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India needs to be kicked out of G20

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Iran is india without the curry

Both Iran and India should collaborate to balkanize our regional enemies.
It seems that you do not know the meaning of the word success. It has been one of the most successful summits for some time, especially on the economic level.
Not to forget the grand BALKANIZATION plans for India & Russia...

That's his biggest dream. He insists that Pakistan needs to get involved in the war and attack Russia from its the south. He also insists that Pakistan needs to help Turkey destroy Cyprus,Greece,Serbia,Croatia.

I think he also wants Pakistan to lead a coalition of central asian countries to take on Russia and start an insurrection in Chechnya again and all that.
If he is actually a fake poster, mods should take some action. Maybe trace his IP or something.
Sounds too simple minded to spoof that.
If he is actually a fake poster, mods should take some action. Maybe trace his IP or something.
Sounds too simple minded to spoof that.

Bhai, how difficult is it to fake IP?
Bhai, how difficult is it to fake IP?
Probably not much. But as I said, he seems simple minded.
Apna ya unka teenage troll lagta hai.
India needs to be kicked out of the G20

Last year Indonesia hosted the G20 and it was a grand success.

This year's G20 has been a great failure thanks to India leading it this year.

Till now neither there is any achivement nor agreemnt.

Even Putin is not interested in attending it inspite of assurances from India that he won't be arrested.

The G20 summit next month is going to be colossal failure with leader after leader planning to skip the G20 summit meeting.

Indian slaves will always be slaves.

Slaves can never lead.
Pakistan needs to become member of G20.
When Pakistan will do Ghazwa-E-Hind and occupy Indiyaaa to become Greater Pakistan, then India will be kicked out and Pakistan will become G-20 member.
India needs to be kicked out of the G20

Last year Indonesia hosted the G20 and it was a grand success.

This year's G20 has been a great failure thanks to India leading it this year.

Till now neither there is any achivement nor agreemnt.

Even Putin is not interested in attending it inspite of assurances from India that he won't be arrested.

The G20 summit next month is going to be colossal failure with leader after leader planning to skip the G20 summit meeting.

Indian slaves will always be slaves.

Slaves can never lead.
Only top of the line economy Pakistan can do it, India is begging for a billion dollars to stay afloat
It seems that you do not know the meaning of the word success. It has been one of the most successful summits for some time, especially on the economic level.

The only suucess was that the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was able to raise Khalistan and lack of democracy and Human rights in India.

Did you ever like anything about Pakistan? There must be something no? :lol:

I love Pakistan and greatly respect Pakistani military but I cannot stand the PTI traitors.
Bhai, how difficult is it to fake IP?
Skully, you think he can fake IPs? Mere ko to doubt hai😂
The only suucess was that the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was able to raise Khalistan and lack of democracy and Human rights in India.

Why you so stupid opening such stupid thread???

@waz @LeGenD @PakSword please close this stupid thread opened by stupid @Abdul Rehman Majeed thanks
Pakistan needs to become member of G20.
When Pakistan will do Ghazwa-E-Hind and occupy Indiyaaa to become Greater Pakistan, then India will be kicked out and Pakistan will become G-20 member.
What's the meaning of your username?
Has anyone wondered if this Abdul is laal topi in disguise here? I mean the IQ levels seem to match.
India needs to be kicked out of the G20

Last year Indonesia hosted the G20 and it was a grand success.

This year's G20 has been a great failure thanks to India leading it this year.

Till now neither there is any achivement nor agreemnt.

Even Putin is not interested in attending it inspite of assurances from India that he won't be arrested.

The G20 summit next month is going to be colossal failure with leader after leader planning to skip the G20 summit meeting.

Indian slaves will always be slaves.

Slaves can never lead.

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