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BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

Hi Jana,

Why did the govt ask Zardari---and did not do the autopsy on its own. By now we all know that our prefered govt is habitual of falling into the traps set for it by the ppp.

There is a tremendous shortage of pro-active approach on the part of Musharraf and his govt. They try to contain the problem and issues after the fact---they try their best for the problem to go away------or as I had stated before---Musharraf has many bad advisors.

Remember the IAF pilot who bailed out when his aircraft was shot down at Kargil and was captured by the pakistani forces---he was later released to the indians. Remember the problem with that guy----india had accused pakistan of torture----because his face was swollen and had some bruises on it----which is natural from a bail out from the air plane---but indian tried to start a flame----why did the pakistan army did not act to contain this issue----why wasn't that pilot put on anti inflamatory medication, cold pads on face, antibiotic ointment on bruises right away---hold the guy till his face looks ok---have a talk show explaining the facial bruising after bail out----have time dated photographs at the time of capture and time ofg release---a big SNAFU----did pakistan had a precedence to follow up to----yes----american flyer in the first gulf war----the pilot had bailed out over iraq---after he was released---as usual there were bruises on his face and the face was swollen----americans knew that there was no torture involved but trying to fire up their public opinion, they blamed the iraqis of torture. A few days later the news media stated that it was normal after a bail out of the aircraft, but the damage had already been done.

There should have been neutral physicians involved---specially from the american and U S embassy---and if they didnot want to participate then let them be on record to deny it. This autopsy should have been done by the book---but the problem here is that either we don't have the book or somebody forgot to write it.
I think the problem during the Kargil war was more with the initial search parties who were killed by the intrusion forces and mutilated and also the first guy who was shot down in the Mig21 (I think his name was Ahuja). Didn't know there were any issues with the pilot of the Mig27.

But I completely agree with you. They should have had other neutral observers there and come up with a definitive answer.

IMO the main reason all of this is happening is because the government doesn't want her to have a martyr's death, while her side does.

I don't know who's right, but I was hoping the government would have stepped up here.
Killers of Bhutto most likely are Musharraf & int agencies rather than Islamists. He will do everything to pin the blame on them. Baitullah has denied his involvement. By doing this Musharraf has sent a notice to all politicians, especially to PML (Q) that he means business & does not tolerate any dissent. Also he has made sure that nobody else America will have to deal with, than himself. Now America has no choice than support Musharraf 100% & reappoint his as the absolute ruler. Army Inc will still rule Pakistan.

A quick aside on the allegations of "mutilation" by the GoI during Kargil - there are several Indian articles that discuss the propoganda, as Mastan Khan recalls, by the GoI to get the upper hand in the media war. Almost all those accusations, including the "mutilation" were found to be inaccurate. Blain also discussed this in an older thread - systematic torture and mutilation has never been conducted by either the Indian or Pakistani armies, including during Kargil.

If you want to put in a controversial post, then put in some reasoning and thought behind your post. Please don't try to wing it.

A quick aside on the allegations of "mutilation" by the GoI during Kargil - there are several Indian articles that discuss the propoganda, as Mastan Khan recalls, by the GoI to get the upper hand in the media war. Almost all those accusations, including the "mutilation" were found to be inaccurate. Blain also discussed this in an older thread - systematic torture and mutilation has never been conducted by either the Indian nor Pakistani armies, including Kargil.

For some reason I never got around to read up on this matter. Can you please recommend credible resources?

Ok... I'll stop derailing this thread now.
Killers of Bhutto most likely are Musharraf & int agencies rather than Islamists. He will do everything to pin the blame on them. Baitullah has denied his involvement.

Oh so you are suggesting that the soldiers that were tortured and beheaded by Mehsud's men, and a video recording made and distributed of one, was at the behest of Musharraf? The almost daily attacks, killings and abductions of soldiers in his territory, just because the GoP set up check posts, were actually Musharraf?

Please get out of your religious haze. These people have done all of the above - they have bombed schools and businesses, and threatened, tortured and killed people who do not obey their warped version of "morality". Then every single time their leaders come out and say "It wasn't us!". Enough is enough, they are murderers and liars. The LM mullah's were all chanting "we are peaceful and only want Shariah" when they were under siege, conveniently forgetting that they had threatened to unleash thousands of suicide bombers across Pakistan in interviews to the media.

There is apparently no limit to the gullibility of people in Pakistan - still going around pretending that the terrorists are just "misunderstood Muslim Brothers".

Somebody hand me a barf bag please...
What was the stuff then that BB did not die of bullet wound and instead died because of a skull fracture that happened because the head hit the lever, being bandied by the govt?

Let's not have such a short memory, taking it that you read the newspapers!

I already explained that in a bomb blast of that force, shrapnel flies around. Something hit Bhutto on the head because of which she immediately died. She was already bleeding from the bullets, but she was not dead when the bomb blast happened. Hence, she did not die of the bullets, she died because of shrapnel.

Also, what difference does it make whether she died from the bullets or from a flying lever? How is one method of death hint the governments involvement and the other does not? Even if the government did it, saying the bullets indeed killed her would make no difference would it?
Salim, also please see the wizaretay dakhla video I posted, you can clearly see our government officials showing the video of the gun shots and then the bomb explosion ;)
I already explained that in a bomb blast of that force, shrapnel flies around. Something hit Bhutto on the head because of which she immediately died. She was already bleeding from the bullets, but she was not dead when the bomb blast happened. Hence, she did not die of the bullets, she died because of shrapnel.

Also, what difference does it make whether she died from the bullets or from a flying lever? How is one method of death hint the governments involvement and the other does not? Even if the government did it, saying the bullets indeed killed her would make no difference would it?

I though the government said that she did not have a gun shot wound only a skull fracture by a lever attached to the sunroof assembly she hit when ducking down.

How she died does make a big difference as far as the martyrdom scale is concerned. Getting shot or blown up by a suicide bomber certainly gets the victim a lot more points than hitting her head on an inanimate object.
The strongest evidence for the GoP's version are the X-Ray's, and perhaps your background can help here Energon - is there a chance that X-Rays would not show the damage from a bullet wound or a bullet or piece of shrapnel lodged in her head?

If the GoP wanted to cover up anything it wouldn't matter how BB died. So the accusations of a "cover up" just because there is a difference over the "cause of death" does not make sense. Ineptitude perhaps.
AM, just a guess here. If someone really wants to doctor a report (I don't mean it is happening), the X-Ray can be doctored as well.

Also, the new cause of death did cause many people to start blaming the victim for the death or make it appear as an accident. Combined with a strong rumour machine, it can change opinions at least domestically.

All this is theory of course. Truth may never come out.

Anything is possible, but what motive or advantage would the GoP have for suggesting that, say, the bombers eyeball ricocheted off a nearby street light, hit the other bomber in the head and then hit BB in the eye and killed her? They have admitted that their was a shooter and that shots were fired. They know there were dozens of cameras present. They released copies of the X-rays to journalists and diplomats, and releasing "doctored" copies is taking a huge risk.

While it may be tempting to come up with "cover up" theories, it just doesn't make sense why lying about how she died would help them "cover up" in anyway. Any cover up would occur during the investigation.
I already explained that in a bomb blast of that force, shrapnel flies around. Something hit Bhutto on the head because of which she immediately died. She was already bleeding from the bullets, but she was not dead when the bomb blast happened. Hence, she did not die of the bullets, she died because of shrapnel.

The GoP said there was no bullet marks. She disspeared in to the car, before the explosion and hard to beleive the shrapnel theory.
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