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BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

Well after watching that CNN video myself, the theory that she may have died from the suicide bombing has been debunked.

Now what is that supposed to mean?

That there was no suicide bomber?

No pistol fired?

She died of natural causes?
Now what is that supposed to mean?

That there was no suicide bomber?

No pistol fired?

She died of natural causes?

That means she definitely died of the gunshot wounds. The suicide bomber was just there because obviously the crowd around Bhuttos SUV would have grabbed the assasin and either killed him or handed him to the police, which would have led to the arrests of those who ordered him there. That's why the second guy was there to detonate the bomb. They knew the assasin would have to kill himself and this was achieved by the suicide bomb.
Israel blames extremism

JERUSALEM, Dec 30: Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Sunday condemned the assassination of Pakistan People’s Party chairperson Benazir Bhutto, branding it as an act of religious extremism.

“We heard with great sorrow and bow our heads in the memory of the freedom fighter Benazir Bhutto,” Mr Olmert said at a cabinet meeting. She “ended up a victim of an act of terror by Islamic extremism and fundamentalism of the type we know so well in our region,”he said.—AFP

Israel blames extremism -DAWN - Top Stories; December 31, 2007

Yet another "friendly" comment by Israel. :agree:
Israel blames extremism

JERUSALEM, Dec 30: Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Sunday condemned the assassination of Pakistan People’s Party chairperson Benazir Bhutto, branding it as an act of religious extremism.

“We heard with great sorrow and bow our heads in the memory of the freedom fighter Benazir Bhutto,” Mr Olmert said at a cabinet meeting. She “ended up a victim of an act of terror by Islamic extremism and fundamentalism of the type we know so well in our region,”he said.—AFP

Israel blames extremism -DAWN - Top Stories; December 31, 2007

Yet another "friendly" comment by Israel. :agree:

What else we expect from Israel?. :flame:
What else did you expect to hear?

A tirade?

Any civilised person who show shock!

And it surprises most that contrary to the belief, Moslems are killing Moslems, all because of wanting to take power and control of the Moslem world and countries with nothing being religious about it!
What else did you expect to hear?

A tirade?

Any civilised person who show shock!

And it surprises most that contrary to the belief, Moslems are killing Moslems, all because of wanting to take power and control of the Moslem world and countries with nothing being religious about it!

Mostly the motives are non religious .... So keep the religion crap out of this.

What ever the motives the killers had, Israel is pointing towards the Extremist elements, Why?.

Just to show that Islam is all about Extremism and flame on...:devil:
On Zardari's request, an autopsy was not carried out.

Even during yesterday's press conference Zardari said decided not to allow autopsy of BB's deadbody and he said they were still sticking to the decision.

i wonder why he is not willing to allow an autopsy.
if at all they insist that they want fair inquiry isnt autopsy the first thing done even on the ordinary people who are killed in bomb blasts ???
Even during yesterday's press conference Zardari said decided not to allow autopsy of BB's deadbody and he said they were still sticking to the decision.

i wonder why he is not willing to allow an autopsy.
if at all they insist that they want fair inquiry isnt autopsy the first thing done even on the ordinary people who are killed in bomb blasts ???

Who knows about what is going on in the ranks of PPP and who murdered BB and what is causing Zardari not to do autopsy when it is clear that target killing of BB was done with Bomb to finish off the shooter and cover up.

All will keep us away from the truth... like it always happens in pakistan..

Who got BB killed and Why?.
Mostly the motives are non religious .... So keep the religion crap out of this.

What ever the motives the killers had, Israel is pointing towards the Extremist elements, Why?.

Just to show that Islam is all about Extremism and flame on...:devil:

Did the "religious crap" make you uncomfortable?

I have seen repeated reference on this issue, including on this forum. Therefore, it does surprise that what is said is not being implemented and I reckon the Israelis too are surprised.

Islam is not all about Extremism.

It is those who are hijacking Islam who are the Extremists. I am sure you don't expect them to be praised. or do you?

In fact, by condemning these deviates, it indicates that there is the belief that Islam is not "all about Extremism" but that some who have hijacked Islam require to be handled with the iron glove.

Israel and others are pointing to Extremism because they are against Islam and against the world.

All have to fight them before they make a mess of everything that people hold as precious.
Even during yesterday's press conference Zardari said decided not to allow autopsy of BB's deadbody and he said they were still sticking to the decision.

i wonder why he is not willing to allow an autopsy.
if at all they insist that they want fair inquiry isnt autopsy the first thing done even on the ordinary people who are killed in bomb blasts ???

Very interesting that Zardari did not want an autopsy.

It makes the waters muddier!

What is his angle?
Very interesting that Zardari did not want an autopsy.

It makes the waters muddier!

What is his angle?

Yes its realy confusing as she is dead and there is no justfication whatsoever deny any autopsy.

AS far Zardari well in enthusiasm as he was speaking at the press conference he said they knew who killed her and he said these were people who wanted her not to take part in elections. in other words he was blaming rival political party.

further more suddently there a "Will" of BB cropped up which Zardari claims that she had issued berfore and during the press conferene the "Will of BB" was read to the large number of national and international Journalists.
according to it as claims by him BB had asked for making him means Asif Ali Zardari as Chairman of the party.
While he said he wants to make his son as chairman so it was done.

The intresting thing is that when Journalists asked him to show the "Will" papers he plainly refused saying there was no need to show it to the press or anyone as the party senior leaders have seen it and they recognize the hand writting of BB.


So isnt it confusing
Did the "religious crap" make you uncomfortable?

I have seen repeated reference on this issue, including on this forum. Therefore, it does surprise that what is said is not being implemented and I reckon the Israelis too are surprised.

Islam is not all about Extremism.

It is those who are hijacking Islam who are the Extremists. I am sure you don't expect them to be praised. or do you?

In fact, by condemning these deviates, it indicates that there is the belief that Islam is not "all about Extremism" but that some who have hijacked Islam require to be handled with the iron glove.

Israel and others are pointing to Extremism because they are against Islam and against the world.

All have to fight them before they make a mess of everything that people hold as precious.

Correct that islamic extremism is not right by any means but keep in mind that Israel is not against extremism since they provoke it for their objectives against Islam.

Making Extremist elements with Islamic states is the objective of CIA and Mosad for their objectives against Islam. The only way one can stop it is by understanding their propaganda and their goals. Limiting their influence in Islamic countries will solve the problem itself.

If you think that Israel is a well wisher of Islamic state by pointing these extremist elements then you are lost. :lol:
To be a gentleman, you don't have to be a Moslem, Christian, Jew, Hindu, Budhhist or any other religion.

It behoves one's upbringing to share the sorrow with whoever is visited by misfortune.

If the govt blames AQ, then it appropriate for a foreign govt leader to agree with the govt in which country the problem has happened.

Politeness and diplomatic communique is but what is expected from all.

Don't tell me that any religion or civilised people demands that one has to be downright obtuse and coarse and go hammer and tongs insulting others in their hour of grief and crisis!

I think you are lost, not me.
Correct that islamic extremism is not right by any means but keep in mind that Israel is not against extremism since they provoke it for their objectives against Islam.

Making Extremist elements with Islamic states is the objective of CIA and Mosad for their objectives against Islam. The only way one can stop it is by understanding their propaganda and their goals. Limiting their influence in Islamic countries will solve the problem itself.

If you think that Israel is a well wisher of Islamic state by pointing these extremist elements then you are lost. :lol:

:) its intresting that as soon as BB was killed a new video of OBL cropped up saying the activities will be extended to Isreal :lol:

SO Isreal wants to cash the situation.
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