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BREAKING: Manchester Arena blast - Several dead after explosion at concert

Hamas condemns attack in Manchester: 'We oppose the horrendous acts'

Hamas condemned the suicide bombing in Manchester in which 22 people were murdered during a performance by singer Ariana Grande. "We condemn the bloody onslaught against the innocent in Manchester, express solidarity with the families of the victims and the wounded in the wake of their tragedy," the organization's senior official in Qatar, Izzat al-Rishq, said.


Muslims are not a holistic entity. If you look at the trends amongst new Muslim arrivals who have come from other countries, the level of extremism is shocking.
This didn't come as a surprise to me or anyone else involved in tackling the radical threat.
There are Yemeni Muslims living in Newcastle area since 1940s and nobody had any problems with them Most brits don't even know about them. Then the Pakistani Muslims who came in 60s and 70 in Manchester in very large numbers. Again no probs.
But this new generation? It's a different story.
Plus most Muslims are already used to seeing Palestinians being killed on daily basis by Israeli forces.
I more apt to seeing Pakistanis being killed on daily basis by terrorists inside Pakistan in the first instance and in the second instance Kashmiris being killed next door in Indian occupied Kashmir, in third instance the killing inside Afghanistan then


then Palestinians.

Unless Palestinians have golden bolloks and are worth more then the rest of suffering nearby?
I more apt to seeing Pakistanis being killed on daily basis by terrorists inside Pakistan in the first instance and in the second instance Kashmiris being killed next door in Indian occupied Kashmir, in third instance the killing inside Afghanistan then
then Palestinians.

Unless Palestinians have golden bolloks and are worth more then the rest of suffering nearby?

I believe I have clearly indicated all the regions who have suffered Terrorism in my earlier post

Turkey / Pakistan / UK/ France/ Syria / Iraq /US /Canada /Palestine Regions / Kashmir / Khalistan areas

The death of people , adult - kids , youth , women/men is all Troublesome in all instances , I don't have a "GRADE SCALE for point system" to figure out which death was more prominent

Such rising incident of Death is a concerning item for all countries

The anger in UK will be at same level as Pakistan felt after the Children School Terrorist attack in Pakistan.

Obviously we can't say more then just condolenses , and that applies to all the countries above and people inside who may have lost loves one

The Children in UK obviously latest victims with their parents
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I know people who have lost friends in this terrorist attack, shameful and cowardly, didn't even spare the children. Some young ones ran away in panick and have still not got back in touch with their families, so if you are in Manchester, please do keep an eye out for them.

As for the animals who did, these types of attacks only makes the frequency of hunting parties in Syria higher. No matter how deep you go in the desert, we will find you.
As for the animals who did, these types of attacks only makes the frequency of hunting parties in Syria higher. No matter how deep you go in the desert, we will find you.
Hope you're right. So far there's no indication that Britain will undertake a military commitment against ISIS.
I have an honest question to you.. lets say it was a Pakistani or maybe a Muslim who was disillusioned.. what is the best course of action to reduce the trust deficit that is caused between communities because of such acts? In Boston - one of the more liberal cities in US - the fight against right wing or conservatives gets a little weak everytime acts like these happen.. how do you suggest to get around it?

That question deserves a well thought out response. I will post a reply when I get time.

Kaptan if you let me, i would like to throw my opinion here;

After 9/11 attack, media got a new term "Islamic Terrorism" (presented by George Bush). It has been used so much that, it got to a point that Islam = Terrorism. In the Western world, i think this led people to be biased against Muslims and Foreign people. Thus, alienating some Muslims who live in the Western countries. And some of them fell into trap of the organizations. Some gets radicalized and explode themselves....

^^^ This is a vicious cycle. Terrorism -> Bias -> Alienating -> Radicalization > Terrorism.

Best course of action......i think there is no such a magic wand that will make the problem disappear.

- Lone wolf attackers. Radicalized people. Dropping "Islamic Terrorism" narrative would be a start. Both integration of these people to society and heavy surveillance of the possible attackers. (These lone wolf attackers won't end in the near future.)

- Eradicating the terrorist breeding grounds. In Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, etc...
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