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Breaking: Iraqi President appoints new prime minister, and It's not Maliki

I've said this before, you dumb shit, the real power is centered around the PM, not the deputy PM, not the Pres, or the Parliamentary speaker.

Most Sunni political leaders have been sidelined by Maliki, as he has tried to bring up trumpted up charges against many of them, including the former vice pres.

Most of the ministries, including the defence ministry, report directly to Maliki. All of the Iraqi field commanders report directly to Maliki. Up until recently, he continued to consolidate and monopolize power under his umbrella.

Why do you think the Sunnis are pissed off at Maliki, but not other Shia? Why do you think the Sunni leaders have protested for a long time? Hell, even Omar al-Sadr, and Iraq's top shia clergy has pretty much shunned Maliki.

and you want to talk to me about Sunnis not being sidelined, and Shia supporting Maliki?

When you start using your brain, maybe then I'll take you seriously.

Why is a pakistani terrorist so indulged in Iraqi politics in the first place... what makes you so obliged to stick your nose and beard where it don't belong, and so enthusiastically driven to fend for the rights of the poor Iraqis in politics, so butthurt from Maliki ?

I'm no Maliki supporter, but godamn I hate it when foreigners are so arrogantly mislead, with sheer stubbornness.

Maliki still has his *** stuck to the seat. But did he sideline the sunnis in the government, or in the army... no he didn't.

Sectarian propaganda reiterated by complete morons, with some sort of obligation as if they are being oppressed by Maliki himself.

No shi* the ministers report back to Maliki, they were appointed by him you genius, he is the PRIME MINISTER after all.

You really are arguing for the sake of terrorists, not a sect of Iraq. Maliki marginalised terror supporting politicians and here a Pakistani is crying his guts out.

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Why is a pakistani terrorist so indulged in Iraqi politics in the first place... what makes you so obliged to stick your nose and beard where it don't belong, and so enthusiastically driven to fend for the rights of the poor Iraqis in politics, so butthurt from Maliki ?

I'm no Maliki supporter, but godamn I hate it when foreigners are so arrogantly mislead, with sheer stubbornness.

Maliki still has his *** stuck to the seat. But did he sideline the sunnis in the government, or in the army... no he didn't.

Sectarian propaganda reiterated by complete morons, with some sort of obligation as if they are being oppressed by Maliki himself.

No shi* the ministers report back to Maliki, they were appointed by him you genius, he is the PRIME MINISTER after all.

You really are arguing for the sake of terrorists, not a sect of Iraq. Maliki marginalised terror supporting politicians and here a Pakistani is crying his guts out.

Did...did you just callme a terrorist?

See, this is exactly the sort of shit that Sunni Iraqis have to deal with. You asshats consider every single Sunni you come across with contempt.

And you say sectarianism doesn't exist, when you've singlehandedly proven that it does, by spouting some of the vilest shit I've read.

Shit, you can't even read my comment properly. I didn't say the ministers report to him, I said the ministries report to him (as in, they ignore the minister, and the parliament. The ministries ultimately answerable to the parliament, not the Prime minister. ****, you don't even know how your own country's political system works).
Did...did you just callme a terrorist?

See, this is exactly the sort of shit that Sunni Iraqis have to deal with. You asshats consider every single Sunni you come across with contempt.

Shit, you can't even read my comment properly. I didn't say the ministers report to him, I said the ministries report to him (as in, they ignore the minister, and the parliament. The ministries ultimately are under the control of parliament, not the Prime minister. ****, you don't even know how your own country's political system works).

You are not a neighbour of Iraq, nor have you vested interests there so why is it your business ?
Seen many Pakistanis supporting crazy terrorists, no wonder the state of their country is in shambles.
You are not a neighbour of Iraq, nor have you vested interests there so why is it your business ?
Seen many Pakistanis supporting crazy terrorists, no wonder the state of their country is in shambles.
Where did I support terrorists? I suppose in your world, I'm a shark that lives on land and has a computer.

I may not be a neighbor of Iraq, but that doesn't mean I don't have sympathy. You don't need to be a local to have heart.

Also, take a look at your country and ours. Pakistan is still leagues ahead of Iraq when it comes to peace and stability. At least Pakistan doesn't have a quarter of it's land under the control of militants that have successfully started their own little country.
Where did I support terrorists? I suppose in your world, I'm a shark that lives on land and has a computer.

I may not be a neighbor of Iraq, but that doesn't mean I don't have sympathy. You don't need to be a local to have heart.

Also, take a look at your country and ours. Pakistan is still leagues ahead of Iraq when it comes to peace and stability. At least Pakistan doesn't have a quarter of it's land under the control of militants that have successfully started their own little country.

Pakistan didnt go through what Iraq went through

Foreigners watch 2 hours of CNN, listen to an Obama speech then they start acting like experts telling us we need an inclusive this that same shit the news says all the time. We know all that and we dont need others teaching us. Not even a think tank, i don't play pakistani politician either cause i know less then you about it
I've said this before, you dumb shit, the real power is centered around the PM, not the deputy PM, not the Pres, or the Parliamentary speaker.

Most Sunni political leaders have been sidelined by Maliki, as he has tried to bring up trumpted up charges against many of them, including the former vice pres.

Most of the ministries, including the defence ministry, report directly to Maliki. All of the Iraqi field commanders report directly to Maliki. Up until recently, he continued to consolidate and monopolize power under his umbrella.

Why do you think the Sunnis are pissed off at Maliki, but not other Shia? Why do you think the Sunni leaders have protested for a long time? Hell, even Omar al-Sadr, and Iraq's top shia clergy has pretty much shunned Maliki.

and you want to talk to me about Sunnis not being sidelined, and Shia supporting Maliki?

