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Breaking: Asad Umar axed!

پی ٹی آئی کو سمجھ نہیں آ رھی ھو کیا رھا ھے

مجرہ کراؤ [emoji23]

اصل مسلئہ یہ ھے

پاکستان کی پاس ٹیم بہت کمزور ھے

آرمی کے جنرلز اپنا پوٹا بھرنے کے چکر میں لگے رھتے ھیں۔ سیاست دان اپنی گاڑی چمکاتے رھتے ھیں اور باقی ان کو فالو کرتے ھیں

ملک چلانے کے لیے مخلص لوگوں کی ضرورت ھوتی ھے اور مخلص بھاگ جاتے ھیں ایسے ماحول مے [emoji41]
If there ever was a good U-turn to take for Imran Khan, this is the best chance!

The sage once said: Great leaders take even greater u-turns.
Perception? He might be very capable to handle the economy, however what is the point when that is not his goal?
A clear point.

پی ٹی آئی کو سمجھ نہیں آ رھی ھو کیا رھا ھے

مجرہ کراؤ [emoji23]

اصل مسلئہ یہ ھے

پاکستان کی پاس ٹیم بہت کمزور ھے

آرمی کے جنرلز اپنا پوٹا بھرنے کے چکر میں لگے رھتے ھیں۔ سیاست دان اپنی گاڑی چمکاتے رھتے ھیں اور باقی ان کو فالو کرتے ھیں

ملک چلانے کے لیے مخلص لوگوں کی ضرورت ھوتی ھے اور مخلص بھاگ جاتے ھیں ایسے ماحول مے [emoji41]
Yes. Mahol zara thek hoto kamal k log wapas aajaingy

It's like if engine doesn't work, change the tyres.
What will finance minister do alone? Pakistan needs a complete reset from top to bottom.. Asad Omer is punished for the sins of others.
That ain't happening any time soon mate. We can only wish for removal of Ribah. But eh...the powers that be have their ways, and we are completely at the mercy of the Ribah based financial system right now.

I jut hope some day some "man" will stand up in Pakistan, and kill Ribah from our so called "Land of the Pure".
Any Muslim country jiska financial system sood see sync nahi?
Such an awful decision by IK.

I feel bad for Asad Umar. He should have stayed in the private sector where people rise to the top on the basis of their merits, you don't have to deal with incompetent colleagues, and don't have to explain every single decision on a daily basis to an economically illiterate nation.
A clear point.

Yes. Mahol zara thek hoto kamal k log wapas aajaingy

It's like if engine doesn't work, change the tyres.
What will finance minister do alone? Pakistan needs a complete reset from top to bottom.. Asad Omer is punished for the sins of others.
Its not possible. Every person who try to work for Pakistan shall be dropped/ hunted by corrupt Mafia.

To whom you will contact

1) Army Generals ×
2) Politicians ×
3) Bureaucracy ×

All in vain.

My intelligence [emoji1009]️ can not trust on them.
One solution to constant Pakistani crises is the suggestion of presidential system. Why exactly is this a solution?

Erdogan during his productive years was actually when he was Prime Minister.

Same with India, Malaysia, they have not moved to Presidential system. What exactly is the love of the presidential system?
Its just youthias now trying to find an excuse for their team not performing.
Bro, I would calm down, and ask:

1) Why are the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer?

Hi, this is not a refutation but only an explanation to keep the record straight.

1) The system cannot be changed within 8 months. Rich will continue to get rich and the poor more so because this is the way it is rigged by the corrupt to benefit themselves. It can only be undone constitutionally in a very meticulous way and only one step at a time since parliament is hung.

The other option is already tried by several dictators with even worse outcome because of lack of focus i.e. only prolonged the struggle against corrupt by having cold feet and letting them back in the system...just as it looks to be readying itself to do the same again these days - may Allah Subhan Taala forbid any extra constitutional step but a constitutional change towards presidential system is a far better approach than any civil emergency.

2) Why is inflation out of control?

2) What else do you expect but inflation to spiral when the government had no option but to print currency after assuming power? The other option was to default right away.

Ask caretaker government and the reply was that there was nothing left in the coffers but if they hadn't got mini bailout by China to even hold elections. That's how bad it was.

3) Even after 8 months: "the old govts did it," So what have you done to rectify these issues?

3) The old government had floated all your dollar reserves in the market to artificially keep dollar in check. The old government had drowned Pakistan in unprecedented debt that requires what? Had Scheduled Repayment of debt after its tenure - how much is the repayment?

