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BREAKING: Manchester Arena blast - Several dead after explosion at concert

how did this person died from blast or stampede or just shock?

dont insult me most of you are computer warriors.

if it true it happened ok we discuss it then we see but for me it just to superficial

Why don't you go to the hospital and find out for yourself instead of being a computer warrior? What is their to discuss?

I just read your sister was at the concert too, why don't you ask her why did she run if this was a huge staged set up? And if you find this offensive, then I am hoping you will understand the kind of insensitive **** you are being by posting these childish conspiracy theories.

is attack on civilian something totally new in about centuries or milliniums that you are soo much surprised bro :-/ ? People (civilians) are killed everyday in mass in syria and iraq...Sympathies only for western people the superior goddish race

Syria and Iraq are warzones, Britain is not. Apologies in advance but imagine your loved ones goes out minding their own business and few hours later you only heard about them in news that they are no more in this world. Being of Pakistani origin we understand the pain as Pakistan itself had suffered from this menace in the past not so long ago.

P.S. Lives are precious, be it in Syria, Iraq or Britain, Pakistan or indian occupied kashmir or Israeli occupied palestine.
Why don't you go to the hospital and find out for yourself instead of being a computer warrior? What is their to discuss?

I just read your sister was at the concert too, why don't you ask her why did she run if this was a huge staged set up? And if you find this offensive, then I am hoping you will understand the kind of insensitive **** you are being by posting these childish conspiracy theories.


yes my sister was there i have asked her about the blast she said it sounded like gun shot or something like stadium light falling and hitting the ground.
after that she was told move toward the exit and she ran towards the exit.

*Mod edit: Provocation/Inappropriate Remarks*
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It's the same pattern - talk about rothschild, Jews, Palestine, kashmir, Iraq, Syria etc and forget / mislead about the big elephant in the room....cult inspired terrorism.
Lol Yeah. I know. I've seen so many of your posts on here. It always follows the same pattern. British/American empire and Israeli/Jews rule over the world though Britain and America. Every news event that happens in the world is caused by the Anglo American/Jewish banksters circle designed to bring the world even more under their control(reminds me of a Chinese guy living in Germany named Gottermurang or something, all his posts where about how U.S is behind every issue that happens in every country on earth including factory accidents in China, doesn't matter what event it is. Lol ), All your posts revolves around this. Lol.
It's the first time I have quoted you though, just wanted to see if I can add something new to your theory. :D
No offence.
I feel extremely disgusting about the terrorist attacks no matter who is behind it .
But i have to point out that the westerners have double standards in definition of terrorist attacks happening in western countries and other countries they don't like ,such as China ,Russia, etc.
This double face really makes lots of Chinese feel angry and annoyed.
Pls stop it KIDS have died it's not time for conspiracy theories.

Salman Abedi named as bomber by police

A UK born well educated (he was studying business before dropping out) guy who self-radicalized and carried out such dastardly act!!!

There is something seriously wrong. Its high time concerned section(s) introspects deeply and find a cure to this rotten phenomena ...
President's Secretariat
24-May, 2017 13:02 IST
President of India writes to Queen Elizabeth II conveying condolences on loss of lives in terror attack in Manchester

The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee has written to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, conveying condolences on the loss of lives in the terror attack in Manchester.

In his message, the President said, “We are deeply shocked by terror attack in Manchester. India condemns this heinous attack in strongest terms. We stand in solidarity with the people and the Government of the United Kingdom in this difficult hour.

This is not an attack just against the UK and its people; it is an attack against the humanity and the values that we all live for. These repeated terror attacks are a grim reminder, yet again, of the need for us to intensify the global fight against terrorism. India is fully committed to working with the UK and the international community in defeating these evil forces.

The people of India join me in conveying our sincere condolences for those whom we have lost. Our prayers are also with the injured. I wish them a speedy recovery”.

Arsonists target Manchester mosque hours after terror attack

A mosque’s door was burned down within hours of the Manchester Arena suicide bombing, prompting fears of a race hate attack in retaliation.

The arson attack happened just a few miles away from the scene of the terrorist attack, which killed 22 people and injured 119.

Mohammad Saddiq, imam of Jamia Qasmia Zahidia Islamic Centre, said it is ‘sad to see more misery in Manchester’ following the blast after an Ariana Grande concert.
The 60-year-old said the mosque in Villa Road, Oldham, was targeted at about 2am.

He said: ‘People are upset. The police are looking at CCTV and investigators were here this morning. We’ll definitely need a new door.

Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2017/05/23/arson...rs-after-terror-attack-6657059/#ixzz4hzBaC1T8

Syria and Iraq are warzones, Britain is not. Apologies in advance but imagine your loved ones goes out minding their own business and few hours later you only heard about them in news that they are no more in this world. Being of Pakistani origin we understand the pain as Pakistan itself had suffered from this menace in the past not so long ago.

P.S. Lives are precious, be it in Syria, Iraq or Britain, Pakistan or indian occupied kashmir or Israeli occupied palestine.
I never disagreed with you sir , lives of a basic human regardless of nation and ethnicity is very precious. Any loss of human anywhere is a matter of sadness. However , media is ruled by west in this world. They are very biased. Look how easily they managed to kill us and also call muslims as terrorists. :-(
Extremely disturbing news... and the UK citizens were just coming out the Parliment attack...

May the families and loved ones left behind find Peace...may the victims find Eternal Harmony.

May the Universe keep my Netherlands safe from such horrors. We also have troublemakers here as well.

This madness needs to end.
Very sad ! RIP to the victims.I hope the british athourities get to the bottom of this and nail those are resposible for the loss of innocent lives.
I have had the strong impression that some political leaders wait to hear who did the deed and its claimed purpose before condemning it.

I first noticed this in the aftermath of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing: only when it was learned that the likely perp was a white supremacist did the Saudis condemn it. As far as I know there was NO connection, either real or suspected, to Arabs or Muslims, so it would have been better if KSA had remained silent. Their unprompted and tardy statement implied that the Saudis would not have condemned the bombing if the perpetrator had represented a party or cause they supported.
plz make up your mind first whether you were talking about Pakistan or KSA. First you tried to drag Pakistan unnecessarily when failed now you are talking about KSA merely on the basis of your feelings instead of proofs.

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