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Journalist forced to chant ‘Jai Shri Ram’ by Hindutva fanatics

This wasn't a murderous lynch mob by any stretch. Unsavoury slogans, yes... a big group of jazbatis, yes.. but nobody was at risk. They wanted air time and to be on camera shouting at that guy who they opposed politically... just good old fashioned democracy and jazbati public gatherings... barely a story if you ask me...

At 2 PM tomorrow watch after the 15 minute mark of the rerun of the NDTV India program Prime Time with Ravish Kumar. In it this journalist, Anmol Pritam, acknowledges that he was in a dangerous situation.

And that big fellow I mentioned earlier- "Baahar aana..." and all that.

Unless one is of a commie thought policing bent ;)

The commies are not the sole implementers of thought policing.
At 2 PM tomorrow watch after the 15 minute mark of the rerun of the NDTV India program Prime Time with Ravish Kumar. In it this journalist, Anmol Pritam, acknowledges that he was in a dangerous situation.

And that big fellow I mentioned earlier- "Baahar aana..." and all that.

The commies are not the sole implementers of thought policing.
Voh to bolega hi... use your own faculties for once though. He was in no danger apart from possibly some "dhaka mukki" and "Gaali galauch"... nobody was going to harm him seriously. Afghanistan ban gaye hain kya hum ?

Ravish is a Congress hack, the mirror image to the RW anchors, pls don't start believing their bs now.

Not sole implementors but the originals and the worst ones ever.

To conclude, yes, a raucous RW gathering, impolite slogans chanted, but all within the Democratic legal fold... last I read they're going to arrest a few speakers.

Anyway, no big deal and nothing of a story, and should be left at that.
Those smiling religious fanatics, in another situation, could have easily cut him up with swords or burnt him alive. One was that huge fellow at 21:43 mins who directly told him "Come outside and I will show you". And there was that older fanatic who became so emotional.

But salute to this journalist, Anmol Pritam ( and his cameraman ), though maybe he should have said what they wanted him to say given the dangerous situation.

Are these highly "religious" people so unknowing of the many problems in India - people dying of hunger and from easily treatable diseases ? Many of these gathered people are middle class who run shops or do white collar jobs and are single-minded in feeding the street dogs in their area while also being single-minded not to be bothered about people suffering from hunger or dying from treatable disease. And why are our recent Bollywood films and OTT content concentrating on frivolous things instead of bringing at least two films each year on important issues ?

And these people were calling dismissing the protesting farmers as being part of the agenda of "terrorists" and leftists but are they aware that 300,000+ farmers in India committed suicide between 1995 and 2017 mainly because of ( artificially-existent ) socio-economic reasons ?


@Drizzt, thank you for posting the thread.

@Naofumi @xeuss @Joe Shearer @T90TankGuy @Goenitz - please watch the entire vid.
Reporter thought if he was beaten up he would have been hospitalized for 4 or 5 months. But, if he had given in he could never forgive himself for going back on his convictions,
Reporter thought if he was beaten up he would have been hospitalized for 4 or 5 months. But, if he had given in he could never forgive himself for going back on his convictions,
And your methodology of coming up with “4 or 5 months” lol . ?

A rabble rouser went into an enemy camp and got shouted down, k ?

now STFU
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Ravish is a Congress hack, the mirror image to the RW anchors, pls don't start believing their bs now.

Ravish is neutral. I have heard him talk dismissively of Vietnamese communists.

To conclude, yes, a raucous RW gathering, impolite slogans chanted

I gather you are being British-style understated when you use "impolite".

but all within the Democratic legal fold... last I read they're going to arrest a few speakers.

Yes, arrest them and leave them at the soonest convenient point.

If you would have bothered to watch Ravish's show he has said that one of the arrested people, Ashwini Upadhyay, who now refutes any link with Bharat Jodo Aandolan, the group which organized this "protest", this man has been presented by the group as an adviser earlier this year.

You don't get it

Islam = Regression as per this delusional communist "muslim"

Firstly, out of all the real human tragedies I wrote about in post# 2 you have focused on some alleged insult to Islam that I seem to have done. Stop being such a one-track maulvi.

Secondly, this thread is about the bravery of a journalist and his cameraman and here you are talking about unrelated things.

