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Breaking : 15 Year Old Boy Set On Fire For Refusing To Chant Jai Shri Ram Slogan

Are you for real? No wonder Hindus spit on your face on daily basis and there is nothing you can do about it.
Well if you're not aware of this, but Deoband supported bjp in this election, he seems to be following the same school of thought. He is for real.

As I said, things are in their final phase, all aspects are shaping up nicely. Indian Muslims know very well what's coming to them, let this Deobandi twist his faith, yet again to save his skin.

For the record, I'm a pathan and we are predominantly Deobandi ourselves, just don't agree to this pro India stance of our schools certain ulemas.
Well if you're not aware of this, but Deoband supported bjp in this election, he seems to be following the same school of thought. He is for real.

As I said, things are in their final phase, all aspects are shaping up nicely. Indian Muslims know very well what's coming to them, let this Deobandi twist his faith, yet again to save his skin.

For the record, I'm a pathan and we are predominantly Deobandi ourselves, just don't agree to this pro India stance of our schools certain ulemas.
had you listened before 1947, indian sub continent would be muslim majority by now.

but many people don't have the vision to see the larger picture
shameful incident india's secularism is flushed down the gutter by intolerant religious bigots
If you are Muslim than it should be our problem, if they are annihilating Muslims in India it is a religious war too.
Narrated An-Nu`man bin Bashir:

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "You see the believers as regards their being merciful among themselves and showing love among themselves and being kind, resembling one body, so that, if any part of the body is not well then the whole body shares the sleeplessness (insomnia) and fever with it."

Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 6011
In-book reference : Book 78, Hadith 42

Again! Minor Muslim Boy Lynched To Death In Delhi



So we want to escape from reality and closing our eyes and chanting "All is well" or the new mantra of "not much we can do"?
Same reasoning and avoidance has caught people unprepared and sleeping when the fitnah reached them before while they ignored when it was being thrown on to others. And here we are having learnt no lesson from anything.
So how us the video helping anyone?
So how us the video helping anyone?

1) It helps people know what other Muslims are going through and be grateful for the blessing of freedom they have before its taken from them.
2) It shows the reality of the so called secular india to the world and this is a platform that get sindexed by search engines and many can see different topics.
3) It helps people see they are not the only thekedar of Islam, but there are other Muslims out there doing better than them, and these people who disassociate themselves from other Muslims, citing the behavior of those Muslims as a reason need to be ashamed of their pitiful state of faith and existence which revolves around reciprocating the deeds of others instead of carying morality and compassion within their own selves and being an origin instead of a low quality mirror.
4) It shows how "behiss" and "zombified" our people have become that dont get affected by seeing the plight of their brothers and sisters and instead use hashtags like "notourproblem".

And I can go on ofcourse but there are definitely many ways it can help many :)
1) It helps people know what other Muslims are going through and be grateful for the blessing of freedom they have before its taken from them.
2) It shows the reality of the so called secular india to the world and this is a platform that get sindexed by search engines and many can see different topics.
3) It helps people see they are not the only thekedar of Islam, but there are other Muslims out there doing better than them, and these people who disassociate themselves from other Muslims, citing the behavior of those Muslims as a reason need to be ashamed of their pitiful state of faith and existence which revolves around reciprocating the deeds of others instead of carying morality and compassion within their own selves and being an origin instead of a low quality mirror.
4) It shows how "behiss" and "zombified" our people have become that dont get affected by seeing the plight of their brothers and sisters and instead use hashtags like "notourproblem".

And I can go on ofcourse but there are definitely many ways it can help many :)

Agreed. My Emaan will not be complete, if i don't feel pain for the plight of my Muslim brothers & sisters.

Having said that, we all must use, what is in our power to help oppressed muslims, we can use social media as a tool, we can raise our voice at social media, twitter, facebook & all other forums etc. to expose the real face of India & tell the world (tag UN, HRW, Amnesty, OIC and influential Islamic and world leaders) about the plight of all muslims whether in India, Kashmir, or in Palestine etc.
Indian secularism was always a lie... This is the real face of india.

Thank God for Pakistan.
and some loser here used the expression"larger picture"( basically bad mouthing the creation of Pakistan. All I got a say that is that if you knew what that actually meant you would not be in this position that you are in now.
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The Indian Muslims need to learn from Holocaust survivors, their determination and fight against extreme odds. They should form guerrilla groups, identify the Hindu extremists who are involved in atrocities against innocent Muslims and should burn them alive along with their homes. Teach them a lesson which ends in a truce or stalemate, the animals know no other language and nobody is coming to the rescue, not uncle Sam, not the EU and definitely not the other Muslim Countries.
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