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Border violation: Iran fires four mortar shells into Panjgur

The Iranian Mullah regime has lot better that our ISI policies in Afghanistan. They got rid of Saddam Hussain in Iraq and Talibans in Afghanistan by US and now they have Nuclear agreement. While Pakistan Army and ISI wasted decades and billions of dollars on Talibans which only defamed Pakistan around the world.

How is that even related to the firing incident ?

This thread will get interesting as we have two slavish mentality right face to face

Particularly two members

This is not a thread... Pakistan is being bombed and its duty of every Pakistani to protest and criticize those who are looking for justifications in regular Iranian bombings.
How is that even related to the firing incident ?

It is indirectly related since Saudis and Pakistanis supported Talibans. Pakistan security agencies also turned blind eye to Saudi funding militants that attacked Shia and Iranian interests in Pakistan. The Baloch militants funded by Saudi are attacking Iranian border guards.

This is not a thread... Pakistan is being bombed and its duty of every Pakistani to protest and criticize those who are looking for justifications in regular Iranian bombings.

Pakistan security agencies have to end Saudi funding of Baloch militants in Pakistan attacking Iranian border guards. The Shamsi airbase is leased to UAE and we have ask them to leave.
It is indirectly related since Saudis and Pakistanis supported Talibans. Pakistan security agencies also turned blind eye to Saudi funding militants that attacked Shia and Iranian interests in Pakistan. The Baloch militants funded by Saudi are attacking Iranian border guards.
And As if Irani did not reciprocated that? Or perhaps we were looking at an oppurtunity to bash the securty enofecement agencies.

US got rid of Saddam, not what you said.

After Invasion US let loose the monster ISIS to deal with other arab countries. A great game that has always been played a grand showdown between shia-sunni. But the stooges in Monarch jumped out fear of this monster known as ISIS.

US didn't realize what they created was something they could control. Secondly What Iran has stockpiled had to be recognized sooner or later, in this case sooner since US knowns Iranian military has the capacity to deal with this menace working along with US.

And thats how things turned out well for Iranian regime, not as the way you pointed. One should present argument based on logical answer with background details

Shamsi airbase is leased to UAE
Which was then leased to US for drone !
oh come on as long as he is not bashing Iran and only Bashing Sunni's,Pakistan,Islam and Arabs he is never going to get banned or keep in check by Mods...He is constantly blithering against Pakistan in favor of Iran but haven't seen any action against him..
Koi sharam hoti hay, koi haya hoti hay !
US got rid of Saddam,

... and also Talibans both were threatening Iran. US realized what a monster they created in Iraq and got rid of it while Pakistan never realized what monster they created in Afghanistan. Iran has followed more credible policies than either Pakistan or Saudi Arabia and both have lost their client states !

Which was then leased to US for drone !

US left and now UAE is back ! Iran have accused that Shamsi base, not far from Iranian border, is used against Iranian interests. Why did we lease it to UAE ? Its about time we end the lease and transfer it to PAF !
US left and now UAE is back ! Iran have accused that Shamsi base, not far from Iranian border, is used against Iranian interests. Why did we lease it to UAE ? Its about time we end the lease and transfer it to PAF

Please do share the details of that claoim, because it wastaken from UAE and US perosnllem were seen being sent packing home !

. and also Talibans both were threatening Iran. US realized what a monster they created in Iraq and got rid of it while Pakistan never realized what monster they created in Afghanistan. Iran has followed more credible policies than either Pakistan or Saudi Arabia and both have lost their client states
I am not sure why you have this apologist attitude.

Let me be very clear with you, the one that we are fighting have got nothing to with Afghani, they are paid mercenaries from kazakhstan, tajiks, we have seen them how they were not circumcised.

So Iran following their policy successfully or not how does that help us ? when they regularly attack us with mortars ?
do not forget the slogan of the People of Pakistan. Ayub dog ayub dog. :lol:
and Iskender Mirza didnt get a lovely end too you know.
Ayub Khan died as the only Field Marshal of Pakistan, and was received with a large crowd at his funeral, and is still remembered as the person who brought Pakistan's economy to its peak.
surprising for you as wahabis never told u this.
pls enlighten me
why iran attacking pakistan ? no good relation with iran ?
Attacking ?? No. don't be silly
No good relations ? Well ! need no explanations. Read "iran support pakistan in pak-indo wars" just for an example.
You will see more and more border tension with Iran, due to pipeline , but Pakistani govt knows who is the third player who want to see the failure of pipeline by creating more and more disturbance in Baluchistan. Its not one country , its more then one country. But, China will tolerate this third party meddling for while, because China has stake in the pipeline. Soon, a dire warning is coming for these countries.
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The credibility of GEO is questionable, quote another source !

Shamsi Airbase: Zardari turns down UAE request to review decision - The Express

Pakistan to Take Control Shamsi Air Base from UAE | Pakistan Military Review

UAE running Shamsi Air Base | Koolblue's Blog

Shamsi Air Base under UAE control: Air Chief

The fact is that this airbase is again under the control of UAE. It is about time to terminate the lease with UAE and transfer the Shamsi air base to full PAF control.
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The fact is that this airbase is again in control of UAE.

No, is not. its the same channel whose who accused ISI of killing him in an attempt, right?

And the very same Kamran Khan had to leave the group because of the groups background.

Unless you present me something otherwise, YouR opinion which you are referring to as fact don't matter.
Attacking ?? No. don't be silly
No good relations ? Well ! need no explanations. Read "iran support pakistan in pak-indo wars" just for an example.
Back then,Iran was totally different country. Under Pahlavi dynasty Iran was Pakistan's closest ally.
If you want to check Iran's behavior under mullah's regime then best to recall Iran's role in Kargil war and most recently in Chabahar port.

i fear the Iran lovers living in Pakistan, more than their mortars.
how far have the infiltrated into PA? or ISI?
Don't worry such creatures are not let get near the sensitive posts..;)
Better would be to consult someone in Atomic Energy Commission :) and people in intelligence know very well how Irani intelligence is active in northern areas of Pakistan. (If you can recall Rawalpindi incident of 2013, who the main culprits were)
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