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Brave Indian Army Major telling how to deal with Kashmiris

wtf are you on about. India lost the 1965 war
what are you smoking

every international media outlet reported it as India lost.
Funny, most of the reports I've read say India managed to repel the assault on Kashmir and pushed into Pakistan before the stalemate and ceasefire.

"The war was militarily inconclusive; each side held prisoners and some territory belonging to the other. Losses were relatively heavy—on the Pakistani side, twenty aircraft, 200 tanks, and 3,800 troops. Pakistan's army had been able to withstand Indian pressure, but a continuation of the fighting would only have led to further losses and ultimate defeat for Pakistan. Most Pakistanis, schooled in the belief of their own martial prowess, refused to accept the possibility of their country's military defeat by "Hindu India" and were, instead, quick to blame their failure to attain their military aims on what they considered to be the ineptitude of Ayub Khan and his government."

- "Pakistan :: The Indo-Pakistani War of 1965". Library of Congress Country Studies

"This time, India's victory was nearly total: India accepted cease-fire only after it had occupied 740 square miles, though Pakistan had made marginal gains of 210 square miles of territory. Despite the obvious strength of the Indian wins, both countries claim to have been victorious."

- Jamal, Shadow War 2009

"Although both sides lost heavily in men and material, and neither gained a decisive military advantage, India had the better of the war. New Delhi achieved its basic goal of thwarting Pakistan's attempt to seize Kashmir by force. Pakistan gained nothing from a conflict which it had instigated."

- "India and the United States estranged democracies", 1941–1991, ISBN

Sure India didn't win in the sense that we never completely invaded Pakistan, but we obtained our objective of repelling operation Gibraltar and Pakistan lost that objective.
All of this is off topic btw, create another thread if you wanna talk about it.
I can imagine you sitting in front of the computer, incoherently babbling and frothing at the mouth as you typed this :rofl:
Could you retype that in English, i couldn't read a single thing you wrote :rolleyes:
Well I cant do that. You better get back to your call center and so that you can earn your 2 dollar for the day. I know you have no answer to the video i posted, typical indian mentality. Stay happy with army of monkeys , who believe in killing of innocent people.

Who is this circus monkey? :lol:
The brave indian army . Who do surgical strikes in dreams and dont get enough to eat. :hitwall:

Oh wait they are the self declared super power too.
Ch***iye Bharti Wine pee kar Bhonk raha ha.Pakistani Sher sharab ke nashe me naho bhonkte.Nara e Takbir laga k Thokte hain In jase Ku**on ko.is jaise harami pee kar nashe me apni biwi ki jaga apni m** par hi charh jate hain.
Indian Major is in full uniform out in the field on duty, Marine is OFF duty in his barrack no uniform.
Difference between Professionals and nonprofessionals. NO on Duty officer will drink and carry on like Indian Major in any professional Army.
Well I cant do that. You better get back to your call center and so that you can earn your 2 dollar for the day. I know you have no answer to the video i posted, typical indian mentality. Stay happy with army of monkeys , who believe in killing of innocent people.
I'm sure your boyfriend is old enough to answer to me, you don't have to step in and hold his hand for him mate.
But since you took the effort to talk to me, what is there to answer? All I see is a soldier talking about his duty.
The way he breaks that glass on his head .... :rofl:
the comment indoor talk comes into open is best...
it is a doctrine.... if u preapre soldiers to kill... they will be aggressive, inhuman... if u prepare them to kill they will be savages...
there was a video where US marines recruits chanting... 'i am ready to kill' ... i cant find it now

These are not soldiers you stupid apologists . Carrying out routine Gang raping underage girls and woman is not what well trained disciplined modern armies do nowadays . The worst thing about these lying degenerate darkies midget Hindus and punjabi gorillas Sikhs heroism in killing Kashmiri civilians
You sound like a BJP retard. What history are you talking about Indian History? European history? Middle Eastern History? Christian history? Islamic history?

