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Breaking: India will host G20 summit in 2022.

Yes. India should conduct such events in tier 2 cities. This will help with development of those cities too.

there are new cities like new raipur is coming up beautiful and well planned . it can be used for such events .
On a serious note it's only matter of time before Pakistan get's into G20 [G21]. Countries can get there either through very high GDP like France or very high population like India. Pakistan will get in via higher population.

Your economy just shrank to 210 billion. You’ll NEVER be in G20
Your economy just shrank to 210 billion. You’ll NEVER be in G20
That is what they said about India for 50 years.


and what make you think a person with no family can't be corrupt?
or you mean to say everyone with a family is corrupt?

Dehradun i say.

Whereever but Delhi. The way its going it will replace Mumbai as Slum tourism capital. With pollution and stuff.
As usual. No achievements so you have to bring up things from decades ago.
My point stands. If india was crawling like a slug for 4 decades under Hindoo growth surely we can get out of our problems given that our trough does not extend to 40 years.

Below is a chart of GDP per capita of India and Pakistan since 1980. Over the 38 years elapsed Pakistan was in the lead for 29 years. India took the lead in 2009. Thus you hold the trophy now for 9 years. And your getting orgasms out of it? Grow up for Ganga's sakes !

My point stands. If india was crawling like a slug for 4 decades under Hindoo growth surely we can get out of our problems given that our trough does not extend to 40 years.

Below is a chart of GDP per capita of India and Pakistan since 1980. Over the 38 years elapsed Pakistan was in the lead for 29 years. India took the lead in 2009. Thus you hold the trophy now for 9 years. And your getting orgasms out of it? Grow up for Ganga's sakes !


Damn It PPP under Bhutto and the Yankee *** kisser Zia then PML N under Nawaz and the whole musical chairs in the 1990s Pakistan could have been in a better place
@Nilgiri ,@Skull and Bones
The problem with most Pakistani members is that they are awfully poor when it comes to doing their homework. Not only are they factually incorrect but they propagate those factually incorrect stories to paint something very different from reality. For instance take the case of GDP PPP, Indian GDP PPP has been consistently outperforming that of Pakistan since 1990(except during a brief period of 2004-2008) or in other words consistently outperforming that of Pakistan's since India took revolutionary economic reforms of 1990.
Here are hard evidences in support of my claim:

The blue bold line is the GDP PPP of India whereas the dash line shows the same for Pakistan, as one can clearly see that Indian GDP PPP has consistently outperformed Pakistani GDP PPP since 1990(except during the brief period of '04-'08). At present the GDP PPP of India is $7783 whereas that of Pakistan is ~$5000(considering a GDP PP of ~$1tn and a population of 220mn in 2018). So, not only is this difference widening up, it is widening up at a "faster" rate. Now those of you familiar with calculus would know what I am talking about.
Also what a lot of these folks do not take into account is the fact that India actually has a very vibrant private industry some of which are actually competing with best in the game especially in IT, automobile and pharma sectors. Automobile is one case in point, for instance, India has emerged as a global hub for design and development of two wheelers and slowly becoming a hub for small to medium cars. A lot of small-medium cars are being "Designed" here in India for Indian audiences and then exported to a lot of foreign countries. Due to lack of any such industry in Pakistan, they are heavily dependent on China for almost all of their industrial needs. It is unfortunate somebody brought the topic of GDP and compared(wrongly!) India and Pakistan.
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