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Breaking : 15 Year Old Boy Set On Fire For Refusing To Chant Jai Shri Ram Slogan

WTF. Pakistan had its own fair share of issues against minorities but none so harrowing, brazen and accepted as normal by the common citizen.
cute white peoples and their bitch ngos ignore atrocities against Muslim but bark like crazy bitch when minor incident happen to minorities in muslim muslim majority countries!!

ban all these ngos they are just working on agendas!


Thank God for Pakistan.

Teenager set on fire for not chanting Hindu god’s name “Jai Shri Ram”

July 29, 2019 Millichronicle
1 min read

Varanasi — A Muslim teenager aged 15-years was set on fire for refusing to chant “Jai Shri Ram” on Sunday in the north India’s Varanasi place. He received 60 per cent burns and is battling for life.

According to the national media sources, the teenager was talking on Dudhari bridge in Chandauli district of Varanasi, when four men kidnapped him. Two of them tied him with a rope and forced him to praise Hindu god Ram with “Jai Shri Ram” chants, when the youngster refused, the third accused poured gasoline over him and the fourth one set him on fire.

Currently, his condition is critical in Kabir Chaura hospital, local media reported.

Superintendent of Police Chandauli said that the matter seems to be suspicious and Police monitored surveillance cameras of the places he mentioned, but they couldn’t spot him in the footages.

Since he is under critical condition, his memory isn’t serving him right, his relatives explain.

Religious hate crimes have taken gone high in India since 2014 with Government’s passive attitude, perpetrators of the crime go unpunished.
When I was young I never realized how lucky we are to take breath in fresh air of freedom. Pakistan has its own issues with minorities, however, this is totally unheard of. This is next level terrorism.

I salute Mohammah Ali Jinnah and Allama Iqbal and their vision of two nations theory, which is proven correct these days every single day.
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