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Breaking: Fidayeen Attack on CRPF Convoy in Anantnag South Kashmir

He's back after you served him a good cup of tea, where is Burhan and cool jihadi gang ?
Balakot didn't stop the attacks in IOK. Killing Burhan didn't stop them. I think it's your country that is wasting money, time and lives of your own jawans here. Decades and you haven't quelled the insurgency. Even the Americans haven't taken this long in Afg.

I have a sneaky suspicion that abhinotindian may actually have a shred of decency and honour and refused to lie about the F16
Exactly. I mean, I just want one single pic of him actually smiling through his handlebar moustache. I just want him to give a thumbs up when asked about the f16 kill credited to him. He even didn't have to waste any expensive missiles in the process. Justs wow. I wanna signed pic of him.
Yes, International geopolitics may lead to outcomes that differ from those required under International legal obligations of states. India has stronger diplomatic and economic clout than Pakistan, but definitely not strong enough to manipulate/bend International rules in their favor. India, despite having all the advantages, esp. post 9/11 and the resultant war against Islam/Muslims under false pretenses, still hasn't been able to convince the International Community (the UN) that Kashmir is an integral part of India (and not a disputed territory).

One could argue that 'International Law' is 'International Morality' actually, but that's besides the point. You are the Aggressors in Kashmir acting against International law. Stop pretending to be the victims
Obviously, we r not strong enuff now,but we r on the path,,, but even after being strong I don't expect bhayya India to do any real damage to the bhayya pak , ,it's a fake dushmani,,real enemies don't behave like India pakistan ,, like the saying baatein karoro ko dukan pakoro ki.
Having militancy in j and k .....affords a lot of benefits to india...that most Pakistanis don't seem to understand one bit....

Such short sightedness is laughable....
So are fewer Indian occupation forces dying since your achievement? 5 today....did your "all out" have any impact on the rate of deaths and suicides in your occupying forces? Why are they killing themselves by the way, if the war is going so well?
India can keep this going forever, we have too many people willing to be next in line, in the hundreds of millions, and the money to keep it going. We'll bleed the other side even with one hand tied behind, no problem :big_boss:

Maan jao, lost cause hai.. there is no realistic scenario for Pakistan backed jihadi forces to ever achieve what they would consider a victory in this fight.

and with nukes in play and everything else, I'm not giving us a chance at ever claiming GB/"Azad" Kashmir either..
Having militancy in j and k .....affords a lot of benefits to india...that most Pakistanis don't seem to understand one bit....

Such short sightedness is laughable....

Sometimes its not about loss or benefit

Kashmir is simply a cultural, linguistic, religious and ethnic extention of Northern Pakistan

At the time of Partition and since the people hated a hindu india that simply does not represent them

They want freedom, we managed to free azad Kashmir and GB and the rest is unfinished business

India can keep this going forever, we have too many people willing to be next in line, in the hundreds of millions, and the money to keep it going. We'll bleed the other side even with one hand tied behind, no problem :big_boss:

Maan jao, lost cause hai.. there is no realistic scenario for Pakistan backed jihadi forces to ever achieve what they would consider a victory in this fight.

and with nukes in play and everything else, I'm not giving us a chance at ever claiming GB/"Azad" Kashmir either..

Then we just go on with hostilities

What would peace get us!
Yes, The UN Resolutions indeed are very clear:

  • India, in an attempt to deceive the world, seeks to fasten on Pakistan a responsibility to withdraw troops from Jammu and Kashmir unilaterally and unconditionally, by quoting out of context a certain provision of UN Commission’s resolution of 13 August 1948, that is, Part 11, paragraph A.I.

  • While doing so, India deliberately suppresses the other paragraphs of Part II. The Indians are guilty of suppressio veri and suggestio falsi.

  • These subsequent paragraphs make it obvious that the obligation of Pakistan to withdraw its troops from the state of Jammu and Kashmir does not devolve until both sides conclude a truce agreement to govern the withdrawal of not only Pakistan forces but also the bulk of the Indian armed forces from the state

  • The reciprocal obligations of the two sides as to the modalities of demilitarization, have been persistently sought to be confused by India over the past 70 years almost as to mislead the world into believing that the obligation of withdrawal devolves on Pakistan unilaterally. A reference to the provisions of Part II of the resolution of 13 August, 1948 and the elucidations given by the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan to the Government of Pakistan, established beyond any possibility of dispute the reciprocal nature of the undertaking given by the two sides to withdraw their armed forces from the state of Jammu and Kashmir

Indians refused to accept any demilitarization plan proposed by the UN (they rejected eleven such plans) and hence Truce Agreement could not be concluded. So, the Commission never notified Pakistan to begin withdrawing its forces. Pakistan had made it clear to the UN that it was ready to withdraw its troops as soon as the Commission notified it, Pakistan went a step further and told the UN that it was ready to withdraw its troops in favor of UN troops regardless of Indian reaction to such a proposal ...


