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BREAKING: Manchester Arena blast - Several dead after explosion at concert

I would give likes out for almost every post here, with some exceptions, but the mods are on top of that. Physically I cannot give enough likes out.

Frankly I admire the total respect and love that you people on this forum have had for this horrific attack. You are right that any attack on children is horrific. I have seen more common sense and care on this site than I did on a similar site (Military but not Indian, another one) and equally frankly, those on a British military site.

You all have my gratitude and respect. Profoundly so.

I am from northern England. We are joined together in grief.

I need to say this - I have no hatred for any Muslim. I despise those who kill innocent children no matter what drives them to do so. I have seen some people who have become verbally anti-muslim in the face of this attack. Believe me I am against this line of thought, and will challenge it.

It is completely correct that many in that area, near Manchester Victoria very busy area, taxi drivers, hotel owners, everyone, helped out. Religion did not matter. An Imam from just outside Manchester (Warrington IIRC) was very prominent in condemnation of the attack. Admiration is due to this Imam.

So where do we go now? I have seen the attacks in France very soon after the attack (Was, I am now retired, but I think I understand what your position is) Anyone who attacks their own people attacks themselves. A stupid ideology.

We all need to be against those who kill like this. ISIS or whoever. It would be a good thing if we in the UK understood more about terrorist attacks in Pakistan. I do try, but sometimes it baffles me. Given the communications of today, we can communicate.

Thank you all for a reasoned and understanding thread.
Well, as much as I don't want to sound controversial, I must say we can indeed call them terrorists(him and many others like him who have committed such DELIBERATE criminal actions indiscriminately against Civilians terrorists ). However , I don't believe we are the ones to judge who will be going to heaven or hell. Even though I'm not an ardent Christian, one thing I do know is that the Bible says only GOD is the ultimate judge and he alone judges who will be going to heaven or Hell, I believe the Quran(and other Abrahamic religions) say the same?

I understand you(like many of us Brits ) are angry about this cowardly attack, however I don't think it's wise to decide who will be going to heaven or not . Not our call.
We can just pray for the victims and hope for the injured to recover quickly and hope such acts don't happen again(which I know it's unfeasible).

I thanked you because of the good ties I have with my fellow Brits. However he is a murderer and savage. The Lord shows no mercy to such men. He died committing the act, so there was no hesitation on his part or repentance.
Yes bhai I am. I teach boys and many of them come from quite tough backgrounds so they seem fine, just very angry. But if the teacher's mood is sad then that will rub off on the students.

you have a very important responsibility brother, to teach young kids and make them a better man for our society .. i still remember my teachers, and they have a big role in whoever i am today ..
RIP. Very sad.

PS. Even though I have never been to the UK, I can certainly feel that English citizens are far more tolerant of 'the other' compared with the Americans. And it pains me to say that because there's much I love about America.
RIP. Very sad.

PS. Even though I have never been to the UK, I can certainly feel that English citizens are far more tolerant of 'the other' compared with the Americans. And it pains me to say that because there's much I love about America.
Agreed with you
I would give likes out for almost every post here, with some exceptions, but the mods are on top of that. Physically I cannot give enough likes out.

Frankly I admire the total respect and love that you people on this forum have had for this horrific attack. You are right that any attack on children is horrific. I have seen more common sense and care on this site than I did on a similar site (Military but not Indian, another one) and equally frankly, those on a British military site.

You all have my gratitude and respect. Profoundly so.

I am from northern England. We are joined together in grief.

I need to say this - I have no hatred for any Muslim. I despise those who kill innocent children no matter what drives them to do so. I have seen some people who have become verbally anti-muslim in the face of this attack. Believe me I am against this line of thought, and will challenge it.

It is completely correct that many in that area, near Manchester Victoria very busy area, taxi drivers, hotel owners, everyone, helped out. Religion did not matter. An Imam from just outside Manchester (Warrington IIRC) was very prominent in condemnation of the attack. Admiration is due to this Imam.

So where do we go now? I have seen the attacks in France very soon after the attack (Was, I am now retired, but I think I understand what your position is) Anyone who attacks their own people attacks themselves. A stupid ideology.

We all need to be against those who kill like this. ISIS or whoever. It would be a good thing if we in the UK understood more about terrorist attacks in Pakistan. I do try, but sometimes it baffles me. Given the communications of today, we can communicate.

Thank you all for a reasoned and understanding thread.

Mate, we are with you in this hour of trouble and suffering because who else has suffered more at the hands of terrorists than Pakistanis and we are all against the terrorisim regardless of the religion and location.

Furthermoe, if you find some not to friendly or horrible posts, feel free to report them because most of them are either idiots or false flaggers trying to mislead others.

Thanks for that. The idiots are easy to deal with. The strength of unity when horrible things happen is precious
well wheres the blood, the bodies nobody mentioned sucide bomber from the crowd. are police that good in britain when they are having budget cuts and take time arriving at the scene but this was very quick. britain lost it soverign along long time ago rothschilds are the kings of britain.
british empire>american empire>israeli empire. all hail donald trump for suggesting moving washington headquarters to jeruslaem.
Pls stop it KIDS have died it's not time for conspiracy theories.

Salman Abedi named as bomber by police
Pls stop it KIDS have died it's not time for conspiracy theories.

Salman Abedi named as bomber by police

how do we know he just some guy off the street they picked up or thier own guy which they handle and use then show to media as the scape goat patsy.
few years back i read on local newspaper police security were threatening a couple who recently moved to uk saying they will pick up his wife and do things if he did not cooporate with them and they ask him to meet them at certain place and to follow instructions including carrying rucksack.
The second story was they were threatening some migrant guy he and his family would be deported if he did not cooperate.

british people are gullible.
well wheres the blood, the bodies nobody mentioned sucide bomber from the crowd. are police that good in britain when they are having budget cuts and take time arriving at the scene but this was very quick. britain lost it soverign along long time ago rothschilds are the kings of britain.
british empire>american empire>israeli empire. all hail donald trump for suggesting moving washington headquarters to jeruslaem.
Lol Yeah. I know. I've seen so many of your posts on here. It always follows the same pattern. British/American empire and Israeli/Jews rule over the world though Britain and America. Every news event that happens in the world is caused by the Anglo American/Jewish banksters circle designed to bring the world even more under their control(reminds me of a Chinese guy living in Germany named Gottermurang or something, all his posts where about how U.S is behind every issue that happens in every country on earth including factory accidents in China, doesn't matter what event it is. Lol ), All your posts revolves around this. Lol.
It's the first time I have quoted you though, just wanted to see if I can add something new to your theory. :D
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"The 22-year-old was born in Manchester to parents of Libyan descent, the BBC understands."

As expected not Pakistani!
well wheres the blood, the bodies nobody mentioned sucide bomber from the crowd. are police that good in britain when they are having budget cuts and take time arriving at the scene but this was very quick. britain lost it soverign along long time ago rothschilds are the kings of britain.
british empire>american empire>israeli empire. all hail donald trump for suggesting moving washington headquarters to jeruslaem.

Go and get yourself checked out at the nearest Mental institute. Or perhaps you have been released from there due to the NHS cuts. I actually know someone who has lost a friend in this attack. You are either a bad troll or a pathetic excuse for a human being, or likely both. I don't normally do personal attacks, but I can't stand stupid idiots like you who want to peddle around their mental diarrhea as some form of logical discussion.

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