Just the interest to be payed back besides the actual amount of debt - how much?

7 BILLION DAILY X 30 X 12 is required to keep Pakistan from defaulting.

What else can be done when economic packages by friendly countries have been
Generous but still not enough to keep up with the debt repayment?

You have to go to IMF for still more help with rescheduling of debt and some more to payback what's due.

Now let me skip to other points before addressing point 4 at the end.

5) Election promises- $200bn, BS and so on.. Nothing! Not a single US$ back. Just justifying U-turns. In the real world, when you make a promise and break it, your credibility flies out of the window.

6) PIA, Steel Mill, other public sector liabilities, still a black hole, where is the dynamic, out of the box thinking? Just as an e.g. One lame excuse for PIA is that it flies routes that are unprofitable. The solution to that is to let pvt airlines fly those routes, subsidized, instead of subsidizing the whole damn airline!

The $200 billion was actually identified by a Swiss Banker to the then FM Ishaq Dar who declared the same in NA and promised to bring it back. PTI picked it only after Ishaq Dar's own Chairman FBR sabotaged and brushed all the efforts under the carpet.

PTI promised much about it before elections but to the astonishment of people in the know, IK's advisors obnoxiously went ahead and advised IK to appoint the same guy as Governor State Bank. What is more astonishing is that IK agreed and appointed the same.

What to expect from that guy to do anything about bringing the very dough stashed in Swiss Banks when the very guy who sabotaged the deal with Swiss government was heading the most powerful financial institution.

6) Pak Steel, PIA issues are just political rallying points for PPP and PMLN to get an excuse to mobilize the thousands of employees and start street agitation if PTI disturbs the proverbial hornets nest.

4) What relief have you give to the common man?

The budget deficit has been reduced to one third, government's Mughlia and wasteful expenditure has been all but eliminated. The imports bill has been reduced but exports have only marginally been improved so the cost of production needs to be checked - energy bill is one of the major reasons as circular debt has been spiralling since 2015 and besides the massive electricity circular debt, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY, PMLN LET THE GAS CIRCULAR DEBT GENIE LOOSE IN ITS TENURE BY DOING EXPENSIVE LNG DEAL WITH QATAR.

The biggest relief, believe it or not is that Pakistan didn't default or else the effluent would be going breakfast shopping with currency in shopping bags while the poor would be committing suicide instead of screaming inflation at the moment.

The only way out is to tighten the belt, pay due taxes instead of finding loop holes and eat the proverbial grass like our leaders of the past used to claim for the economic revival of Pakistan.

But apart from the salaried, we the people of Pakistan, it's business community at large would rather bribe FBR officers, buy smuggled, grey channel goods and avoid paying taxes all together instead of paying fair share of taxes.

The biggest mistake by Asad Umar was to restrict non tax filers as booby trapped by reform roadmap set by Mifta and PMLN along with drastic rupee devaluation also in line with Mifta. This along with trying to reduce the energy circular debt simultaneously, just hanged the economy - now it is stuck unless remedial steps are taken and IMF funds kick in.

This is the simple legacy of years of corrupt rulers - corrupt to the core society looking to blame anyone as incompetent, unwise, not thinking out of the box, and every possible profanity right, left and center of anyone who tries to correct the economy destroyed due to the corrupt by blaming the very reformers instead of those responsible for the years and years of rot.

Ishaq Dar the pig who destroyed Pakistan's economy and Sharifs who amassed the biggest foreign debt in the entire history of Pakistan should be hanged and all their assets be confiscated.

But we see them getting bails and what not. Wow, just Wow.

@Tps43 @PakSword @Farah Sohail @Verve @Path-Finder @Zibago @django @war&peace @Moonlight
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PM kick out FM , not good for Pakistan.

Pakistan need stability with team work and good leadership . New FM will be expat , my guess , it may be IMF condition.

Please share your thoughts .

My intelligence also assume that

Asad Umer is not responsible for this bad economy.

Where are the Generals & #1 ISI when all bad puppies nurturing.

Listen this army man.

There are strong rumors that this decision of removing Asad is not taken by IK independently.
It was impose on IK by certain quarters; IK request Asad to take another ministry but Asad refuse and in anger resigns.

i assume certain quarters refers to army generals
Hi, this is not a refutation but only an explanation to keep the record straight.

