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BREAKING: JeM Chief Masood Azhar designated as global terrorist in UNSC with Pakistan China consent

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Till what time will we continue to hide behind BS??? Masood Azhar has been designated a TERRORIST and it is our FAILURE and Indian VICTORY that this happened.

And I blame the Military Establishment for this ****** disgrace, first they train and use these terrorists and then are unable to defend them at UN! Bloody disgraceful!!! Bloody Shameful!!!
Shut up chutiya.Don't speak from your rear.
UN is tool for so called super powers for protection of their vested interests. Everyone know the track record of UN. Usually papers/resolutions based on lies and deceits come and keep pouring, ground realities and truth never changed.
The occupational forces remain the same and the battles for freedom always stand as same in history.
India could go to which extent? Still trying hard to clean their bloody nose on 2/27; but now it is also part of history. So they prefer to depend on their UNCLE and chest thumping it to pose their success. The Super Power which always needs a shoulder to perform 'Randi Rona' dramas.
shame it took india more then 10 years :pakistan::china:

aukaat :lol:
I thought USA had to step in and get it done it as India had tried for past 10 years but could not accomplish it's objectives. France and England have no wt. on international forum without the US.
Yes, because we knew pakistan is supporting terrorism. We brought all the required evidences and world realized it

Perhaps it is true and we are working in the grey area but what was Kulboshan Yadav doing in Pakistan and Iran, wasn't he a terrorist too and by extension isn't RAW a terrorist organization? The world looks at things through its own lenses and right now India is the darling of some major powers which is why she is getting everything her way. It is not really about terrorism or else India would have been in hot waters over her state sponsored terrorism in Kashmir, amongst other Gujarat like incidents.

Nopes all this is happening now because of big FATF danda thats hanging up in air to avoid getting into blacklist.

You have no idea what FATF is and how things move there, right? With the current listing, we have increased problems which means we had no option in the listing and that we failed to keep Masood Azhar from getting listed at UNSC.

I dont think any indian would not want the existence of Pakistan.
The existence of Pakistan is superglue to keep entire India United.

The day we get united........and free from the hold of those who decide all things behind closed doors, well that will bring reckoning.

All blame goes to China..

Look how US stands by Israel in any and all way possible. Our Chinese friends just bail on us when things get a little heated.

Why NOT blame the Military for this? This is their failure above and beyond all others. Why should we blame China, was it NOT possible for us to get this discount from the US, amongst other favors, for the role we are playing for them in Afghanistan? Infact, what exactly ARE we getting from the US for our role in the peace process in Afghanistan?
Shut up chutiya.Don't speak from your rear.

All that you do is disclose your background with talk like that. Tells us all about your family and all, so please continue.

UN is tool for so called super powers for protection of their vested interests. Everyone know the track record of UN. Usually papers/resolutions based on lies and deceits come and keep pouring, ground realities and truth never changed.
The occupational forces remain the same and the battles for freedom always stand as same in history.
India could go to which extent? Still trying hard to clean their bloody nose on 2/27; but now it is also part of history. So they prefer to depend on their UNCLE and chest thumping it to pose their success. The Super Power which always needs a shoulder to perform 'Randi Rona' dramas.

This is indeed a big win for them, and it will be a big boost to Modi in the elections.
All points to US influence and an attack in China from every angle. They are utterly desperate to bring India in as a tool to contain China.

That’s why it took so many years and only now they intensified.

I thought USA had to step in and get it done it as India had tried for past 10 years but could not accomplish it's objectives. France and England have no wt. on international forum without the US.
Perhaps it is true and we are working in the grey area but what was Kulboshan Yadav doing in Pakistan and Iran, wasn't he a terrorist too and by extension isn't RAW a terrorist organization? The world looks at things through its own lenses and right now India is the darling of some major powers which is why she is getting everything her way. It is not really about terrorism or else India would have been in hot waters over her state sponsored terrorism in Kashmir, amongst other Gujarat like incidents.

You have no idea what FATF is and how things move there, right? With the current listing, we have increased problems which means we had no option in the listing and that we failed to keep Masood Azhar from getting listed at UNSC.

The day we get united........and free from the hold of those who decide all things behind closed doors, well that will bring reckoning.

Why NOT blame the Military for this? This is their failure above and beyond all others. Why should we blame China, was it NOT possible for us to get this discount from the US, amongst other favors, for the role we are playing for them in Afghanistan? Infact, what exactly ARE we getting from the US for our role in the peace process in Afghanistan?

I don't think our military lives up to its hype. Some recent examples ,
Didn't shoot down indian planes when they first violated our air space
Didn't destroy MQM until situation went out of control
Didn't destroy PTM until situation will get out of control
Swat was captured by TTP and they were on their way to Islamabad. Only then they realized the threat but still didn't take decisive actions. APS happened and that got the ball rolling
Sold our soldiers and cities to American aid money.
Still goons like Achakzai are rooming free.
Still believes Afghanistan , iran and KSA are brotherly countries.

I am pissed at China because they never stood by us when it really mattered.
Saw it coming . China as usual bailed on us when things got a little tough.

China always maintained that there was insufficient evidence against him. Now they are saying he is a terrorist without any additional evidence. This is a great embarrassment for them. They do not seem to value Pakistan enough to get further embarrassed.
He will be in jail for sure... But dont know who will be responsible for the next Kaboom in kashmir... :lol:
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