Thirdly, how am I calling Islam as regressive when I keep quoting the below extract from a 2015 thread of mine which is an article by an Indian Christian woman who married an Indian Muslim under Islamic marriage law because that better secured her socio-economic future in case of divorce :
When we examine marriage laws in their historic context, it is interesting to note that the universally accepted notion that marriages are contractual rather than sacramental originates in Muslim law, which was accepted by the French law only in the 1800s and incorporated into the English law in the 1850s and became part of codified Hindu law as late as 1955.
Read the rest of the OP there ( and the subsequent discussion ). Please realize that it is such things that make Islam progressive. One is not a Muslim simply by praying 40 times a day in the manner of a Brahmin priest. Understand the true philosophy of Islam. And again I post to you an extract from a 2016 thread of mine, an article by Pakistani journalist Nadeem Paracha, which shows how Islamic scholars in undivided India found commonality of Islam with Communism :
During the same period (1920s-30s), another (though lesser known) Islamic scholar in undivided India got smitten by the 1917 Russian revolution and Marxism.

Hafiz Rahman Sihwarwl saw Islam and Marxism sharing five elements in common: (1) prohibition of the accumulation of wealth in the hands of the privileged classes (2) organisation of the economic structure of the state to ensure social welfare (3) equality of opportunity for all human beings (4) priority of collective social interest over individual privilege and (5) prevention of the permanentising of class structure through social revolution.

The motivations for many of these themes he drew from the Qur’an, which he understood as seeking to create an economic order in which the rich pay excessive, though voluntary taxes (Zakat) to minimise differences in living standards.

In the areas that Sihwarwl saw Islam and communism diverge were Islam’s sanction of private ownership within certain limits, and in its refusal to recognise an absolutely classless basis of society.

He suggested that Islam, with its prohibition of the accumulation of wealth, is able to control the class structure through equality of opportunity.

Basically, both Sindhi and Sihwarwl had stumbled upon an Islamic concept of the social democratic welfare state.
Were these scholars "Muslim" or Muslim ? They lived long before you and I were born.

You seem to be high on Gow mutra ?

Sharma ji is taking all this a bit too lightly.
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Ravish is neutral. I have heard him talk dismissively of Vietnamese communists.
BS neutral, wtf have Viets got to do with us anyway ? Ever heard him being dismissive of the Ghandys and that moron of morons, Raul ?

gather you are being British-style understated when you use "impolite".
Yes, it was very crass speech, likely illegal too, which is why there was news of arrests being planned.

Yes, arrest them and leave them at the soonest convenient point.

If you would have bothered to watch Ravish's show he has said that one of the arrested people, Ashwini Upadhyay, who now refutes any link with Bharat Jodo Aandolan, the group which organized this "protest", this man has been presented by the group as an adviser earlier this year.
Ya, these politicians often get caught up and are blindsided into joining events organised by dubious groups.

Not surprised he's denying links after those slogans were raised there lol.
Those smiling religious fanatics, in another situation, could have easily cut him up with swords or burnt him alive. One was that huge fellow at 21:43 mins who directly told him "Come outside and I will show you". And there was that older fanatic who became so emotional.

But salute to this journalist, Anmol Pritam ( and his cameraman ), though maybe he should have said what they wanted him to say given the dangerous situation.

Are these highly "religious" people so unknowing of the many problems in India - people dying of hunger and from easily treatable diseases ? Many of these gathered people are middle class who run shops or do white collar jobs and are single-minded in feeding the street dogs in their area while also being single-minded not to be bothered about people suffering from hunger or dying from treatable disease. And why are our recent Bollywood films and OTT content concentrating on frivolous things instead of bringing at least two films each year on important issues ?

And these people were calling dismissing the protesting farmers as being part of the agenda of "terrorists" and leftists but are they aware that 300,000+ farmers in India committed suicide between 1995 and 2017 mainly because of ( artificially-existent ) socio-economic reasons ?


@Drizzt, thank you for posting the thread.

@Naofumi @xeuss @Joe Shearer @T90TankGuy @Goenitz - please watch the entire vid.

I didn't watch the video. Videos of this kind sicken me.
View attachment 768584
New Delhi: A group of Hindutva fanatics on Sunday forced Anmol Pritam, a journalist associated with the ‘National Dastak’ YouTube channel when he was covering an anti-Muslim gathering called by former BJP spokesperson Ashwini Upadhyaya at Jantar Mantar.

”If so many people surround and ask me to chant Jai Shri Ram then I will not do it. I will chant the slogan if I wish to do so,” the 24-year-old journalist Pritam told the group.

Pritam has shared a video clip on Twitter, in which he can be seen being forced to chant the slogan.

Apart from the aforementioned incident, several hate speeches were made and anti-Muslim slogans were raised at the event. A group of men shouted the slogan, ”When Muslims will be cut into pieces they will shout Ram Ram”

Several social media influencers have appreciated Pritam for resisting against Hindutva fanatics.

”Salute @anmolpritamND . You are the bravest journalist. You have shown immense moral and mental strength in extreme situation,” Dilip Mandal said on Twitter.
Low IQ chimps.
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