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BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

Govt ready for exhumation

ISLAMABAD, Dec 29: The government would allow the exhumation of Ms Benazir Bhutto’s body if her party made a request, an interior ministry spokesman told a news conference here on Saturday.

“The government is ready to do this if demanded by the family of Ms Benazir Bhutto,” Brig (retd) Javed Iqbal Cheema said.

The spokesman tried to dilute the controversy about the cause of Ms Bhutto’s death and categorically rejected the demand of her party to invite foreign experts for investigation.

“It is not important now how she died because the fact is that we have lost her and the important thing is that who killed her and how can we catch them,” he said. Interior Ministry spokesman

At his Friday’s press briefing, the interior ministry spokesman asserted that she had been killed by the shooting of a suicide bomber who later blew himself up. He tried to convince the media that she had died of a wound caused by the iron lever of the sunroof of her vehicle while trying to duck after the firing.

“Don’t blame the government for the security lapse; you should better ask personal security officials of Benazri Bhutto why they allowed her to expose herself from the sunroof of the vehicle despite having been informed by the government that she was under a severe threat,” Brig Cheema told a questioner.

The spokesman rejected the demand of the PPP to get the inquiry of Ms Bhutto’s assassination conducted by foreign experts.

“We better know dynamics of the current situation which cannot be understood by foreign experts. We know how the assassination linked with our tribal areas and militant groups. Can Scotland Yard go to Waziristan and conduct the inquiry,” he asked.

In reply to a question about Baitullah Mehsud’s denial to the assassination of Ms Bhutto, the spokesman said: “Baitullah may deny his involvement in the murder, but we have ‘solid’ evidences that he was behind the killing.”

In his Friday’s press briefing, the spokesman had claimed that Mehsud was in the house of one Anwar Shah in the Makeen area, a town in South Waziristan.

When asked in Saturday’s press briefing that whether any attempt had been made by the government to trace the house of Al Qaeda leader, the spokesman said: “It is a part of investigation and we cannot share it with you.”

The PPP had termed the statement of the interior ministry issued on Friday about assassination of Ms Bhutto a pack of lies and said it was a fabricated story made to hide facts.

LOSS OF LIVES AND PROPERTY: Giving details of the loss of lives and property during the two-day violent protests across the country, the interior ministry spokesman said that 38 people were killed and 53 injured, 174 banks were gutted, 26 ransacked, 158 offices were burnt, 23 ransacked, 34 petrol stations were set ablaze and two damaged, 370 vehicles were set on fire and 61 damaged, 18 railway stations were torched and four ransacked, 72 train bogies were burnt, 765 shops, offices gutted and 19 offices ransacked.

POITICIANS ON THE HIT LIST: The interior ministry spokesman said that not only Ms Benazir Bhutto but many other political leaders were on the hit list of terrorists. Those on the hit list were: Mr Nawaz Sharif, Maulana Fazlur Rehman, former Interior Minister Arab Ahmed Khan Sherpao, former Railway Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed and former Minister for Political Affiars Amir Muqam.

Govt ready for exhumation -DAWN - Top Stories; December 30, 2007
Solid she was outside the secuirty cordoned gate she was outside the gate at that time.

Pathetic excuse. Even she is outside the campus, she should be given security. Everyone know there is a threat to her life. Then, why the hell there is no single security personal near her car?

further more this picture clearly proves that it was not a sniper shots as claimed by some western media who tried to malign Pakistan army and ISI.

If anyone of you are closly watching the developments the Interior Ministery Spokesman Cheema in the very first press conference after Bhutto's assassination, while replying to a question said that they had found two postols from the scene of the incident.
However he said it was not clear these belongs to whom, adding that these can be of the secuirty gaurds of BB but "we are investigating".

So now i guess it is cleared that pistol was used by terrorist to kill her and there was no use of any sniper.

Why the GoP is denying any bullet marks on her body? GoP's story is unbelievable.

According to pictures. there was a gun shot at close range.

She disappeared before the explosion and there is no chance of crashing her head due to force of bomb explosion and no chance for shrapnels.

And the another picture posted yesterday shows lots of blood, which is not possible in a head crash with the sun roof.

The doctors those attended her first and her close aides said that she died due to the gun shot and not explosion. They said she was hit with bullets on her head and above her chest.

Still the GoP is saying that there is no bullet marks on her body and she died of head crashing with the sunroof. GoP is trying to cover up something.
Jana Ji, any idea why no post mortem was performed?
Will PPP allow to exhume the body?

Yes dear :)

On the request of Asif Zardari, the husband of late BB, post-mortem was not performed.

He asked and stopped the government from carrying post-mortem, said the Brig Cheema in the first press conference after her killing.

I think they should allow to exhume the body
Pathetic excuse. Even she is outside the campus, she should be given security. Everyone know there is a threat to her life. Then, why the hell there is no single security personal near her car?

Why the GoP is denying any bullet marks on her body? GoP's story is unbelievable.

According to pictures. there was a gun shot at close range.

She disappeared before the explosion and there is no chance of crashing her head due to force of bomb explosion and no chance for shrapnels.

And the another picture posted yesterday shows lots of blood, which is not possible in a head crash with the sun roof.

The doctors those attended her first and her close aides said that she died due to the gun shot and not explosion. They said she was hit with bullets on her head and above her chest.

