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Breaking! 3 Indian soldiers killed & many injured in IoK

There is no concept of self judge and jury in Islam... You can bark somewhere else!
Fu****g noone!
hahaha hindu terrorist lover spotted. Not much of a gentle man are you. What would you know about islam. When you use profanity in Ramadan. Traitors come in many shapes and form
As the valley defrosts these attacks will rise. This has been happening since 2016.

ISI must have hidden (possibly buried) large catches of small arms during the 90's deep inside the Kashmir valley. Hopefully this year those arms could surface for the final resistance.
Nah.. loc is porous as a leaky sponge in spite of fencing & a million injun monkeys... people familiar with the terrain can come & go at will, doesn't require any special skills.
Islam calls us to fight against oppressor. In fact a non Muslim occupying Muslim lands is the best target of jihad as per Islam

What is your problem with that?
Very well said, I certainly have no problem with that.
But can an individual of some other country start jihad himself? Can carry Arms without call to carry arms? But that's a seperate issue!
Obviously you can kill oppressors regardless of their religion but when a 3rd person targets certain dead oppressors on basic of their religion and mocks the deads then it should be a problem.
Say Death to all oppressors and supporters and its right.

hahaha hindu terrorist lover spotted. Not much of a gentle man are you. What would you know about islam. When you use profanity in Ramadan. Traitors come in many shapes and form
Dear, I am a terrorist hater.
Only difference is my hatred is regardless of the religion but the act of terrorism itself. But some people can't have a wider POV. A well's frog!
And when something is said against such people they choose cheap tactics of targeting the person...
Your beliefs are same as world used to see us Muslims. Callimg all MUSLIMS terrorists and showing lesser intellect and common sense!
This is a pathetic attempt at an insurgency.
These are sporadic attacks at best.
If PakIntel/Establishment community is watching then I advice a Taliban style socio-pllitical full scale insurgency. With a local army/group that takes hold of and controls territories of Kashmir. If challenged in said territory. The same group morphs. Lets the Indian Army come in to the territory while disappearing, blending in with the locals. Then re-organizning and ambushing the Indians in guerilla fashion. Like what the Spanish and Russians did to Napolean and Hitler.

There are lessons to be had from Afghan Taliban and others. Training and guerilla ideology in modern context need to be imparted upon both Indian and Pakistani Kashmiris.
This is a pathetic attempt at an insurgency.
These are sporadic attacks at best.
If PakIntel/Establishment community is watching then I advice a Taliban style socio-pllitical full scale insurgency. With a local army/group that takes hold of and controls territories of Kashmir. If challenged in said territory. The same group morphs. Lets the Indian Army come in to the territory while disappearing, blending in with the locals. Then re-organizning and ambushing the Indians in guerilla fashion. Like what the Spanish and Russians did to Napolean and Hitler.

There are lessons to be had from Afghan Taliban and others. Training and guerilla ideology in modern context need to be imparted upon both Indian and Pakistani Kashmiris.
There is a big difference between Afghanistan and Kashmir. People, Culture, Geography, Demography etc
Tunnels networks solar panels. Rotation mujahideen units. Local clandestine command centers under mosques/houses. The whole shabang.

Use the lessons you(PakArmy) learned from dispatching these India khwarij terrorists in North Waziristan and Swat. Give same tools to mujahideen in Kashmir. Launch three tentacles(not groups with different names as that confuses local population, harder to get their support)i.e attack from three sides of valley. Like what TTP khwarij were doing to us(theirs' was a two pronged attack).

Turn their strategy and weapons against them.

I know. Also know that not every Kashmiri will be loyal some are RAW informants. In 90s we lost mujahideen bcz of those informants. But with everyday their are more people against India in Kashmir.

We must somehow have an organic Taliban like rebel/fighting force that is well trained and fierce in combat emerge from Kashmir.
There is a big difference between Afghanistan and Kashmir. People, Culture, Geography, Demography etc
If Indian RAW can harness TTP to do it in Swat(similar geography to Kashmir) then world's best lumber#1 ISI should be able to do it in Kashmir.
Than what? TTP was finished from Swat but did Afghan Taliban vanished from Afghanistan?
These small raids to kill rats are really good to rat army moral go down the drain

what these small groups need to do it take over a small town near loc and declare independence and call it Kashmir

Pakistan need to come up with army support for this small independent gov or Kashmir straight away

involve China and Arab nations in this and you have freedom movement getting results
But can an individual of some other country start jihad himself?

Kashmiris DO NOT belong to India! IA is an occupying force and even an individual Kashmiri can start jihad against this brutal and cruel occupying force.

May the Kashmiri Freedom Fighter send more of these Kafir invaders to hell.

Stopping injustice with hand/force is a right given to everyone by Allah. That is jihad too. If you are a Muslim, you'd know that!
At least two are injured as of now. The number could increase.

The mujahideen are roasting these hindu terrorists.
They need Afghan type support from USA and KSA. Perhaps we could strike some sort of deal with them and kick Indian occupation forces out of Kashmir.

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