1) The system cannot be changed within 8 months. Rich will continue to get rich and the poor more so because this is the way it is rigged by the corrupt to benefit themselves. It can only be undone constitutionally in a very meticulous way and only one step at a time since parliament is hung.

The other option is already tried by several dictators with even worse outcome because of lack of focus i.e. only prolonged the struggle against corrupt by having cold feet and letting them back in the system...just as it looks to be readying itself to do the same again these days - may Allah Subhan Taala forbid any extra constitutional step but a constitutional change towards presidential system is a far better approach than any civil emergency.

2) What else do you expect but inflation to spiral when the government had no option but to print currency after assuming power? The other option was to default right away.

Ask caretaker government and the reply was that there was nothing left in the coffers but if they hadn't got mini bailout by China to even hold elections. That's how bad it was.

3) The old government had floated all your dollar reserves in the market to artificially keep dollar in check. The old government had drowned Pakistan in unprecedented debt that requires what? Had Scheduled Repayment of debt after its tenure - how much is the repayment?

Just the interest to be payed back besides the actual amount of debt - how much?

7 BILLION DAILY X 30 X 12 is required to keep Pakistan from defaulting.

What else can be done when economic packages by friendly countries have been
Generous but still not enough to keep up with the debt repayment?

You have to go to IMF for still more help with rescheduling of debt and some more to payback what's due.

Now let me skip to other points before addressing point 4 at the end.

The $200 billion was actually identified by a Swiss Banker to the then FM Ishaq Dar who declared the same in NA and promised to bring it back. PTI picked it only after Ishaq Dar's own Chairman FBR sabotaged and brushed all the efforts under the carpet.

PTI promised much about it before elections but to the astonishment of people in the know, IK's advisors obnoxiously went ahead and advised IK to appoint the same guy as Governor State Bank. What is more astonishing is that IK agreed and appointed the same.

What to expect from that guy to do anything about bringing the very dough stashed in Swiss Banks when the very guy who sabotaged the deal with Swiss government was heading the most powerful financial institution.

6) Pak Steel, PIA issues are just political rallying points for PPP and PMLN to get an excuse to mobilize the thousands of employees and start street agitation if PTI disturbs the proverbial hornets nest.

The budget deficit has been reduced to one third, government's Mughlia and wasteful expenditure has been all but eliminated. The imports bill has been reduced but exports have only marginally been improved so the cost of production needs to be checked - energy bill is one of the major reasons as circular debt has been spiralling since 2015 and besides the massive electricity circular debt, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY, PMLN LET THE GAS CIRCULAR DEBT GENIE LOOSE IN ITS TENURE BY DOING EXPENSIVE LNG DEAL WITH QATAR.

The biggest relief, believe it or not is that Pakistan didn't default or else the effluent would be going breakfast shopping with currency in shopping bags while the poor would be committing suicide instead of screaming inflation at the moment.

The only way out is to tighten the belt, pay due taxes instead of finding loop holes and eat the proverbial grass like our leaders of the past used to claim for the economic revival of Pakistan.

But apart from the salaried, we the people of Pakistan, it's business community at large would rather bribe FBR officers, buy smuggled, grey channel goods and avoid paying taxes all together instead of paying fair share of taxes.

The biggest mistake by Asad Umar was to restrict non tax filers as booby trapped by reform roadmap set by Mifta and PMLN along with drastic rupee devaluation also in line with Mifta. This along with trying to reduce the energy circular debt simultaneously, just hanged the economy - now it is stuck unless remedial steps are taken and IMF funds kick in.

This is the simple legacy of years of corrupt rulers - corrupt to the core society looking to blame anyone as incompetent, unwise, not thinking out of the box, and every possible profanity right, left and center of anyone who tries to correct the economy destroyed due to the corrupt by blaming the very reformers instead of those responsible for the years and years of rot.

Ishaq Dar the pig who destroyed Pakistan's economy and Sharifs who amassed the biggest foreign debt in the entire history of Pakistan should be hanged and all their assets be confiscated.

But we see them getting bails and what not. Wow, just Wow.

@Tps43 @PakSword @Farah Sohail @Verve @Path-Finder @Zibago @django @war&peace @Moonlight

Very well said, except one point, I don't see those who brought the economy to its knees over the last one decade, being brought to justice.

What they have done, is nothing less than treason.
What they have done, is nothing less than treason.
Ditto and the other mistake by myself was to skip the mention of Zardaris who are even worse but not as resourceful as Sharifs have turned out to be.

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