Still the GoP is saying that there is no bullet marks on her body and she died of head crashing with the sunroof. GoP is trying to cover up something.

Ok ... If GoP is trying to cover up something then what can you do about It.

Why the GoP is denying any bullet marks on her body? GoP's story is unbelievable.

According to pictures. there was a gun shot at close range.

Who said the GoP is denying any bullet wounds? Here have a look at PTV's release of the assasination video. You can hear a government official telling reporters about the bullets being fired:

l1rH1SmvGyU[/media] - Benazir Bhutto 3 Shots then Blast!

She disappeared before the explosion and there is no chance of crashing her head due to force of bomb explosion and no chance for shrapnels.

And the another picture posted yesterday shows lots of blood, which is not possible in a head crash with the sun roof.

She fell through the sunroof back into the SUV. She didn't fall into a tank. The suicide bomber was barely 2 meters from the car. When the bomb exploded, the SUV was severely damaged and shards of glass and shrapnel must have flown into the car. That, and not the bullet must have been the cause of her death. She would have still died from the bullets if she hadn't been hit with the shrapnel, but she must have still been alive when hit on the head by something which is why the government is saying she died of a head wound.
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Yes dear :)

On the request of Asif Zardari, the husband of late BB, post-mortem was not performed.

He asked and stopped the government from carrying post-mortem, said the Brig Cheema in the first press conference after her killing.

I think they should allow to exhume the body

Thank you for clearing that out dear.
Does GoP need Zardari's permission to carry out the exhumation? Afterall she's ex PM of the country and GoP is under attack involving PPP members comments.
Thank you for clearing that out dear.
Does GoP need Zardari's permission to carry out the exhumation? Afterall she's ex PM of the country and GoP is under attack involving PPP members comments.

True its for GOP to decide I believe they must have consulted Zardari just to avoid possible complications, Exhuming her body may further lead to more complications its never easy.
Thank you for clearing that out dear.
Does GoP need Zardari's permission to carry out the exhumation? Afterall she's ex PM of the country and GoP is under attack involving PPP members comments.

it was same blam gam and silly comments due to which the GoP listened to him and if you had read news carefully even the president said elections will be held in consensus with PPP decision about it.

BTW why on earth no one asks Zardari why on earth he did not allowed Government to carry autopsy?
Jana said:
BTW why on earth no one asks Zardari why on earth he did not allowed Government to carry autopsy?

This was asked by a journalist in a recent press conference and Zardari replied that he has has lived in Pakistan for long enough to know that how and where autopsies are conducted and it would be an insult to his wife.
it was same blam gam and silly comments due to which the GoP listened to him and if you had read news carefully even the president said elections will be held in consensus with PPP decision about it.

BTW why on earth no one asks Zardari why on earth he did not allowed Government to carry autopsy?

because like million of pakistanis zardari has no faith in the current illegitimate goverment of pakistan. Any investigation carried out by the goverment will be biased and riddled with corruption. No body has any faith in any investigation that pakistani illegitimate goverment may carry out.
Awaz, I can trust any one over Zardari.
At least, I never heard any one but you trusting Zardari, yet you talk about millions!
I will not comment further on Zardari in this thread.
Awaz, I can trust any one over Zardari.
At least, I never heard any one but you trusting Zardari, yet you talk about millions!
I will not comment further on Zardari in this thread.

hay i dont say i trust or mistrust zardari, but put your hand on your heart and in the name of Allah the most gracious can you say that any investigation carried out by the pakistani authorizes in to benazir bhuttos death will be fair and transparent?.

I think its a sad time that zaradari and his son have been given the leading role in ppp, because i feel this was the time that ppp could truly become a democratic party, a party for all Pakistanis, representing all groups and choosing a leader that will lead the party in a fair prosperous way for pakistan and ppp.

Ok at times i hold separatist views but i am allowed to hold those views, and i fear nothing because sometimes you have to stand up for what you believe.
Who said the GoP is denying any bullet wounds?

What was the stuff then that BB did not die of bullet wound and instead died because of a skull fracture that happened because the head hit the lever, being bandied by the govt?

Let's not have such a short memory, taking it that you read the newspapers!
I think its a sad time that zaradari and his son have been given the leading role in ppp, because i feel this was the time that ppp could truly become a democratic party, a party for all Pakistanis, representing all groups and choosing a leader that will lead the party in a fair prosperous way for pakistan and ppp.

It is indeed sad. It is nothing but a reflection of the sad reality that despite all our claims about our "glorious religion" eliminating evils like caste and racism - Pakistanis continue to perpetuate both of those in their own manner under biradri, Tribe etc. How many times have you heard derogatory language used against the Christians who typically perform some of the dirtiest jobs? I cannot put in words how ashamed I was when I visited my fathers ancestral lands and saw the manner in which the people who tilled his and his families lands lived - ostracized, in mud huts and demeaned whether working their ***** off cleaning up the air conditioned Havelis, or tilling the fields.

Ok at times i hold separatist views but i am allowed to hold those views, and i fear nothing because sometimes you have to stand up for what you believe.

You are completely entitled to hold your views. I welcome you voicing them, you must voice them, it is only if you are heard that others will understand the issues and emotions you face. I only disagree with an advocation of violence to resolve those issues, and with the perpetuation of a culture and life solely on the grounds that it is "our culture" and "our ancestors way" - whether that be the my family's Punjabi Zamindar culture, or the Pashtun Tribal one.

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