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Breaking: Asad Umar axed!

On a 1 to 10 scale ishaq dar with all of his ill doings still was a better choice then having a clever stupid like Asad umer
On a 1 to 10 scale, someone is the most delusional waste of bandwidth to admire Ishaq Dar the Pig as a better choice - who is one of the leading culprits responsible for the economic destruction of Pakistan.

To be continued...@PakSword :tup:
Bureaucracy seems to be the ill of all evil. So why cant they be fired and tried for hurting national interest? Do it to 10 of them, the rest of them will fall in line.

Wholly agreed. This is IK's weakness that he believes in good and gives them a chance. But Pakistan is at steak and he needs to be ruthless or bow out.

Asad Umar couldn't control his ministry.

Is IK being fed the right information by the other institutions such as IB?
Regardless, the countdown has now begun for Interim Setup.

This setup is going to last between 2 to 3 years. Now you will see Pak State coming into play.
No. No one in uniform.

Pak is too important to be left into hands of NS gang/Zardar gang/#Diesel gang....

Would be better if IK desolve the current #CriminalParliment and go out with honour and not stick to the chair of PM.

The fact is IK cann't delvier anything in the current setup. IK should now do the necessary.

Sir @Mangus Ortus Novem
I am of strong opinion that the only last real solution for Pakistan left right now is a technocratic caretaker government for atleast 2 to 3 years which will do a ruthless and extremely brutal accountability recovering the looted wealth from Nawaz/Zaradri and others. While also doing far reaching reforms in other departments.

I didn't vote for any party neither do I support or will ever support these incompetent, corrupt morons sitting in assemblies wasting and enjoying the money of taxpayers.
IK is clean but incompetent while rest of almost all politicians and political parties are corrupt to the core.

میں لعنت بھیجتا ہوں اس کرپٹ نظام پہ
Maybe we can sell the Mig-21 as spare parts back to India to pay off some loans.
Sir @Mangus Ortus Novem
I am of strong opinion that the only last real solution for Pakistan left right now is a technocratic caretaker government for atleast 2 to 3 years which will do a ruthless and extremely brutal accountability recovering the looted wealth from Nawaz/Zaradri and others. While also doing far reaching reforms in other departments.

I didn't vote for any party neither do I support or will ever support these incompetent, corrupt morons sitting in assemblies wasting and enjoying the money of taxpayers.
IK is clean but incompetent while rest of almost all politicians and political parties are corrupt to the core.

میں لعنت بھیجتا ہوں اس کرپٹ نظام پہ

My dear Pak,

We need stability right now... we need to close these politicos and their traps... this daily chaos needs to go.

Pak is under attack. The new wave of terror is being unleashed. We need to shut the trap of this BBZ.

2-3 years of stability.

Interim Setup is ready to roll. No worries there. We shall see the burial of this #CriminalEnterprise system soon.

I would like to see #EconomicTerrorists to be hanged. They have committed Crimes Against Humanity.

Hope! Remain #PakPositive

Let us just bury this system for good. All these unionists, #Diesels, mafias... a total overhaul. Let us bury ZAB, Zia legacy.

We should focus on PakPositive solutions here. Challenge each other, learn from each other.


Bro, I would calm down, and ask:

1) Why are the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer?

2) Why is inflation out of control?

3) Even after 8 months: "the old govts did it," So what have you done to rectify these issues?

4) What relief have you give to the common man?

5) Election promises- $200bn, BS and so on.. Nothing! Not a single US$ back. Just justifying U-turns. In the real world, when you make a promise and break it, your credibility flies out of the window.

6) PIA, Steel Mill, other public sector liabilities, still a black hole, where is the dynamic, out of the box thinking? Just as an e.g. One lame excuse for PIA is that it flies routes that are unprofitable. The solution to that is to let pvt airlines fly those routes, subsidized, instead of subsidizing the whole damn airline!

7) The bureaucracy and corruption still there - My friends wife (a housewife) got harassed at Karachi airport, because she didn't have her "protector" done. Nearly missed her flight.

Somebody for the love of God, show me where the change is!

Well, to be honest, this government wanted to do everything, but wasn't left any room to even breath.

I have been saying this for so many months now, to everyone.. Pakistan doesn't have anything except debt, that that too a huge one..

A country which has no natural resources to export relies heavily on educated and trained workforce, explores avenues and invests on its people to take benefit of those avenues, so that it could send its workforce to foreign countries to earn revenue.. simply called export of services if we don't have any resource or product to sell.. Pakistan had a chance of taking benefit of the upcoming IT industry in 1990s.. IT sector should have been given incentives.. new institutes should have been formed.. subsidies should have been given on short and long IT courses, favorable tax schemes should have been introduced for this sector.. and so on..

Currently, everything combined, Pakistani exports lurk around 20 billion dollars.. with just one IT sector, we would have been earning more than this only from IT sector.. In addition, it would have increased our soft power, around the world and our workforce would have been working in US, Europe and Middle East.. and sending much more remittances other than software exports..


we decided to give subsidies on transport, edibles, and useless things.. we provided natural gas to residential areas on such cheap prices that people used to forget turning off their stoves.. I would have supplied that gas to generate electricity and provided that electricity cheap to industrial sector and education sector.. but no.. we are mahaan decision makers..

and when our exports fell, we decided to cover our current account deficit by taking loans.. I mean I am against interest bearing loans, but if a government has decided to take loan, then bloody invest it in development projects rather than covering current account deficit every year..

