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BREAKING: JeM Chief Masood Azhar designated as global terrorist in UNSC with Pakistan China consent

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Till what time will we continue to hide behind BS??? Masood Azhar has been designated a TERRORIST and it is our FAILURE and Indian VICTORY that this happened.

And I blame the Military Establishment for this ****** disgrace, first they train and use these terrorists and then are unable to defend them at UN! Bloody disgraceful!!! Bloody Shameful!!!
No it's not when you have no clue what the hell is going on in the background please stop wasting our time.
Keep saying that.
Is he designated as an international terrorist by unsc or not ?

Yes he is and and so now it is evident that we are harboring designated TERRORISTS!!!

No it's not when you have no clue what the hell is going on in the background please stop wasting our time.


We are getting labelled TERRORISTS left, right and center but you want to bury your head in the sand and sleep. Continue, let's see where this dumps us next.
Even China has abandoned pakistan ?
This can't happen it's deeper than ocean and higher than mount everest.
Btw great work by GOI.
It had vetoed for 10 years till Pakistan gave positive nod.
Masood azhar is no more involved in any fight. He is ill.
China has nothing to do with this Massod. It's been a joint action of China and Pakistan. Since IAF turned out to be that weak it won't matter if IAF surgically air-strike on Massod the "terrorist" again in Pakistan. You will pay a price!
Azhar is a small price to pay to get Modi re-elected and more folks channeled to Hindutuva...

The more of the Hindutuva for India, the more of the good fortune for Pak...
Face Saving on both sides. We made sure he gets designated this time you backed off from your claim that he was responsible for Pulwama attack which also means you did aggression on us based on a lie.
Well it was inevitable after USA came in and joined us, He was involved in Pulwama, as JEM is responsible for the attack, they cannot just do it all by themselves(money, intel, training), even if he is indirectly involved, he was responsible for it...

Indeed great achievement by GoI. It is proof that their diplomacy is working.
Koi shakk? :toast_sign:
Maybe Mao? :azn: or Stalin? hilarious isn't it?

Good going as an Indian for comparing Modi Mao and Stalin. Let me add one more that is the most similar to Modi, Hitler.
Next, list Modi in UN as a genicidal mass murderer for his crime as the butcher of Gujarat.

Once a moron, always a moron. Learn your own history you dimwit :angry::angry: Mao killed more than all combined.

Remembering the biggest mass murder in the history of the world

Who was the biggest mass murderer in the history of the world? Most people probably assume that the answer is Adolf Hitler, architect of the Holocaust. Others might guess Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, who may indeed have managed to kill even more innocent people than Hitler did. But both Hitler and Stalin were outdone by Mao Zedong. From 1958 to 1962, his Great Leap Forward policy led to the deaths of up to 45 million people – easily making it the biggest episode of mass murder ever recorded.


No. China didnt abandon Pakistan, CHina abandoned terrorism. China had to do that if not China doesnt want to look like a terrorist supporter to the world.

That is without a solid foundation. When the US gets away with everything, China as the rising power should have followed suit. Masood Azhar and the other fellow have been designated without solid evidence at the whims of India with the support of US, UK and France.

It is acceptable that GoI is doing everything right but it is also a fact that we are missing something and doing something very wrong. We are failing Kashmir!
Being "head of the government of a sovereign nation state" does not essentially preclude criminality and wrongdoing.
And neither should it invite unwarranted and biased criticism especially from those quarters having no stakes in our polity.
That is another thing, that they were and are above law, whatever little there was or is.
Rule of law still reigns supreme in India, the defendant you speak of had to go through the due process of the law just like any other citizen of India.
You appear to be under some misconception that politics is governed by some kind of morality or ethics.
I believe that a politician is the manifestation of the ideals that maketh him, a train of thought culminating into him reaching his objective. International relations, on the other hand, is an admixture of interdisciplinary ideologies, rights, cultures and most important of them all interests and self preservation.
that is of course problem of Pakistan and Pakistan will have to address it, if it so desires.
Which brings us to our current topic of discussion, that Pakistan like any other country will do anything within its capacity to stay afloat.
Generally, scales tip to the mightier side.
I can not speak for you, but in my experience that has been exception rather than the norm.
Not at all. I think that many fundamental political and social disputes get resolved, not owing to the willingness of the combating parties, but by the forces of circumstances, which are beyond anybody's control, or even imagination. Let's await for them.
The problem with that line of thought is the unpredictability associated, which you rightly say can spiral out of control.

Cosmetic changes can bring about much needed relief to the din, conflicts can't go on forever, for once they reach the crescendo people need time to gather their wits together.
Yes and we told China to not to veto it this time. His designation won't stop him dude. You designated Hafiz Saeed what you have manage to do with that. But you just backed off from your own claim that Masood Azhar was responsible from Pulwama. Dude you just admitted you did aggression on us based on a lie created by you.
Designation of Hafiz Saeed turned out to be a huge success.
After he was designated, LeT failed to carry out a single major attack in India.
Same will happen with JeM.
Good going as an Indian for comparing Modi Mao and Stalin. Let me add one more that is the most similar to Modi, Hitler.
Hitler? he Got 4 million people killed, how many did modi killed? :what:
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