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Brave Indian Army Major telling how to deal with Kashmiris

Well he is merely replying to Gazwa-i- Hind. Isn't this the philosophy that drives the Pakistanis. Muslims the rightful owners of Delhi/India?
Bull$hit. He is talking about hindu religion
What an ugly language to write poetry. :fie:
I didn't like it at all.
I remember reading somewhere about American soldiers during WW2, that stated that most of the troops fresh to the battlefield often fired a good distance above the head of their targets. Commanders noted that this was because these soldiers were often normal everyday folks in their civilian lives. While these soldiers received all the usual training and indoctrination about the enemy, when face to face, they couldn't kill because they saw the enemy as fellow humans, and everything about civilian life condemns murder.
After the war, they took steps to train their soldiers not to see the enemy as human, but as targets.
Brave indian army major just having hormonal disorder. Someone needs to give him a banana and ask him to go back to his tree.
He is saying to leave peace and start killing. Is that what Hinduism preaches?

Mate...their religion their teachings. leave it to them and worry about ours...
..what does Islam teaches (especially about non-believers) and if it teaches peace...why most of the violence and bloodshed is happening among Muslims ...and why almost all terrorists are Muslims? ...means we Muslims have not taken the teachings of Islam rightly ...and hence can't complain about other religions
I for one, am glad that the military talks about topics like these. It can help the soldiers understand what they're doing and why they're doing it.
Mate...their religion their teachings. leave it to them and worry about ours...
..what does Islam teaches (especially about non-believers) and if it teaches peace...why most of the violence and bloodshed is happening among Muslims ...and why almost all terrorists are Muslims? ...means we Muslims have not taken the teachings of Islam rightly ...and hence can't complain about other religions
:rofl::rofl:Joke of the century:rofl::rofl::rofl: :"why most of the violence and bloodshed is happening among Muslims .."

Not to sure what to make of your mentality or age:-
1. How many people were killed in WW1 and by who?
2. How many people were killed in WW2 and by who?
3. How many people were killed in the Vietnam war and by who
4. How many people were killed in Algeria and by who
5. How many people were killed in Afghnistan and by who?
6. How many people were killed in Iraq and by who?
7. How many people were killed in Palestine and Lebanon and by who?
8. How many people have been killed in Kashmir and by who?
etc etc

Just add up the numbers and the cause and you will see a clear picture to contradict your retarded viewpoint.
:rofl::rofl:Joke of the century:rofl::rofl::rofl: :"why most of the violence and bloodshed is happening among Muslims .."

Not to sure what to make of your mentality or age:-
1. How many people were killed in WW1 and by who?
2. How many people were killed in WW2 and by who?
3. How many people were killed in the Vietnam war and by who
4. How many people were killed in Algeria and by who
5. How many people were killed in Afghnistan and by who?
6. How many people were killed in Iraq and by who?
7. How many people were killed in Palestine and Lebanon and by who?
8. How many people have been killed in Kashmir and by who?
etc etc

Just add up the numbers and the cause and you will see a clear picture to contradict your retarded viewpoint.

And what was before that...
How many new places were attacked and captured by us in past 1200 years, how many people killed in name of Islam, how many forcefully converted......give me a parallel in Christianity or any western empire.
Point is we very conveniently start comparing with other to hide our flaws or start ignoring the facts...but when it comes to other...we either cherry pick or blow it out of proportion (ref. Your comment I quoted in my last reply)

Also, I suggest if you need to comment, show some decency in your writing by not using abusing words un-necessarily (see bold parts). They don't contribute anything to the debate/logic and project the writer as immature.
And what was before that...
How many new places were attacked and captured by us in past 1200 years, how many people killed in name of Islam, how many forcefully converted......give me a parallel in Christianity or any western empire.
Point is we very conveniently start comparing with other to hide our flaws or start ignoring the facts...but when it comes to other...we either cherry pick or blow it out of proportion (ref. Your comment I quoted in my last reply)

Also, I suggest if you need to comment, show some decency in your writing by not using abusing words un-necessarily (see bold parts). They don't contribute anything to the debate/logic and project the writer as immature.
You sound like a BJP retard. What history are you talking about Indian History? European history? Middle Eastern History? Christian history? Islamic history?

