't stop yourself not to drag Iran into this destiny!

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