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Border violation: Iran fires four mortar shells into Panjgur

Hopefully more than the Taliban/Wahabbi Mullah lovers who help in conducting terrorist assaults on GHQ, PAF, and Pak Navy bases.
Iran has no territorial dispute with Pakistan, so what exactly would the damage from pro-Iranian infiltrators to Pakistan be?

Please educate yourself. Shias are not JUD. 'JuD' man held for planning attack on foreign dignitaries visiting a private club - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Shias are power brokers and decisive. they are trend setters.
we watched wahabi games in pak. so it does not mean Shias are nothing.

Attacking ?? No. don't be silly
No good relations ? Well ! need no explanations. Read "iran support pakistan in pak-indo wars" just for an example.

well said. China and Iran are the only true ally of Pak.

Chabahar as a port is not an issue for us. you can conform from any pakistani about that.
Chabahar as a "indian project" is something we have issuers with.
And during kargil war , it was such a limited war that even our Airforce didnot involved in that war "so why to blame iran for not coming to help "
mullah's regime !! yes . they are somethind which i am unable to understand that what the heck they wan't to do ? They got problems with israel, Saudia Arabia, Egypt, UAE, Pakistan(in some cases) , USA, France ... huhhhh... how much will i count . leave it.

good. but you need to describe the nature of the conflict. it is Iran vs secret nato alliance.

In all scenarios, Iran is the target. 8 years of wars and sanctions to cripple a civilization. it is huge and unimaginable.

Iran always say pak to increase border security, even offer joint patroling, over a thousand of time inform to pak to secure its areas from terrorists.

But Baluchistan is handed over to wahabi terror gangs. one, two three, four and hundreds to attacks are done on Iran by the wahabi terrorists from Baluchistan. regular attacks on shias in Baluchistan. Who is spreading Fitna in Baluchistan. At the end blaming Iran is non sense.

If Peace is restored in Baluchistan, then there cannot be any problem at all.

Don't worry such creatures are not let get near the sensitive posts..;)
oh come on as long as he is not bashing Iran and only Bashing Sunni's,Pakistan,Islam and Arabs he is never going to get banned or keep in check by Mods...He is constantly blithering against Pakistan in favor of Iran but haven't seen any action against him..

This b@kh 's bs against pakistan and support for terrorist extremist shia ideology and iranian regime is always disgustingly showing in his posts, too much hatred flowing out magar he is never put on leash. The guy is really scary stuff.Koi haal nahi yahan ka.

OMG. so much hate and fear of shias. :lol:

Marginalizing shias in Pakistan did nothing good to Pak. It is proven. The shia enemies themselves will be marginalized in Pakistan. What enemies do to Shias always get it back. it is proven in the past 1400 years history. Till Jinnah and Iqbal are alive shias are alive too in Pak with good chance of come back.

Thanks and praise to Allah swt. who defeat all our enemies.
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However, no formal protest was lodged by Pakistani authorities with Tehran. Tuesday’s shelling was not something new, Iranian border guards routinely fire shells into border villages in Panjgur, Mand, Awaran and Chagai districts.

Pakistan has raised the issue with the Iranian government which said troops would target terrorists who disturbed peace whether they were in Iran or Pakistan.

Border violation: Iran fires four mortar shells into Panjgur - The Express Tribune
Thats really cool of Pakitani govt.
Shias are power brokers and decisive. they are trend setters.
we watched wahabi games in pak. so it does not mean Shias are nothing.

Power brokers and trend setters? Buddy, you gotta stop believing everything PressTV tells you.
The mullah regime in Iran was isolated for how many years again?
And lets not forget the puppet Shi'ite government in Iraq which has now left Iraq divided into 3 war-torn regions.
Oh, and last but not least, the Shia regime in Syria. How much of Syria is in Alawite hands again?
People are being beheaded by ISIS nutters everyday and a whole region is burning and you're blathering on about the indomitable might of Shias. Give me a break.
Lets admit it, you mullah fanatics are in a mess and it wasn't because of some great Zionist conspiracy against the pillars of faith, its because of your backwards stone-age views where anyone who is not Shia is a Wahabi-Saudi puppet.
well said. China and Iran are the only true ally of Pak.
and Turkey :agree:

good. but you need to describe the nature of the conflict. it is Iran vs secret nato alliance.

In all scenarios, Iran is the target. 8 years of wars and sanctions to cripple a civilization. it is huge and unimaginable.