Let's take Indian history. The decisive battle which left India under Moghul colonisation was the one at battle of Khanwa where the Mughal invaders battled a combined Indian Hindu -Muslim army:-

After losing Samarkand for the third time, Babur turned his attention to creating his empire in north India. At that time, the Indo-Gangetic Plain of the northern Indian Subcontinent was ruled by Ibrahim Lodi of the Afghan Lodi dynasty, whereas Rajputana was ruled by a Hindu Rajput Confederacy, led by Rana Sanga of Mewar. In 1524, Daulat Khan Lodi, a rebel of the Lodhi dynasty, invited Babur to overthrow Ibrahim and become ruler. Babur defeated Ibrahim Lodi at the First Battle of Panipat in 1526 and founded the Mughal empire. However, he again faced opposition, this time from Rana Sanga of Mewar who considered Babur a foreigner. The Rana Sanga with his combined Hindu-Muslim army was defeated in the Battle of Khanwa by Babar because of Babar's superior military hardware. The Hindus ran off from battle leaving a hardcore Muslim elite but far smaller army to battle King Babar's army. King Babar wrote in his diaries (Babarama) the Muslim soldiers fought valiantly and he thought he was going to lose at one point. Babar's forces had canons and muskets whilst the Indian Muslim soldiers were horse swords men. Once the Indian Muslim Rajputs were defeated the stage was set for Mughal colonisation of India. It was nothing to do with religion but power and politics of the time. However, the behaviour of the cowardly Hindu soldiers set their demise in history as cowardly and good for nothing and ever since have been looked down upon. When it came to the crunch all their bravado had nothing behind it and their stone worshiping was futile. Babar's one prayer the night before the battle settled the fate of India. if you want more info read Mughal King Babar's Babarama , the original is in the British Museum in London.
Put him in a room with a kashmiri fighter he will pi55 his pants. One on one the Indians are cowards. And guess what ..... even the Indians know that
You guys have been saying the same thing through all the wars you lost to us, even when we took East Pakistan. :cheers:

You sound like a BJP retard. What history are you talking about Indian History? European history? Middle Eastern History? Christian history? Islamic history?

Let's take Indian history. The decisive battle which left India under Moghul colonisation was the one at battle of Khanwa where the Mughal invaders battled a combined Indian Hindu -Muslim army:-

After losing Samarkand for the third time, Babur turned his attention to creating his empire in north India. At that time, the Indo-Gangetic Plain of the northern Indian Subcontinent was ruled by Ibrahim Lodi of the Afghan Lodi dynasty, whereas Rajputana was ruled by a Hindu Rajput Confederacy, led by Rana Sanga of Mewar. In 1524, Daulat Khan Lodi, a rebel of the Lodhi dynasty, invited Babur to overthrow Ibrahim and become ruler. Babur defeated Ibrahim Lodi at the First Battle of Panipat in 1526 and founded the Mughal empire. However, he again faced opposition, this time from Rana Sanga of Mewar who considered Babur a foreigner. The Rana Sanga with his combined Hindu-Muslim army was defeated in the Battle of Khanwa by Babar because of Babar's superior military hardware. The Hindus ran off from battle leaving a hardcore Muslim elite but far smaller army to battle King Babar's army. King Babar wrote in his diaries (Babarama) the Muslim soldiers fought valiantly and he thought he was going to lose at one point. Babar's forces had canons and muskets whilst the Indian Muslim soldiers were horse swords men. Once the Indian Muslim Rajputs were defeated the stage was set for Mughal colonisation of India. It was nothing to do with religion but power and politics of the time. However, the behaviour of the cowardly Hindu soldiers set their demise in history as cowardly and good for nothing and ever since have been looked down upon. When it came to the crunch all their bravado had nothing behind it and their stone worshiping was futile. Babar's one prayer the night before the battle settled the fate of India. if you want more info read Mughal King Babar's Babarama , the original is in the British Museum in London.
Hmmm some one who won a battle praises his own people and demonizes and belittles the rest......I'm sure this has never happened before :rofl:
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