Let's take Indian history. The decisive battle which left India under Moghul colonisation was the one at battle of Khanwa where the Mughal invaders battled a combined Indian Hindu -Muslim army:-

After losing Samarkand for the third time, Babur turned his attention to creating his empire in north India. At that time, the Indo-Gangetic Plain of the northern Indian Subcontinent was ruled by Ibrahim Lodi of the Afghan Lodi dynasty, whereas Rajputana was ruled by a Hindu Rajput Confederacy, led by Rana Sanga of Mewar. In 1524, Daulat Khan Lodi, a rebel of the Lodhi dynasty, invited Babur to overthrow Ibrahim and become ruler. Babur defeated Ibrahim Lodi at the First Battle of Panipat in 1526 and founded the Mughal empire. However, he again faced opposition, this time from Rana Sanga of Mewar who considered Babur a foreigner. The Rana Sanga with his combined Hindu-Muslim army was defeated in the Battle of Khanwa by Babar because of Babar's superior military hardware. The Hindus ran off from battle leaving a hardcore Muslim elite but far smaller army to battle King Babar's army. King Babar wrote in his diaries (Babarama) the Muslim soldiers fought valiantly and he thought he was going to lose at one point. Babar's forces had canons and muskets whilst the Indian Muslim soldiers were horse swords men. Once the Indian Muslim Rajputs were defeated the stage was set for Mughal colonisation of India. It was nothing to do with religion but power and politics of the time. However, the behaviour of the cowardly Hindu soldiers set their demise in history as cowardly and good for nothing and ever since have been looked down upon. When it came to the crunch all their bravado had nothing behind it and their stone worshiping was futile. Babar's one prayer the night before the battle settled the fate of India. if you want more info read Mughal King Babar's Babarama , the original is in the British Museum in London.

I guess you are just randomly posting things out of context..just for the sake of replying. Where I used the word history? what are you trying to prove by pasting an extract of mogul history of India in response to my question on Islamic history/conversions/bloodshed etc......
The debate started when someone said some hindu religious book teaches violence...I just gave remark that it can be said to our religion as well....and then you started your verbal diarrhea....

Anyways...let's stop it....Neither I could make you understand what I wanted to say..nor your vague replies are helping the cause...ta.
I can imagine you sitting in front of the computer, incoherently babbling and frothing at the mouth as you typed this :rofl:
Could you retype that in English, i couldn't read a single thing you wrote :rolleyes:
You being Indian are probably materbating and thinking who do I rape next whilstvreading Indian time telling you that you 're a supaaa powa downing a cup of cow pis5.
I think you just got bitch slapped.

wtf are you on about. India lost the 1965 war
what are you smoking

every international media outlet reported it as India lost.
I was being sarcastic. Reread my post
You being Indian are probably materbating and thinking who do I rape next whilstvreading Indian time telling you that you 're a supaaa powa downing a cup of cow pis5.
I think you just got bitch slapped.
I have no idea what "materbating" is and I don't intend to find out :rofl:
More babbling without an ounce of useful information. I guess that's all you can contribute to this forum :(
I have no idea what "materbating" is and I don't intend to find out :rofl:
More babbling without an ounce of useful information. I guess that's all you can contribute to this forum :([/QUOTE

So the statement that Indians are dickless is true.
How is the cow cola. I am having a beefburger.....want some
@snow lake
Does every Pakistani go around believing every Indian stays away from beef? :disagree:
You're wasting gigabytes and haven't added a kilobyte of value to this entire thread. Everything you say is a knee-jerk defensive reaction that's predicable from a mile away. I can only imagine the kind of insecurity that reduces a man to this state.
@snow lake
Does every Pakistani go around believing every Indian stays away from beef? :disagree:
You're wasting gigabytes and haven't added a kilobyte of value to this entire thread. Everything you say is a knee-jerk defensive reaction that's predicable from a mile away. I can only imagine the kind of insecurity that reduces a man to this state.
Not every Indian...I mean Muslims eat beef and there is more Muslims in India than Pakistan ...and I dont insult every Indian. But when someone insults me for no reason he gets it with no gloves on.
Well if everything say is knee jerk reaction why do you read everything I say. Jog on
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