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Breaking News blast in Chennai Railway Station

given where it took place, probably naxals....all speculation, but they've carried out several such attacks on soft targets such as trains....derailed several of them in the past few years and inflicted several casualties

Nexals???? You have no idea how nexals operates or what is their strength..... Nexals would be last suspects in a city like Chennai....(i am aware that this train is going to wb)
given where it took place, probably naxals....all speculation, but they've carried out several such attacks on soft targets such as trains....derailed several of them in the past few years and inflicted several casualties

Naxals in Chennai :o:o_O?
Nexals???? You have no idea how nexals operates or what is their strength..... Nexals would be last suspects in a city like Chennai....(i am aware that this train is going to wb)

well we have an entire thread (a huge one) with a compliation of naxal insurgent activity......i think based on reports on tv, print and online we have a somewhat decent idea of their strength

they even kidnapped a prominent nuclear scientist 3 years back no?
You are a chaddi wearer pretending to be trouser wearer.....LOL......
sorry @nair .......it's difficult to resist the urge to troll the trolls........I'm trying to control anyway.....

Yes I do wear chaddi and trousers both. Is that wrong ? You are talking in riddles and confusing me.

Are you admitting to trolling ? isn't that against forum rules ? will action be taken against you ?
Hey kid, the point is not about your Hindu hating mentality. The point is Modi is one man today who does what he says and that is exactly the reason these chest thumping secularist politicians and media intellectuals are scared shitless. Not to mention that he's the only PM candidate in India's history to have such popular support before becoming PM, and also rattle the breaths of countries across continents.

Did you just read the first line or read the whole post.....

You think I hate Hindus?.......strange........then I guess, I have to carefully re-read my 1775 posts......
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There is nothing wrong in religious upbringing of a kid, but the problem starts when the parents teaches the kid to discriminate people based on the belief.
agreed bro,,,,,
just dont entertain him,,,,clearly he's a troll,,,spewing his venom even on this thread...
just ignore or report
Naxals in Chennai :o:o_O?

naxals have been implicated in the past for sabotage and exploding of trains in Chennai....this one was bound for a state this is having naxal issue.

we wish india luck to tackle the menace of homegrown terrorism within
well we have an entire thread (a huge one) with a compliation of naxal insurgent activity......i think based on reports on tv, print and online we have a somewhat decent idea of their strength

they even kidnapped a prominent nuclear scientist 3 years back no?

They live in forest and they are strong in guerrilla war fare.... There is no forest near chennai... the nearest one is about 300 kms away in salem....and there was no report of major naxal activities in TN yet

Do you really think at this juncture they will let the media report the correct information? Seriously? Election time?

Think again.

Not that.... Let us wait till we get a solid lead... (we have been proved wrong before )
naxals have been implicated in the past for sabotage and exploding of trains in Chennai....this one was bound for a state this is having naxal issue.

we wish india luck to tackle the menace of homegrown terrorism within

Yes. This can also be a naxal attack and they are quick to blame it on muslims and arrest muslims for it without any proof.
naxals have been implicated in the past for sabotage and exploding of trains in Chennai....this one was bound for a state this is having naxal issue.

we wish india luck to tackle the menace of homegrown terrorism within

I can't recall any such incident of trains being targetted in Chennai or Tamil Nadu.
Cmon by now you must know who the usual suspects are. Chaddis and their terrorism is world famous or rather infamous.
I assume that you are from Bengal,"the land of the liberal siculars".God why do the Bengalis behave like the stupidest people on earth most of the times:mad:!!
P.S. I am a Bengali myself so the term "stupidest" applies to me as well....:coffee:
Stop accusing all minorities.
It seems the target was nellore, where Namo was to held a rally today. But since the train was 1.30 hours late, it exploded in Chennai.
But I am pretty sure, its the terrorist chance to experience Chennai Police techniques of torture.

Terrorists goon experienced pleasure handling NI police.Now they will experience SI techiniques.
Is all this a Game for you ?

They are going to arrest some poor muslim man and put the blame on him. They will destroy secularism this way.

In fact they have already arrested a muslim man without any proof.

I hope you understand the meaning of Blame game...... By the way i wasnt talking about kabbaddi there....
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