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Border violation: Iran fires four mortar shells into Panjgur

Iranian Security Forces should co-operate with Pakistan Security Forces to eliminate such terrorist activities in the border areas (If there are any), They should share intelligence to cope with the fleeing terrorists on our side rather than firing blindly. Such incidents badly hurt brotherly relationships between Pakistan and the country which was the first to recognize it_Iran.
There is a different justification for TTP attacks on Shia vs others. TTP/LeJ/Jundullah attacks on Shia are done specifically to target and massacre innocent Shia because of their faith - these groups do not consider Shia to be Muslims and will not stop massacring them regardless of whether they achieve their goals. The terrorist attacks on non-Shia by these groups are merely part of their tactics of terror - these kinds of attacks will end once these groups achieve their goals (though of course they will continue massacring innocents even then for listening to music or cutting their hair or wearing western clothes).

hilarious logic. lol.

these terror gangs are nothing and has no value at all of their own. they are tissue papers and will be discarded by their masters.
they shell your country and you call them sane?....... ok whatever :coffee:

They do lot more... they go to US / UK / Australia and malign Pakistan at any given opportunity.
They travel to Iraq and Syria to wage holy war against locals, under the pretext of fighting Wahabi infidels.
This is not the first time Iran has bombed Pakistani villages, neither its first time that Iranian loyalists have come to justify it, followed by failed attempts to hide the news.
Why patriot Pakistanis should not hate them... ?

FC to take control of Shamsi base
Saleem Shahid — Published Dec 09, 2011 10:07pm

Shamsi Air Base under UAE control: Air Chief
May 13, 2011, 9:21 pm

Nothing has changed. It is still technically under UAE. PAF should take over and establish an airbase.

Nothing justify Iranian killings of Pakistan civilians and shelling of their houses.

Someone has forget his place ...
Iran will now here there like a dog and bite everyone like just get free from its shackles ..
Even worst characters are, who try to justify Iranian shelling on Pakistan's poor civilian population.
Iran has been hosting RAW ever since (un)holy revolution but bigots would not mind that too either.

Iranian Security Forces should co-operate with Pakistan Security Forces to eliminate such terrorist activities in the border areas (If there are any), They should share intelligence to cope with the fleeing terrorists on our side rather than firing blindly. Such incidents badly hurt brotherly relationships between Pakistan and the country which was the first to recognize it_Iran.

I believe you mean Iran revolution Guards...
Well there is already agreed protocol, which is being repeatedly breached by the scums.
They have huge presence of hindu army 100 km from Gawadar, and yet their defenders in Pakistan dare blame Pakistan.
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It seems like an accident, four like others have said is a very low number and they landed in no mans land.
There is a different justification for TTP attacks on Shia vs others. TTP/LeJ/Jundullah attacks on Shia are done specifically to target and massacre innocent Shia because of their faith - these groups do not consider Shia to be Muslims and will not stop massacring them regardless of whether they achieve their goals. The terrorist attacks on non-Shia by these groups are merely part of their tactics of terror - these kinds of attacks will end once these groups achieve their goals (though of course they will continue massacring innocents even then for listening to music or cutting their hair or wearing western clothes).

Its getting way off topic and sect. ... we trust Iran is violating UN protocols,.
At the same time we want to know, what exactly keep UN and our politicians quite on this open violation.
Considering Iran's role in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and now in Yemen, hence the justifications laid in defence of Iran, is simple bigotry.

It seems like an accident, four like others have said is a very low number and they landed in no mans land.

Accident like always. :what:
Well than time for Iran to issue apologies or not?
There are daily gun battles with smugglers, but I guess a sorry can be conveyed by the border guards.

I only know of oil smuggling but not aware of their heroics.
What is your source?
Don't worry such creatures are not let get near the sensitive posts..;)

oh come on as long as he is not bashing Iran and only Bashing Sunni's,Pakistan,Islam and Arabs he is never going to get banned or keep in check by Mods...He is constantly blithering against Pakistan in favor of Iran but haven't seen any action against him..
This b@kh 's bs against pakistan and support for terrorist extremist shia ideology and iranian regime is always disgustingly showing in his posts, too much hatred flowing out magar he is never put on leash. The guy is really scary stuff.Koi haal nahi yahan ka.

Iranian border guards on Tuesday fired four mortar shells into a western district of Balochistan in a fresh incident of border violation. A senior official of the Balochistan government confirmed that “four mortars landed in the Kushak area of Panjgur.

No loss of life was reported though. “These mortars were fired from the other side of the border,” he added. A few months ago, Iranian border guards had killed two men in Panjgur in a similar incident of border violation.

However, no formal protest was lodged by Pakistani authorities with Tehran. Tuesday’s shelling was not something new, Iranian border guards routinely fire shells into border villages in Panjgur, Mand, Awaran and Chagai districts.

Pakistan has raised the issue with the Iranian government which said troops would target terrorists who disturbed peace whether they were in Iran or Pakistan.

Border violation: Iran fires four mortar shells into Panjgur - The Express Tribune
Balochistan should combine FC and Levis into a single Force as Rangers Balochistan.
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