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Border violation: Iran fires four mortar shells into Panjgur

Then at least stop the Saudi funded militants in Pakistan that have been attacking Shias and Iranian interests. Pakistani security agencies have not done anything about
what Airni intrest are you talking about?
Thiose militants have not slectely killed anyone, They have attacked everyone, not just SHIAS.
So quit the B.S victim attti
what Airni intrest are you talking about? Thiose militants have not slectely killed anyone, They have attacked everyone, not just SHIAS. So quit the B.S victim attti

Then what are the Pakistan security agencies doing about it ? Nothing.

janab no one is saint here. do you remember Iranian diplomat threat to ISI abut shia upraise in Pakistan in old days ? both sides are doing well .

The Shias were under attack in Pakistan and a Iranian diplomat was murdered. We have to stop militancy in Pakistan.
FC to take control of Shamsi base
Saleem Shahid — Published Dec 09, 2011 10:07pm

Shamsi Air Base under UAE control: Air Chief
May 13, 2011, 9:21 pm

Nothing has changed. It is still technically under UAE. PAF should take over and establish an airbase.
Prove me otherwise ! again with your usual B.S.

did you even bother to read other links? Or you are deliberetaly selecting words and link to porve me wrong?

Thats very weak form of argument though.

Last plane home: FC, CAA officials reach Shamsi base - The Express Tribune

The relation between the Persian people and people of modern Pakistan goes back centuries. While the Azerbaijanis who were part of Iran before Treaty of Gulestan have lost Karabagh to Armenia, created tension with Iran and now deal with the Zionazis.

ok farsi, whatever you say :pop:
What do you think of people who created the Talibans ?
We used Mullahs, clerics against Soviet Union. CIA , ISI everybody used them as tissue paper. Those Mullahs sold themselves for dollars. But our only mistake is that we left them alive after Soviet war when our objective is completed, and now they are taking revengue. But we must kill all taliban for better & Peaceful future including we should give strict punishment to terrorist apologists.
Then what are the Pakistan security agencies doing about it ? Nothing.
What is Zarbe Azab?

What were those wazirtsan operation ?

Its easy to talk bulshit in warm cozy enviroment of a home in canada, than to actually talk ground realities !
this secterain bloody war man . i am sick of it now
This is not sectarian, its all reporters, who made it garm masala. Paid insurgency to neutralize Pak-Iran gas line. Because lots of middle eastern will lose customer. Its all game of economics not religion. Our people link with religion, otherwise its all capitalism ....Imagine, gas consumption in Pakistan,China and India...Talking about multi billion dollar contract.
i fear the Iran lovers living in Pakistan, more than their mortars.
how far have the infiltrated into PA? or ISI?
Hopefully more than the Taliban/Wahabbi Mullah lovers who help in conducting terrorist assaults on GHQ, PAF, and Pak Navy bases.

Iran has no territorial dispute with Pakistan, so what exactly would the damage from pro-Iranian infiltrators to Pakistan be?
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Well ! You failed to convince many people. Shamsi Air Base will keep in the news.
You have one old statement, which was a pure political statement.

While On the hand, I have provided you with solid porve and statement backed with background understand !
which you could refute objectively !

UAE will ever base its personnel. JOKE of the century.

Hell their pilots are retired PAF officers.

In fact please check who is their security advisor was

UAE appoints ex-ISI honcho Ahmed Shuja Pasha as advisor: report | The News Tribe

EDIT: not officially as security advisor.

Byt do look at his job description
they shell your country and you call them sane?....... ok whatever :coffee:
Well, good thing is that it didn't hit any check post. We can't go on war without proper investigation.
what Airni intrest are you talking about?
Thiose militants have not slectely killed anyone, They have attacked everyone, not just SHIAS.
So quit the B.S victim attti
There is a different justification for TTP attacks on Shia vs others. TTP/LeJ/Jundullah attacks on Shia are done specifically to target and massacre innocent Shia because of their faith - these groups do not consider Shia to be Muslims and will not stop massacring them regardless of whether they achieve their goals. The terrorist attacks on non-Shia by these groups are merely part of their tactics of terror - these kinds of attacks will end once these groups achieve their goals (though of course they will continue massacring innocents even then for listening to music or cutting their hair or wearing western clothes).
There is a different justification for TTP attacks on Shia vs others. TTP/LeJ/Jundullah attacks on Shia are done specifically to target and massacre innocent Shia because of their faith - these groups do not consider Shia to be Muslims and will not stop massacring them regardless of whether they achieve their goals. The terrorist attacks on non-Shia by these groups are merely part of their tactics of terror - these kinds of attacks will end once these groups achieve their goals (though of course they will continue massacring innocents even then for listening to music or cutting their hair or wearing western clothes).

Regardless, Lets not paint it as Oh shia died oh Suunis oh Hazaras died, and play the victim card here.

We know that loss of innocent Human life is regrettable, and after all they are PAkistani. No poin of using such incident to further sow seeds of discord among different people of Pakistan !

The ones who died were PAkistani and equally all has paid the price
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