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BREAKING: Manchester Arena blast - Several dead after explosion at concert

very sad - don't live far from manchester.

Unfortunately this will increase suspicion of the Muslim community by some, whilst others understand the bigger picture. Was hoping for the Labour party to win but this may make some favor the conservatives.....

I see The Independent's story says that while ISIS took credit it did not call him a suicide bomber but a "soldier of the caliphate". The Manchester police say the bomb was carried, not worn like a suicide belt. So maybe he wasn't suicidal but simply planned to place the bomb which ISIS remotely triggered anyway. Maybe even a dupe? Does he still go to hell?

Listen dickhead people have died and the best you can do is come up with some cheap shots?

Learn to be a decent human being.
I see The Independent's story says that while ISIS took credit it did not call him a suicide bomber but a "soldier of the caliphate". The Manchester police say the bomb was carried, not worn like a suicide belt. So maybe he wasn't suicidal but simply planned to place the bomb which ISIS remotely triggered anyway. Maybe even a dupe? Does he still go to hell?

His intention was to kill, so yes.
Do Muslims believe that the attacker has reached paradise since, despite his faults, he nonetheless succeeded at killing infidels?
The murderer will go to hell.
Killing of innocents is strictly prohibited in Islam.

Killing one innocent person is like killing all of humanity.
Listen dickhead people have died and the best you can do is come up with some cheap shots?
The condemnation by Muslim political leaders like Nawaz Sharif is clear. Condemnations by Muslim religious scholars and leaders much less so.
I see The Independent's story says that while ISIS took credit it did not call him a suicide bomber but a "soldier of the caliphate". The Manchester police say the bomb was carried, not worn like a suicide belt. So maybe he wasn't suicidal but simply planned to place the bomb which ISIS remotely triggered anyway. Maybe even a dupe? Does he still go to hell?
Everyone is agianst ISIS.

The Saudi King Salman says he won't rest until ISIS is defeated.

The condemnation by Muslim political leaders like Nawaz Sharif is clear. Condemnations by Muslim religious scholars and leaders much less so.
Islamic scholars and students condemn the Manchester bombing.

Killing of innocents is wrong and leads to hell.
The condemnation by Muslim political leaders like Nawaz Sharif is clear. Condemnations by Muslim religious scholars and leaders much less so.

Muslim doctors at Salford hospital (in Manchester) have been treating patients.
Muslim Taxi drivers have been giving people free lifts across the city.

Not only are we seeing verbal condemnation (which is cheap) but physical help which bodes far better for the victims.
Rest in peace for the victims.

I have at the time, some British colleagues and if I remember right, one is from manchester. I wonder if he his relatives are all right, I have to ask when I see him again on thursday.
He is burning in hell for killing innocent human beings.
Well, as much as I don't want to sound controversial, I must say we can indeed call them terrorists(him and many others like him who have committed such DELIBERATE criminal actions indiscriminately against Civilians terrorists ). However , I don't believe we are the ones to judge who will be going to heaven or hell. Even though I'm not an ardent Christian, one thing I do know is that the Bible says only GOD is the ultimate judge and he alone judges who will be going to heaven or Hell, I believe the Quran(and other Abrahamic religions) say the same?

I understand you(like many of us Brits ) are angry about this cowardly attack, however I don't think it's wise to decide who will be going to heaven or not . Not our call.
We can just pray for the victims and hope for the injured to recover quickly and hope such acts don't happen again(which I know it's unfeasible).
Killing of innocents is wrong and leads to hell.
ISIS calls their victims crusaders and their supporters. A Pakistani here argues,
We have, as sovereign nation of 200 million, all the right to define and label anyone, based on our own facts for which we dont need anyone's approval neither we are in need of such.
That is, to these Muslims "truth" (and therefore a label like "innocents") is a matter of subjective opinion imposed by strength, not objective facts in context. ISIS can therefore mouth agreement with your statement (a nonspecific platitude) yet still claim, expecting Muslim support, that the girls killed and injured were "crusaders", not innocents, yes?
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Muslim doctors at Salford hospital (in Manchester) have been treating patients.
Muslim Taxi drivers have been giving people free lifts across the city.

Not only are we seeing verbal condemnation (which is cheap) but physical help which bodes far better for the victims.
Agree many Muslims in Manchester have been helping the wounded and other victims. We can't put everr Muslim in the same basket. There are many good and law abiding muslims in Britain(I'm very good friends with some) and all over the world. We can't lump them all with other radical muslims who carry out such heinous acts.
I couldn't even teach my students today, something they picked up on and the mood was so somber.

Are you a high school teacher? How are the children responding to this attack?
ISIS calls their victims crusaders and their supporters. A Pakistani here argues,

That is, to these Muslims "truth" (and therefore a label like "innocents") is a matter of subjective opinion imposed by strength, not objective facts in context. ISIS can therefore mouth agreement with your statement (a nonspecific platitude) yet still claim, expecting Muslim support, that the girls killed and injured were "crusaders", not innocents, yes?
Are you an idiot?

ISIS are also going to hell.

They have killed many innocents in Iraq and Syria.

Everyone hates ISIS.
The British will never surrender, the murderers will be defeated.
All good bro. I'm a Southerner, and none of my family were at the concert.

I haven't heard from you last night since the incident , so i was about to send to message on Inbox to ask .. but seriously that was very horrible incident, that kid pic remind me APS school massacre :(
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