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Breaking News blast in Chennai Railway Station

n what is wrong in that?????
pls refrain from making such comments,,,hes a troll,,report him..

There is nothing wrong in religious upbringing of a kid, but the problem starts when the parents teaches the kid to discriminate people based on the belief.
From your posts It seems like a 10yr old kid who has just been indoctrinated in Hindutva ideologies writing.....

If Mamata is so popular that everybody follows her lead then I guess her party(Trinamool Congress) is coming to power in centre....LOL

....and if all secular forces are against Modi then BJP won't be able to win in this General election......
Do you think few Hindutvadis like you can bring Modi to Power?.....NO....

If BJP wins, it would mean, a substantial portion of the secular/moderate population of India have voted for Modi.....and let me tell you Modi is popular among the secular/moderate population of India as well because of his pro-development image........
There are several threads on Modi here.....just go through them to understand what the secular/moderate people of India whom you call Pakistanis are thinking.....

You are blabbering. One one hand you are calling me a hindutvadi and on the other hand you are calling me a Trinamool Congress supporter and a Mamata didi supporter and a supporter of secularism.

How can I be both ? you accuse like a 10 year old.

Why don't you first decide what I am and then we can talk ? does that sound fair ?
Another secular act. Burkha Dutt must report this as a justified act of religious peace and secularism and focus on communal forces.
probably naxals, or ULFA.....hard to say. Too many actors at play

i give the indians another half hour before the inevitable Eye-Ess-Eye speculation turns magically into solid proof....
whoever it was,,,,there will be retribution.
Another secular act. Burkha Dutt must report this as a justified act of religious peace and secularism and focus on communal forces.

Is it the time to start the blame game???? I guess we should wait for a day or two till they get some credible leads...
Just yesterday a isi agent was arrested from Chennai, and today this happened. Enjoy secularism.
From your posts It seems like a 10yr old kid who has just been indoctrinated in Hindutva ideologies writing.....

If Mamata is so popular that everybody follows her lead then I guess her party(Trinamool Congress) is coming to power in centre....LOL

....and if all secular forces are against Modi then BJP won't be able to win in this General election......
Do you think few Hindutvadis like you can bring Modi to Power?.....NO....

If BJP wins, it would mean, a substantial portion of the secular/moderate population of India have voted for Modi.....and let me tell you Modi is popular among the secular/moderate population of India as well because of his pro-development image........
There are several threads on Modi here.....just go through them to understand what the secular/moderate people of India whom you call Pakistanis are thinking.....

Hey kid, the point is not about your Hindu hating mentality. The point is Modi is one man today who does what he says and that is exactly the reason these chest thumping secularist politicians and media intellectuals are scared shitless. Not to mention that he's the only PM candidate in India's history to have such popular support before becoming PM, and also rattle the breaths of countries across continents.
whoever it was,,,,there will be retribution.

given where it took place, probably naxals....all speculation, but they've carried out several such attacks on soft targets such as trains....derailed several of them in the past few years and inflicted several casualties
Is it the time to start the blame game???? I guess we should wait for a day or two till they get some credible leads...

Do you really think at this juncture they will let the media report the correct information? Seriously? Election time?

Think again.
Is it the time to start the blame game???? I guess we should wait for a day or two till they get some credible leads...

Is all this a Game for you ?

They are going to arrest some poor muslim man and put the blame on him. They will destroy secularism this way.

In fact they have already arrested a muslim man without any proof.
You are blabbering. One one hand you are calling me a hindutvadi and on the other hand you are calling me a Trinamool Congress supporter and a Mamata didi supporter and a supporter of secularism.

How can I be both ? you accuse like a 10 year old.

Why don't you first decide what I am and then we can talk ? does that sound fair ?
You are a chaddi wearer pretending to be trouser wearer.....LOL......

sorry @nair .......it's difficult to resist the urge to troll the trolls........I'm trying to control anyway.....
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