IK's problem is that he didn't realize the situation before taking charge.. He thought previous governments left piece of cake for him to eat.. and he could take on from here.. he didn't realize that Pakistani imports have reached 45 billion dollars.. there is no way any government could handle this situation.. just no way...

There is no way forward Khafee.. no way.. You give this country in with this economic condition to an economic genius and he will fail sooner or later.. We don't have room to apply reforms.. we have to manage the current account deficit only and even that's really a hard task.. A country without any resource, without industry, without educated/ trained work force.. with a huge population, without water, without dams, without forests, can't survive..

Anyone who says that IK or PTI should have done this or that is living in delusions... you apply the best policies and we will see the same results..
Relax folks!

People get reshuffled from their Government positions all the time in the West.

If you don't perform or meet your goals, you are gone irrespective of how "good" your public perceptions are.

I personally liked Asad Umar, he did some good work. But if IK believes that he isn't meetings the goals set out for him or that he just cannot handle the pressure... It's time for the next guy.

Pakistanis are soon used to corrupt incompetent people put in position by PeePeePee and PML-Nutcases governments for life ... They don't realize, in the "real" world, government ministerial positions always get replaced based upon performance.

Thank you Asad Umar for your service.

Next guy please!

Pakistan First.

Pakistanis are the first to criticize their genuine leaders.

So in love with slavery and being scammed by Zardari and Nawaz, we forgot they brought us to this situation.

If Pakistan can became loyal to their government, we could become one of the strongest nations in the world.

We should have given PTI a stronger mandate, but some of us are still brainwashed by the corrupt leeches of previous governments.

Pessimistic, self-doubting nations have no future.

Pakistan and Pakistanis need to change.

Satan (Shaytan) was conducting a guided tour of hell.

The tour group entered a chamber with pots of boiling oil, all full of howling people.

Around all the pots were a ring of devils with pitchforks, catching people who escaped from the pot and pitching them back in. "Why are there so many devils around these pots?" Asked the tourists.
"Well, where all the devils are is the pot for the kafirs,” said Satan. “They keep helping each other climb out of the pot. So we need a big guard to keep throwing them back in.

However, around one of the pot were no devils. "Why are there so many devils around that pot and none around this one?” asked the tourists.

The devil saids "This is the Pakistani pot where we keep all the Pakistanis. We don’t need to watch this pot. Whenever one of those fellows crawls out, the others pulls his leg and he is back in.”

I see that when ever this PTI government runs into some sort of a challenge all the Pakistanis who like to pull the leg of the other Pakistani come out of the woodworks.

Asad Umar resignation was a decision made for better or worse based upon what IK thought was best. I will give his government at least a year and then pass judgement ... Not at the 6 month mark.

Nawaz and Zardari have been robbing us blind for ten years and put us in this economic situation.

However, Imran Khan rejects Arif Mian and then removes Asad Umar, so he is the worst human being imaginable. I don’t understand this logic at all, but what I see is that people hold IK to a higher standard.

Pakistan will move on without our armchair economists and doomsayers.

In sha Allah, PTI will be successful.

For what gain to IK?

He stood against a military dictator who roughed him up and jailed him. He had a life threatening fall and recovered from it to continue fighting, and you think he was pressurised?

He didn't release the tape of 35 puncture to give army a face saving, he wasn't coerced by anyone to say 'political statement'.

We will eventually find out why the axe fell on UA. He must have crossed a red line or two or messed up bad on something that is not out in open yet. His new Amnesty Scheme proposal was just plain awful. There may be more.

Until our nation is willing to trust our military, intelligence, government, we cannot get past this situation.

We are facing war in the East, proxy wars from the North and West, world powers converging against us, swamped by traitors in the thousands if not millions, sold media, and corrupt politicians/ judges of the previous governments.

Pakistan needs to stand behind Imran Khan and trust in his decision. Don’t be so quick to rubbish the only man who can possibly lead us out of this situation.

There is simply no other way.
My dear Pak,

We need stability right now... we need to close these politicos and their traps... this daily chaos needs to go.

Pak is under attack. The new wave of terror is being unleashed. We need to shut the trap of this BBZ.

2-3 years of stability.

Interim Setup is ready to roll. No worries there. We shall see the burial of this #CriminalEnterprise system soon.

I would like to see #EconomicTerrorists to be hanged. They have committed Crimes Against Humanity.

Hope! Remain #PakPositive

Let us just bury this system for good. All these unionists, #Diesels, mafias... a total overhaul. Let us bury ZAB, Zia legacy.

We should focus on PakPositive solutions here. Challenge each other, learn from each other.



IK is going through first round of axing (2 down so far) ... Maybe there will be no next round and that's when wrap up will happen.
There was a thread with a video of Ishaq Dar's statement after Asad Umar resignation. That thread seems to have been merged here and video post deleted. All the abuses you see from post #266 onwards are for Dar.
Kindly ask him to go mental hospital.he deserves medical treatment.he destroyed entire country.imf must be laughing.i think it's too late.imran Khan should also go if Pakistan go bankrupt within 6 months.country comes first.i don't care about political parties.we must punish people like Asad umar.after medical treatment,take him to jail.he deserves punishment.nafsiati pagal insan.
I wouldn't call it axing... it is just natural process which is unfolding.

The current system would not allow even the most pious, honest person to deliver.

The rot, decay is too deep.

A required process to validate the long interim and eventual new system.

Public at large needs to be 'convinced' that all options were exercised but the system is beyond repair.

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