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BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

It is indeed sad. It is nothing but a reflection of the sad reality that despite all our claims about our "glorious religion" eliminating evils like caste and racism - Pakistanis continue to perpetuate both of those in their own manner under biradri, Tribe etc. How many times have you heard derogatory language used against the Christians who typically perform some of the dirtiest jobs? I cannot put in words how ashamed I was when I visited my fathers ancestral lands and saw the manner in which the people who tilled his and his families lands lived - ostracized, in mud huts and demeaned whether working their ***** off cleaning up the air conditioned Havelis, or tilling the fields.

You are completely entitled to hold your views. I welcome you voicing them, you must voice them, it is only if you are heard that others will understand the issues and emotions you face. I only disagree with an advocation of violence to resolve those issues, and with the perpetuation of a culture and life solely on the grounds that it is "our culture" and "our ancestors way" - whether that be the my family's Punjabi Zamindar culture, or the Pashtun Tribal one.

Well do you believe any investigation by the goverment of pakistan in to bb bhuttos death will fair and transparrent?.
Well do you believe any investigation by the goverment of pakistan in to bb bhuttos death will fair and transparrent?.

At this point it doesn't even matter if the investigation will be transparent or fair - the air is so poisoned and the opposition and their supporters so anti-Musharraf, that nothing the GoP does will be considered fair or transparent. Listen to the statements from the PPP and PML-N - there is nothing that follows reason emanating from them. Everyone is out to score points and appear a martyr. Fair and transparent results to them will only be results that exactly fit their version of reality.

In the meantime, the Taliban and AQ are laughing their arses off at the mayhem they have created, while we think that despite the fact that we perpetuate violent vengeance and forms of racism and slavery in our society, somehow "our Muslim Brothers" are incapable of committing such dastardly deeds, but the "Agencies" (are they not staffed by "Muslim brothers"?) are!
..........we are mourning a traitor!!!!!!!!
we are mourning a traitor!!!!!!!!.........we are mourning a traitor!!!!!!!!

She is a traitor & She will be a traitor............She is never a matyr she is Killed FFFFFFFF
As i said its good to mourn a traitor who was publics choice rather then to mourn a military dictator that we have.

Not anymore - he was duly elected by a parliament/s that were themselves elected in an election, in which the PPP actually emerged the major party.
and only Sindihis r on her side.....and u to also..

Well i trust you are a pounjabis hay, he he he that kind of gave it away, well if only sindhis are on her side why was there protests in nwfp balochistan and punjab?

Well am waiting for your clueless explanation.
mulk ko loot ker chali gaye aur iss ki party kehtay hai shaeed hai **** mulk ko tor ker gaya aur mar gayaa kehtay hai shaeed hai..........BC
Not anymore - he was duly elected by a parliament/s that were themselves elected in an election, in which the PPP actually emerged the major party.

Comeon you are a reasonabale person, but atleast have the balls to speak the truth and what you feel.

Are you telling me musharrif is not a fix, him from start to finish has all been setup. Him removing judges that were going to deliver a fair verdict that fell against musharrif.

Would you not say the military through out pakistan history has raped democracy and abused the people of pakistan.

What makes me laugh is the administrators removing my rep points to zero because i have spoken my mind and they dont like it. You see that is the pakistani society if they dont like what they hear they discredit you, call you a separatist an indian and god knows what else. The admins on this site a true pakistanis because if they dont like what they hear (the truth) they will abuse their power to get their own way.
can someone shed some light on this theory

that there may be some american involvement into the death of Ms Bhoto.
but if then why..........?????
Are you telling me musharrif is not a fix, him from start to finish has all been setup. Him removing judges that were going to deliver a fair verdict that fell against musharrif.

Would you not say the military through out pakistan history has raped democracy and abused the people of pakistan.

What makes me laugh is the administrators removing my rep points to zero because i have spoken my mind and they dont like it. You see that is the pakistani society if they dont like what they hear they discredit you, call you a separatist an indian and god knows what else. The admins on this site a true pakistanis because if they dont like what they hear (the truth) they will abuse their power to get their own way.
I know this post was posed as a question to Agnostic, and I certainly wouldn't be so crass as to speak on his behalf; however, here's my take on your post...

I for one have no qualms about seeing Musharraf for what he is. In fact, I was really hoping that the rest of the world would accept him as a dictator general and get on with it. It is abundantly clear that he is playing both sides and ripping off my tax dollars in the bargain. But by doing so he isn't by any means setting himself apart from any other leader Pakistan has had.

I also agree with your assertion that the military has time and time again raped democracy in Pakistan and abused it's people. But what I hope you realize is that shoddy democracy in Pakistan has abused its people to a far greater extent than Musharraf's military regime.

Democracy is all well and good, but it is also a highly sophisticated and fastidious form of governance that requires several parameters to be in place prior to its adoption. Pakistan for many reasons does not have this and probably won't for the foreseeable future. Until then there are far greater concerns at hand which only Musharraf as the leader of the Pakistan Army (even if not officially now) can effectively address.

Pragmatically he is the only real chance Pakistan has to effectively stabilize itself and start the long and arduous process towards rebuilding and progress.

If you think there are other feasible options of equal or greater magnitude then I'll be more than happy to listen to them.
I know this post was posed as a question to Agnostic, and I certainly wouldn't be so crass as to speak on his behalf; however, here's my take on your post...

I for one have no qualms about seeing Musharraf for what he is. In fact, I was really hoping that the rest of the world would accept him as a dictator general and get on with it. It is abundantly clear that he is playing both sides and ripping off my tax dollars in the bargain. But by doing so he isn't by any means setting himself apart from any other leader Pakistan has had.

I also agree with your assertion that the military has time and time again raped democracy in Pakistan and abused it's people. But what I hope you realize is that shoddy democracy in Pakistan has abused its people to a far greater extent than Musharraf's military regime.

Democracy is all well and good, but it is also a highly sophisticated and fastidious form of governance that requires several parameters to be in place prior to its adoption. Pakistan for many reasons does not have this and probably won't for the foreseeable future. Until then there are far greater concerns at hand which only Musharraf as the leader of the Pakistan Army (even if not officially now) can effectively address.

Pragmatically he is the only real chance Pakistan has to effectively stabilize itself and start the long and arduous process towards rebuilding and progress.

If you think there are other feasible options of equal or greater magnitude then I'll be more than happy to listen to them.

so why all pakistani prime minister do curroption and mostly charges against are economical benefits do they not get paid very well.? why they feel a need to do that.?
can someone also shed some light on the theory of indian involvement into the death of Ms Bhoto....why??? were they jealous that she was some good thing pakistan had.....???
so why all pakistani prime minister do curroption and mostly charges against are economical benefits do they not get paid very well.? why they feel a need to do that.?
I don't know. I've never been a prime minister of Pakistan.

However if I had to venture a guess it would have to be a mixture of unconditional foreign aid, poor social development and lack of oversight among many other things.
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