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Boycotting Israeli products………not Jewish.

will you boycott israeli products?

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And you lick our @ss for handouts. Where does that leave you ?:usflag:

stop being stupid and a retard and reduce fat intake through junk food and admit whats the reality instead of towing line of your idiotic government, there is no pakistani or american first comes humanity, i think americans are not chimps not to stand for humanity and disregarding politics?
Please get complete list, we hardly use anyone them. Is Danone Israeli? I saw it in some list.

I'm only making a list of products that come out of israel…. not jewish owned companies….
danone is a company that was found by a jewish person….. it owns the 20 percent of the stress group which is based in israel and the strauss group has donated money to the israeli military…..
the list is being updated as i find more companies and products… so far everything i listed is confirmed and i provided a source as well…
list more products

And you lick our @ss for handouts. Where does that leave you ?:usflag:
post reported….
please leave the thread if you have nothing to contribute…
[quote="W.11, post: 5969417, member: 36551"... there is no pakistani or american first comes humanity, ...[/quote]

Speak for yourself, chief. U.S.A. #1 !!!!:usflag:
Sorry but what handouts?

History of US Obligations to Pakistan, millions US$(2011)

Source: US Overseas Loans and Grants: Obligations and Loan Authorizations (aka the Greenbook). For the years 2002–2011 we have added data on Coalition Support Funds spending to the military assistance category; while CSF is not technically foreign assistance, it has constituted the bulk of military assistance to Pakistan during the post-9/11 period. Source for CSF amounts is "Direct Overt U.S. Aid Appropriations and Military Reimbursements to Pakistan," prepared for the Congressional Research Service by K. Alan Kronstadt.
never heard of these products... except pampers .. (which is not an israeli co)
Please get complete list, we hardly use anyone them. Is Danone Israeli? I saw it in some list.


it bought stakes in israel even pakistan

In March 1996 Danone signed an agreement to purchase 20 percent of the Strauss Group, Israel's second largest food manufacturer. Under the agreement, Danone purchased about 20% of Strauss Dairies (today Strauss Health division) in Nahariya. Since the 1970s, Strauss Dairies had a series of partnership and knowledge agreements with the Danone Group.[32]

Danone acquired a 49.5% share in Pakistan's Continental Biscuits Limited in 1984. As part of Kraft's takeover of Danone biscuits division, this stake subsequently transferred to Kraft Foods Singapore.
You might as well Remove your Nukes cos Nukes were the ideas of Jews like Albert Einstein and Robert J Oppenheimer.
Are you willing to scrap your Nuclear Arsenal to boycott Jewish products?:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Selective HYPOCRISY of Pakistanis in boycotting Jewish Products.
Boycott VACCINES AND MAJOR MEDICAL procedures as they were done by jews.
I can go on an on would you really boycott all of them? REALLY?:omghaha:
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I'm only making a list of products that come out of israel…. not jewish owned companies….
danone is a company that was found by a jewish person….. it owns the 20 percent of the stress group which is based in israel and the strauss group has donated money to the israeli military…..
the list is being updated as i find more companies and products… so far everything i listed is confirmed and i provided a source as well…
list more products

So avoid Danone right?
You might as well Remove your Nukes cos Nukes were the ideas of Jews like Albert Einstein and Robert J Oppenheimer.
Are you willing to scrap your Nuclear Arsenal to boycott Jewish products?:rofl::rofl::rofl:
nukes weren't israeli but in fact german or american if anything….
israel didn't exist back then…
we not boycotting ideas but products do you know the difference???
Sorry but what handouts?

Dont get involved there Nasty people these they have two fathers and do dirty things
i think he means after he takes his handout shamba licks or something like that there nasty people everywhere they go they take two thing WAR and DISEASE nasty dirty people

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