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Border violation: Iran fires four mortar shells into Panjgur

at some stage you'll also realize that supporting the same breed of jihadi pigs against India while also supposedly being at war with them in FATA was also a blunder
Waging a proxy war so close to your home will always be a blunder, i hope both India and Pakistan can learn that and stop this madness.

no idea of the conflicts. just sandwiched.

But the mistake is still carried on. Just think who created million strong minority wahabi terror gangs in Pakistan supported by the infidels. who will handle these one million wahabi saviour of the nation. :bounce:

what is yemen, none on this forum is literate about yemen. so play kabbaddi.

it is important to stay neutral for our country, otherwise the Pandora box will open as you pointed above.

check and uncheck no one has such capability and proven since centuries. it spoils more. the best option is neutral and make own defence strong. The coming era is very interesting.
Oh wise one please forgive me for my ignorance and don't quote me again, i have no interest in talking to slaves of Iran or KSA.
at some stage you'll also realize that supporting the same breed of jihadi pigs against India while also supposedly being at war with them in FATA was also a blunder

Everybody knows this. one million wahabi gangs will rise up as saviour of our nation with blessings of india after india gives blow to pa. then these wahabi terrorists will come to rescue PA and the indian military will run away leaving their weapons behind out of fear of these terror thugs paving the way to empower these bloody scums. Fiction.
Waging a proxy war so close to your home will always be a blunder, i hope both India and Pakistan can learn that and stop this madness.
agree, regular civvies both sides are just fed what the authorities want to tell them.. the great game is a dirty game.

Everybody knows this. one million wahabi gangs will rise up as saviour of our nation with blessings of india after india gives blow to pa. then these wahabi terrorists will come to rescue PA and the indian military will run away leaving their weapons behind out of fear of these terror thugs paving the way to empower these bloody scums. Fiction.
lol wouldn't put it quite that way but I think we all know that the 'wahhabi gangs' continue to be both a state asset and a backup 'national guard' type instrument of the Pakistan army.
someone must to stop this crazy mullahs!!!
i dont want to imagine what will be after they will got their nukes

They are more sane than the Azerbaijani or the Zionazis !

It was leased to UAE which then further leased to US, UAE does NOT have or ever had any equipment nor personnel ! you have lost your argument !

Shamsi Air Base under UAE control: Air Chief

I rather believe the PAF Chief than you. there is definitely something going on at the Shamsi base when people are trying to hard keep it a secret.
they shell your country and you call them sane?....... ok whatever

We will negotiate with them. It is also Pakistan fault that have tolerated Saudi trained militants attacking Iranian border guards and then escaping back to Pakistan.
why they always test mortars on us ????
When shell is up in the sky , its his will where it falls............lolzzz.....On serious note , some of desert plain between two countries are totally unmarked and its very hard control the situation, when smugglers on high speed trucks or hit and run.
When shell is up in the sky , its his will where it falls............lolzzz.....On serious note , some of desert plain between two countries are totally unmarked and its very hard control the situation, when smugglers on high speed trucks or hit and run.
this secterain bloody war man . i am sick of it now
We will negotiate with them. It is also Pakistan fault that have tolerated Saudi trained militants attacking Iranian border guards and then escaping back to Pakistan.

I hope for you that your blind love to iran will not disappoint you in the near future... best of lucks
I hope for you that your blind love to iran will not disappoint you in the near future... best of lucks

The relation between the Persian people and people of modern Pakistan goes back centuries. While the Azerbaijanis who were part of Iran before Treaty of Gulestan have lost Karabagh to Armenia, created tension with Iran and now deal with the Zionazis.
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this secterain bloody war man . i am sick of it now

Then at least stop the Saudi funded militants in Pakistan that have been attacking Shias and Iranian interests. Pakistani security agencies have not done anything about it.

Crazy Mullahs dear!

What do you think of people who created the Talibans ?
Shamsi Air Base under UAE control: Air Chief

I rather believe the PAF Chief than you. there is definitely something going on at the Shamsi base when people are trying to hard keep it a secret.

Believe me I didnt come with this ist all in the news, The fear of losing an argument is killing you apparently

perhaps a little a use of brain would help rather than acting like a child.

When the attack occurred. The nation demanded answers, OFC Air chief had to intervene, As he mentioned Shamsi airbase was under control officially in the name UAE! because of the strategic implications.

Now with my links we all know why it was. Coz if this had known long before that it was under US control, the implication would have been far more disastrous at national level.

eventually the mood at GHQ was never good anyway, so the truth had to be led out, which was UAE SUB-LEASED The base to US (ofc with full Pakistani knowledge) Who then went onto upgrade the small landing strp to full fledged air base, they had paved runaway and even extend it further !

UAE, does not have the capacity to base its equipment nor it has the personnel to do that, to suggest such is the evidence of lunacy as one demonstrated by your posts.

Pakistan tells NATO to leave air base - Al Jazeera English

American aircraft arrives at Shamsi base - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

FC to take control of Shamsi base - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

I have provided you enough evidence all that was mentioned with clear after the statmen by air chief which was on march 2011
and all the links have clear date after march on november and DEC.

I have provided my argument with far more logical facts and evidence, while you on the hand have lost it all and yoyure acting just like a loser, by showing me one outdate piece of news.

So all B.S. about that has been DEBUNKED. Now unless you have something else to share to suggest after my links any such news came out.
I would gladly accept your argument.

BUt right now you're pushing too hard, and its hard to take your word for it. Since you posted GEO news a credible source. What more can I say now :crazy:

Then at least stop the Saudi funded militants in Pakistan that have been attacking Shias and Iranian interests. Pakistani security agencies have not done anything about
what Irani interest are you talking about?
Those militants have not selectively killed anyone, They have attacked everyone, not just SHIAS.

So quit the B.S victim atttitude
Then at least stop the Saudi funded militants in Pakistan that have been attacking Shias and Iranian interests. Pakistani security agencies have not done anything about it.

What do you think of people who created the Talibans ?
janab no one is saint here. do you remember Iranian diplomat threat to ISI abut shia upraise in Pakistan in old days ? both sides are doing well .
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