Iran always say pak to increase border security, even offer joint patroling, over a thousand of time inform to pak to secure its areas from terrorists.

But Baluchistan is handed over to wahabi terror gangs. one, two three, four and hundreds to attacks are done on Iran by the wahabi terrorists from Baluchistan. regular attacks on shias in Baluchistan. Who is spreading Fitna in Baluchistan. At the end blaming Iran is non sense.

If Peace is restored in Baluchistan, then there cannot be any problem at all.

I agree with you point
But there is not only "Wahhabi terrorists" who are destroying Pak-Iran Relationship. but also MANY Anti-Pakistan Spy-Agencies.
you know whom i talking about.
Hopefully more than the Taliban/Wahabbi Mullah lovers who help in conducting terrorist assaults on GHQ, PAF, and Pak Navy bases.

Iran has no territorial dispute with Pakistan, so what exactly would the damage from pro-Iranian infiltrators to Pakistan be?
those idiots are loyal to KSA.

we had territorial disputes and even now Balochistan is a place of interest
and Turkey :agree:

I agree with you point
But there is not only "Wahhabi terrorists" who are destroying Pak-Iran Relationship. but also MANY Anti-Pakistan Spy-Agencies.
you know whom i talking about.

thats true. there are many enemies of pak and very busy with their work.

it is not a secret that sheikhs and Indians does not like Pak+Iran to have warm relations.
so as their bigger nato allies who even threatened pak with sanctions due to gas pipeline.
Please educate yourself. Shias are not JUD. 'JuD' man held for planning attack on foreign dignitaries visiting a private club - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Shias are like this : PressTV-‘Saudi must become int'l protectorate'

Shias are power brokers and decisive. they are trend setters.
we watched wahabi games in pak. so it does not mean Shias are nothing.

well said. China and Iran are the only true ally of Pak.

good. but you need to describe the nature of the conflict. it is Iran vs secret nato alliance.

In all scenarios, Iran is the target. 8 years of wars and sanctions to cripple a civilization. it is huge and unimaginable.

Iran always say pak to increase border security, even offer joint patroling, over a thousand of time inform to pak to secure its areas from terrorists.

But Baluchistan is handed over to wahabi terror gangs. one, two three, four and hundreds to attacks are done on Iran by the wahabi terrorists from Baluchistan. regular attacks on shias in Baluchistan. Who is spreading Fitna in Baluchistan. At the end blaming Iran is non sense.

If Peace is restored in Baluchistan, then there cannot be any problem at all.

OMG. so much hate and fear of shias. :lol:

Marginalizing shias in Pakistan did nothing good to Pak. It is proven. The shia enemies themselves will be marginalized in Pakistan. What enemies do to Shias always get it back. it is proven in the past 1400 years history. Till Jinnah and Iqbal are alive shias are alive too in Pak with good chance of come back.

Thanks and praise to Allah swt. who defeat all our enemies.

Hahaha, I only pity the likes of you when you are being treated like dogs by your masters and you like a loyal slave still lick their feet..:laugh:
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Hahaha, I only pity the likes when you are being treated like dogs by your masters and you like a loyal slave still lick their feet..:laugh:

very constructive.

rent aid cheap labor licking the feet of the monarchs :lol:

we are far better than you indian daggas. :lol:
the era of monarchists and wahabi bullying is coming to an end.
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Lobbing mortars into another country off guess work is immature. If you have actionable intelligence then pass it to Pakistan for them to take action.

I don't care if you are Mother Theresa, you lob mortars at me, I am going to lob back a cruise missile. Stupid weak Pakistanis. Protect your territory.
Lobbing mortars into another country off guess work is immature. If you have actionable intelligence then pass it to Pakistan for them to take action.

I don't care if you are Mother Theresa, you lob mortars at me, I am going to lob back a cruise missile. Stupid weak Pakistanis. Protect your territory.

We have rogered them in ways that a thousand cruise missiles can't do. Mortars is small fry. They know their place.
Stupid weak Pakistanis. Protect your territory.
Agreed - let's start with protecting the rights of Pakistanis who call themselves Ahmadis and repeal laws that prevent them from calling themselves Muslims and repeal blasphemy laws that trample on the free speech rights of Pakistanis and end hate-mongering organizations that malign and massacre Pakistani Shia and non-Muslims.

The mortars lobbed by Iran have done nothing in comparison to the religious fanatics who have bastardized Pakistan's constitution and shed the blood of tens of thousands of innocent Pakistanis
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