When you start using your brain, maybe then I'll take you seriously.
u have no idea what u r talking abt .

typical middle eastern shyte .

a bunch of illiterate ppl with access to google and al-arabiya and they suddenly feel the need to perform jihad .

not that what u r saying is the same thing , but u talk none-sense .

regarding kurds , they need to be thought a lesson . for now , the bigger prob. is numbsculls who are beheading others in the name of the lord
Deposing Al Maliki is great for the unity of Iraq, but I am afraid it is a little bit too late...Let hope that the new prime minister can patch the fissured Iraqi society and use the ISIS threat to re-cement the unity that once was known in Iraq...
Where did I support terrorists? I suppose in your world, I'm a shark that lives on land and has a computer.

I may not be a neighbor of Iraq, but that doesn't mean I don't have sympathy. You don't need to be a local to have heart.

Also, take a look at your country and ours. Pakistan is still leagues ahead of Iraq when it comes to peace and stability. At least Pakistan doesn't have a quarter of it's land under the control of militants that have successfully started their own little country.

Misery of others is nothing to laugh or mock about, because before you know it will grab you by your throat and strangle you to death slowly. Also my country ? I suppose that was a typo because when i compare my country to yours, ours is miles ahead when it comes to stability and security.

You are not having a heart, you are intervering in Iraqs business in a sectarian way. Dont act as if you do not know what i am talking about, because you know 100% what i mean.
Misery of others is nothing to laugh or mock about, because before you know it will grab you by your throat and strangle you to death slowly. Also my country ? I suppose that was a typo because when i compare my country to yours, ours is miles ahead when it comes to stability and security.

You are not having a heart, you are intervering in Iraqs business in a sectarian way. Dont act as if you do not know what i am talking about, because you know 100% what i mean.
I'm intervening In Iraq's business? How so?

I find it ironic that you're talking about not laughing at misery, yet you did just that.

u have no idea what u r talking abt .

typical middle eastern shyte .

a bunch of illiterate ppl with access to google and al-arabiya and they suddenly feel the need to perform jihad .

not that what u r saying is the same thing , but u talk none-sense .

regarding kurds , they need to be thought a lesson . for now , the bigger prob. is numbsculls who are beheading others in the name of the lord
Your words are nothing more than gibberish.

Pakistan didnt go through what Iraq went through

Foreigners watch 2 hours of CNN, listen to an Obama speech then they start acting like experts telling us we need an inclusive this that same shit the news says all the time. We know all that and we dont need others teaching us. Not even a think tank, i don't play pakistani politician either cause i know less then you about it
Pakistan has gone through worse than what Iraq has gone through, don't pretend otherwise.

I don't watch CNN, and nor am I an American, so I could care less what Obama has to say.

I have never claimed I was an expert, but that does not mean that I'm wrong. Instead of attacking me personally, how about you prove me wrong?
CNN: Iraq Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is stepping down and Haider al-Abadi will replace him, Iraqi television reports.
Pakistan has gone through worse than what Iraq has gone through, don't pretend otherwise.

I don't watch CNN, and nor am I an American, so I could care less what Obama has to say.

I have never claimed I was an expert, but that does not mean that I'm wrong. Instead of attacking me personally, how about you prove me wrong?

So lets see what Iraq has gone through since modern times, just the big events.

- 3 wars with Israel
- Several military coups
- 8 year war with Iran costing a million lifes and $500 billion gone to hell.
- Infrastructure completely destroyed by the US in a war where massive firepower was used (1991)
- Heavy sanctions on iraq of a decade, caused lack of food and medicine result is 500.000 dead children ( admitted by Madeline Albright on vid)
- Between 1991 and 2003 several hundreds of tomahawk missiles fired on Iraq.
- 2003 another war removing Saddam
-2006 start of a civil war because of the Askari mosque bombings lasting 2 years.
- Ongoing ISIS insurgency ( most capable terror group in the world)

So Pakistan went through worse?
So lets see what Iraq has gone through since modern times, just the big events.

- 3 wars with Israel
- Several military coups
- 8 year war with Iran costing a million lifes and $500 billion gone to hell.
- Infrastructure completely destroyed by the US in a war where massive firepower was used (1991)
- Heavy sanctions on iraq of a decade, caused lack of food and medicine result is 500.000 dead children ( admitted by Madeline Albright on vid)
- Between 1991 and 2003 several hundreds of tomahawk missiles fired on Iraq.
- 2003 another war removing Saddam
-2006 start of a civil war because of the Askari mosque bombings lasting 2 years.
- Ongoing ISIS insurgency ( most capable terror group in the world)

So Pakistan went through worse?
Yup, 4 wars with India, several military coups, 30 years of dealing with a refugee population from a neighboring war that has cost hundreds of billions of dollars worth of damage to Pakistan's economy. The separation of East Pakistan which cost Pakistan half of it's economy, heavy sanctions after nuclear tests, dealing with an insurgency that has done massive damage to both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Losing international respect, and sectarianism violence seems to be a major problem, though in that respect, Pakistan is slightly better off than Iraq, because at least Pakistan acknowledges that it is a major problem and is trying to fix it.
Yup, 4 wars with India, several military coups, 30 years of dealing with a refugee population from a neighboring war that has cost hundreds of billions of dollars worth of damage to Pakistan's economy. The separation of East Pakistan which cost Pakistan half of it's economy, heavy sanctions after nuclear tests, dealing with an insurgency that has done massive damage to both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Losing international respect, and sectarianism violence seems to be a major problem, though in that respect, Pakistan is slightly better off than Iraq, because at least Pakistan acknowledges that it is a major problem and is trying to fix it.

Is that worse? What a joke, India is not USA

Now if you don't mind eat some USAF bombardement, you wouldn't stand long against the US

then you can speak
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