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Breaking News! Bangladesh China signed a contract worth $ 1 billion For BAF

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Banglas should not waste so much money on military. Spend wisely.

Agreed, but I think this is a reasonable purchase.

I just love how Bangladeshis, who can't design a decent moped engine are deriding Indian weapon systems. Don't worry, our systems are & would be far better than anyhing Bangladesh can ever afford.


I'll just leave this here you little keralite troll.
Bangladesh, the whole South Asia as a whole should focus on economy. Especially the South Asian Supa Powa.

BD only spends around 1.5 % of GDP on defence, even taking into account arms purchases.
The major problem is the low tax intake relative to GDP which the government is trying to address.
That's impossible in that amount.

Even if you get these on a fly away basis , excluding training,spares and infra.

Lol so much stuff in just 1 billion $$$

Kiya koi ramzan deal nikali hai China nai? :D :D
It is very likely the real numbers are being hidden as it would mean a substantial increase in the defense budget which will attract the attention of the Indians and the Americans who might then ask questions ...
The light spot of this deal is Y20, that's V why I always think BAF has vision. They trust China very much!

just a big LOL
Lol on what?

It's just a matter of time China and BD will conclude a big deal, now it's just about time. It's very much fit China's geo political interets to enhance the fight capacity of BAF to another new level. We have lots of investment in BD, and the friendship we heritage from the time of BD since they being east Pakistan.

Money is used to buy influence, that's purpose of making money.

If India can give 500 millions aid, we will give 1 billions. Whatever they give, we double it.

Our duty is to slap Barahtis face when they get cocky.

I have to admit China ranks thirds per arms export, but it all peanuts money compare with doing business.

BD is a potential market, We are fostering it.

Unlike Russia, we are not counting on exporting weapons to make ends meet. We are business man making big money.

Most Chinese hold very positive view of BD, plus its geographical importance, plus they are our big customer in infrastructure building, there comes the aid. It's well-reasoned.

Most importantly, BAF trusts Chinese weapons.
i think i have done fair math:
just unit prices (excluding spear parts)
7 k8= $70million
1 k200 AWACS=$150 million
1 Y20= $100million
16 J10B= $680 million

K8 cost $10million
@wanglaokan am I making sense ?
K8w is more than 13m even in local assmblying..
It is very likely the real numbers are being hidden as it would mean a substantial increase in the defense budget which will attract the attention of the Indians and the Americans who might then ask questions ...

do you really think just fudging the numbers would make all this be plausible? and everyone will believe you can get all that for a billion dollars?
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