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Breaking : 15 Year Old Boy Set On Fire For Refusing To Chant Jai Shri Ram Slogan

Believers are like one body in their mutual love and mercy. When one part of a body is in bad health, the rest of the entire body joins it in restlessness and lack of sleep and is busy with its treatment. [Bukhari]

He who does not care about the troubles of Muslims is not of them. [Hakim]
If you are Muslim than it should be our problem, if they are annihilating Muslims in India it is a religious war too.
In fact, Quran prescribes to help the weak and persecuted people.

tag an injun muslim and u'll get an answer that will shut you up.
Trust me, their answer is going to change now.
Ghazi if he survives
Shaheed if he dies

Things are heading in the direction that ahadith indicated 1400 years ago.
But injun muslims are not interested in discomfort. They just want full comfort prograaam.
They certainly dont want Mahdi a.s in their neighborhood.
Hemant Karkare uncovered that ISI had give money to hinduwadis for Malegaon blasts and also sent some ISI operatives to help Hinduwadis prepare bombs.
Your ISI and government want a civil war in India.
@The_Showstopper @jamahir @Anwar72
Sorry I fail to see the problem here, even if this propaganda is somehow completely true. So Pakistani operatives seek to negatively influence and even foment civil war in the nation that is its sworn enemy since inception. This is precisely what I would do to someone who means me harm. India has picked a fight with Pakistan since its inception. Why should Pakistan back down?

Moreover, this is precisely why Pakistanis should actually show some interest in these events over the border.

It is in Pakistan's interests to sustain the real narrative that Hindustan is a fascist state and to further refute the now comical falsehood that India is somehow a shining beacon of secularism and equality. The Indian nation was only ever civilised by mughals and the British.

You are not different from a Hinduwadi who supports terror activities of hinduwadi mobs.
Hinduwadis and ISI/Other Pakistani extremists are natural allies.
Bullcrap. ISI defends our nation and its citizens, Muslim, non-Muslim alike. Hindutva attacks Muslims in its own country.
I wouldn't be surprised to find out that hinduwadi Mobs who target muslims must secretly working for ISI.
They want to destabilize India. And a year back few Hinduwadis BJP workers were found out to be ISI agents.

Hinduwadis and ISI are brothers in mischief making.
They want to terrorize to rule.

Most Hindus aren't Hinduwadis. But most Pakistanis support ISI activities.
Hemant Karkare uncovered that ISI had give money to hinduwadis for Malegaon blasts and also sent some ISI operatives to help Hinduwadis prepare bombs.
Your ISI and government want a civil war in India.
@The_Showstopper @jamahir @Anwar72
You are not different from a Hinduwadi who supports terror activities of hinduwadi mobs.
Hinduwadis and ISI/Other Pakistani extremists are natural allies.

@Oscar @Irfan Baloch @Arsalan @The Eagle @Dubious @waz @WAJsal

Seems we have a BJP propagandist here.
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Agreed. My Emaan will not be complete, if i don't feel pain for the plight of my Muslim brothers & sisters.

Having said that, we all must use, what is in our power to help oppressed muslims, we can use social media as a tool, we can raise our voice at social media, twitter, facebook & all other forums etc. to expose the real face of India & tell the world (tag UN, HRW, Amnesty, OIC and influential Islamic and world leaders) about the plight of all muslims whether in India, Kashmir, or in Palestine etc.

indian Muslims hardly ever stood up for the plight of their brothers in Kashmir. They went along with the secularism ga ga and never stood up for anything their country and its forces were doing to people in Kashmir. Today their own condition is going to become the same. This is what happens to people who see tyranny and oppression and don't even think of it as wrong in their heart (lowest state of faith).
And today we are doing the same, we have people amongst us who write #notourproblem. And I wonder where will they be when the same affliction befalls them, because Allah is just.

Ok . That's it .UP police investigated the case found it , to be baseless and malicious .

It's better if pakistan bros worry more about constant threat of bombing of mosques , Sufi shrines in Pakistan than unnecessarily worry about security of Indian muslims . FYI , Indian Muslims can look after themselves and you know what we don't even need to have a security guard standing in front of our mosques or shrines frisking everybody.

Should i be sad that you trust the state machinery to not lie to you. Or your Bollywood indoctrination is complete? Or should I think of you as some one lacking on ability to think and low on intellect to decipher propaganda from truth?
not his fault. being neutered this is the best this khusri can come up with
wonder where this members Pakistani supporters in this thread now.
they was bashing us for not being god muslims when we said its not our problem, etc etc..

In fact, Quran prescribes to help the weak and persecuted people.

Trust me, their answer is going to change now.
see post # 75 summarize these sarkari mullahs position.
salay 2 numbri hain.
Hemant Karkare uncovered that ISI had give money to hinduwadis for Malegaon blasts and also sent some ISI operatives to help Hinduwadis prepare bombs.
Your ISI and government want a civil war in India.
@The_Showstopper @jamahir @Anwar72

Hemant Karkare also uncovered that hindu extremeists were behind many of the terror activities in india which in turn get blamed on Pakistan. There have been books and articles on the subject. And you want me to trust your media's report on it just like you delusional slaves of your own media and their narrative would?
I'm sure ISI likes to support the hindu extremists to go blow people up in samjhota express and sends squads into Mumbai to blow shit up so Pakistan can be blamed in return?
Does it really take that much of a brain to use it to actually "think"? Or retardation and slavery of the media and manipulation is something every indian is born with now a days?
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