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Breaking: Asad Umar axed!

Sacking a person used to negotiate with IMF is something strange. If he was not doing good then they should have brought a better replacement and let him deal with IMF. To be honest rational analysis of current events suggests that this GOVT is in total chaos.
A big loss for Pakistan ..finding a poltican who is man refrom is rare thing..technocrats cant replace a public figure..PTI was the only oarty to have a polticans who was skilled at this ..its so unfortunate that he was fired for no reason

A stark reminder for people ..i was asked by someone that should he take the over to kead a refrom package in health/cardiac surgery..my answer was no and today its proven right.

Pakistan is not a place for intelligent person to work in govt..

Private sector yeah may be

The problem is, who is the next person?

Also, I really hope Asad umar keeps fighting, he's PM material.
Lol..this exactly was the down fall reason..someone thought if suceeds he might be next to replace IK۔۔something parts of PTI didnt like

This sends a clear message for smart people to never indulge in politics or gov work..something i knew but hoped i would be turned wrong
A big loss for Pakistan ..finding a poltican who is man refrom is rare thing..technocrats cant replace a public figure..PTI was the only oarty to have a polticans who was skilled at this ..its so unfortunate that he was fired for no reason

A stark reminder for people ..i was asked by someone that should he take the over to kead a refrom package in health/cardiac surgery..my answer was no and today its proven right.

Pakistan is not a place for intelligent person to work in govt..

Private sector yeah may be

Lol..this exactly was the down fall reason..someone thought if suceeds he might be next to replace IK۔۔something parts of PTI didnt like

That's a very cynical view and I hope it's not correct. However in Pakistani politics it probably is.

Our People have a mentality that they are okay with destroying the world, as long as no one else gets ahead.

"Mara nuksan ho Jai, but agla bunda agay noa Jai"
I don't agree. Usman Buzdar is an asset. He can't commit any mistake; since he hardly does anything.

I’m now starting to miss Shehbaz Sharif! Can u believe it ....he was corrupt but at least he had initiative, vision and lots of energy. It seems like PML-N are the best of the bunch after PTI failing to achieve much
I think he should be commended for stepping down, unlike some other parties, where the minister will stay glued to the seat. They need to put an experienced economist at the helm.

I don't know why, however, they would want him to replace Omar Ayub who is actually doing a great job as the power minister. You can see his Twitter for progress in cracking down on power theft - https://twitter.com/OmarAyubKhan?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author
Anyway i amprobably going to go in hibernation as i probably know the script frm here on..i.e follow IMF..and end up doing populist decision thereafter for election ...IK couldnt resist the pressure from his party and simply buckled under it ..yeah IK might win the next election with this strategy of boom burst but its going to be repeat of nawaz era

To me asad umar was greater leader than IK..most will disagree here on this but thats the truth ..
Who knows IK might have done this to save the party but this doesn't change anything

That's a very cynical view and I hope it's not correct. However in Pakistani politics it probably is.

Our People have a mentality that they are okay with destroying the world, as long as no one else gets ahead.

"Mara nuksan ho Jai, but agla bunda agay noa Jai"
Oh yeah it is not only politics but in everyfield
The reason why lot of talented people end up either going private or not coming back at all

Refroms asad umar wanted were drastic something that you cant achieve in democracy
I’m now starting to miss Shehbaz Sharif! Can u believe it ....he was corrupt but at least he had initiative, vision and lots of energy. It seems like PML-N are the best of the bunch after PTI failing to achieve much

Sorry. I don't agree with you, at all. This financial mess, of exorbitant external and internal debt, in which we are, is the joint creation of the last PPP and PML(N) governments. Keep on missing these scoundrels and rascals; but I don't. These people have totally destructed the economy of Pakistan. It will take quite some time to recover it, if it can be.
Seems one of the worst decisions I have ever seen in international reshuffles. The man had taken the painful measures and it needed a couple of years to steer through it. Now someone new will come in and take months just to learn his department.

You also do not get rid of your Finance Minister who is in the middle if an IMF negotiation.

And then not even have a replacement lined up.
He seemed one of the only few Ministers in PTI who were genuine PTI supporters, now it is looking more and more like PTI is nothing but a status quo party.
IK scummed to the pressure, yet again!

For what gain to IK?

He stood against a military dictator who roughed him up and jailed him. He had a life threatening fall and recovered from it to continue fighting, and you think he was pressurised?

He didn't release the tape of 35 puncture to give army a face saving, he wasn't coerced by anyone to say 'political statement'.

We will eventually find out why the axe fell on UA. He must have crossed a red line or two or messed up bad on something that is not out in open yet. His new Amnesty Scheme proposal was just plain awful. There may be more.
It takes a Nation to stand behind a man if such things are desired as a whole. No country which is internally strong can be invaded or destroyed.

Qaddafi is irrelevant in Pakistani affairs man. He had pan African dream more than halal stuffs.

Gaddafi was allowed to stay until that point he declared to abandon the dollar. That was the trigger point because they were actually worried he was going to do it.

Also recent attack on Maduro in Venezuela escalated after he announced trading in Chinese Yuan.

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