As for "Terrorism",
No, Kashmiri Freedom Struggle is not terrorism....

The principle of self-determination has been internationally recognized as distinct from terrorism in Almaty Declaration of 2002, and even India itself is a party to that declaration.

I will refrain from J&K discussion till I become a member of J&K.. and no, you are only presenting your side of the picture with zero admission on the fact that neither of the side moved and both kept on adding armies. So, it is an interesting debate topic. on the right thread.

On the right of self determination - Indeed. It is a basic human right. But in fair form, when pre-requisites are met. There is a reason why countries have rules against secessionist movements - as everything is not self determination. We can't blur those lines and call it freedom fight when it concerns the enemies and call it seccession when it concerns our country. You can call it whatever you want. For me, this scourge of terrorism needs to be eradicated.
This insurgency is created because of Indian army.now they will again blame Pakistan for this attack.this will be childish.kashmir has many problems.why youth is taking weapons in their hands is a genuine question and indian government have no excuses but to blame pakistan.
In heaven

aa jao fir, we distributing free tickets


Balakot didn't stop the attacks in IOK. Killing Burhan didn't stop them. I think it's your country that is wasting money, time and lives of your own jawans here. Decades and you haven't quelled the insurgency. Even the Americans haven't taken this long in Afg.
This is nothing like the situation in Afghanistan. Look up my old post on this thread on the matter, Pak could escalate it but there's many factors at play.

Then we just go on with hostilities

What would peace get us!
it sells, but who's buying ?


aa jao fir, we distributing free tickets

View attachment 564842

They are fighting for the freedom of their people, their will be losses and struggle

Dosent mean you give up

India is turning hindutva as Jinnah predicted
He was adamant that the hindus carried the burden of 1000 years of humiliation heaped upon them by muslim domination and they could not bw trusted as they would justify murder of even muslim civilians

Ergo Pakistan was born!

Kashmirs simply do not want to be a part of an increasingly hindutva india

Its ever more important they gain their freedom...

Do you have photos of the 40 indian soldiers the Kashmiri resistance burnt in pulwama?
Just a small coleteral damage. We will kill 10 for 1 like Balakot, Tarbela and operation cold wave. Loosers are Jubilannt with one coward attack. It is just matter of time they are revenged.
That's collateral damage boot polishing
of Pak army with his blood and begging for his life :thinktank:
Is abhinandan really back in India? I haven't heard a peep out of him. One would expect at least one interview where he states he downed an f16 if it happened... Quite an achievement. Our PAF marksmen have been photographed in victory poses. Why not abhinandan, whose achievement trumps everything PAF achieved? I'm beginning to wonder if he is actually even in India.
Still active duty in a fighter squadron, thank you for treating him not as badly as Nichiketa during Kargil.

He probably has a million dollar book contract waiting once he's done, apart from books, there are other things he can cash in on too. Uski life set hai, don't worry about him lol
I will refrain from J&K discussion till I become a member of J&K.. and no, you are only presenting your side of the picture with zero admission on the fact that neither of the side moved and both kept on adding armies. So, it is an interesting debate topic. on the right thread.

On the right of self determination - Indeed. It is a basic human right. But in fair form, when pre-requisites are met. There is a reason why countries have rules against secessionist movements - as everything is not self determination. We can't blur those lines and call it freedom fight when it concerns the enemies and call it seccession when it concerns our country. You can call it whatever you want. For me, this scourge of terrorism needs to be eradicated.

We didn't move/withdraw our troops because India didn't accept any demilitarization plan proposed by the UN and therefore the UN didn't notify/ask us to begin withdrawal. This is an easily verifiable fact.

As for the Kashmiris' right to self-determination, that has been accepted by the UN. India (or Pakistan) not meeting the pre-requisites does not (and cannot) deprive them of their fundamental right promised to them by the UN. As per the established and recognized maxim of law "commodum ex injuria sua nemo habere debet (no party can take undue advantage of his own wrong)", India cannot deny the Kashmiri people their basic rights on the basis of their own wrong i.e. Indian inability to meet the pre-requisites. And that's the reason why Kashmir still remains on the agenda of the UNSC as an unresolved international dispute.
Still active duty in a fighter squadron, thank you for treating him not as badly as Nichiketa during Kargil.

He probably has a million dollar book contract waiting once he's done, apart from books, there are other things he can cash in on too. Uski life set hai, don't worry about him lol

The fact he has refused to endorse indian propaganda to protect its ego is telling

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