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BREAKING: JeM Chief Masood Azhar designated as global terrorist in UNSC with Pakistan China consent

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So you have video proof yet UN gave you middle finger that you have no proof?

Forget Pulwama. I think you might remember that and Indian airliner IC 814 was hijacked back in 24 December 1999 from Kathmandu to Kandahar via Lahore by few Pakistani nations to secure the release of Masood Azhar.

If you don't know, Hijacking a civilian aircraft in itself is a terror act as per international laws and the perpetrators as well as the beneficiaries are terrorists by default.

India has been pursuing this case for decades now. It's not a Pulwama alone and being one of the senior most member of PDF, I bet you are well aware of the same.
Saw it coming . China as usual bailed on us when things got a little tough.
and here goes the diplomatic and tactical victory to India
they have now effectively shown that their "mythical airstrikes" worked
PAF victory over IAF definitely hasn’t gone down well with the Ehl-i Dunya!!! Given the circumstances this looks like the price tag for Pak to purchase a much needed period of peace and prosperity!!! The most important part for Pak is not to let the guard down!!! That’s how the Evlad-I Iblis do it - recuperate at the negotiating table after losing at the war....

Ottoman military march is orchastrated in a rhythm - one step back, two steps forward....

Gorelim Mevla neyler
Neylerse guzel eyler

Let’s see what Mevla has in store for us*
Whatever it is HE renders it auspicious**

*Ehl-I Iman
** Modi’s re-election with much more Hindutuva may be a good starter
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Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Masood Azhar listed as global terrorist by UN after China lifts technical hold

While China lifted its technical hold on Masood Azhar’s listing as a global terrorist, Pakistan appeared to have reconciled to the latest development and did not object to it any longer.
WORLD Updated: May 01, 2019 18:52 IST

HT Correspondent
Hindustan Times, New Delhi

Masood Azhar(AP File Photo)

again diplomats ruining the edge our Air force gave us..

I have no love lost for any jaish or Lashker, but the timing is really pathetic.
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