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Book Review - THE INDIA DOCTRINE (1947-2007)

munshi bhi i haven't bought this book yet i think i have to now after seeing so many Indian are annoyed at this book seem it has open the Pandora box open in day light . actually i am taking shere bangla's word when the hindu praised shere bangla he took it as if he is doing some thing in favor of Hindu people, but when they criticized him that mean he was doing in favor of Muslim people of united india . :tup:

The way the Indians curse the book it seems I must have done something right. I am glad that I have at least got them worried. I think the book is like slow poison for them.
The way the Indians curse the book it seems I must have done something right. I am glad that I have at least got them worried. I think the book is like slow poison for them.

Got us worried ?? !! May I know WHO ARE YOU ! ???
Do not discourage munshi.. If he fails to make further conspiracy theory, I will die of starvation...
I wonder why Indians can provide an in-depth critique of Sarmila Bose's book 'Dead Reckoning' but find it impossible to criticize my book with any detail or specificity. When Indians comment on my book they resort to mere generalities while with Samila Bose's book they go into extraordinary detail. If Indians wish to undermine my book that should make the effort of having actually read it and then criticize it with specific reference to sections from the book. It is not enough to merely call it conspiracy theorizing. Provide examples from the book PLEASE!
I wonder why Indians can provide an in-depth critique of Sarmila Bose's book 'Dead Reckoning' but find it impossible to criticize my book with any detail or specificity. When Indians comment on my book they resort to mere generalities while with Samila Bose's book they go into extraordinary detail. If Indians wish to undermine my book that should make the effort of having actually read it and then criticize it with specific reference to sections from the book. It is not enough to merely call it conspiracy theorizing. Provide examples from the book PLEASE!

thats because you wrote the book while playing counterstrike wih full of materials claiming to be from fictional sources from high places whose ID cannot be revealed unlike other authors who actually do some work before writing a book
Why would anyone even bother to read your book?! You're not worth the effort. Besides, how does the opinion of an unknown bangladeshi writer matter?!
thats because you wrote the book while playing counterstrike wih full of materials claiming to be from fictional sources from high places whose ID cannot be revealed unlike other authors who actually do some work before writing a book

In other words Indians have not read the book and have no idea what they are talking about......
Why would anyone even bother to read your book?! You're not worth the effort. Besides, how does the opinion of an unknown bangladeshi writer matter?!

Thousands have read the book and I am no longer unknown.
I wonder why Indians can provide an in-depth critique of Sarmila Bose's book 'Dead Reckoning' but find it impossible to criticize my book with any detail or specificity. When Indians comment on my book they resort to mere generalities while with Samila Bose's book they go into extraordinary detail. If Indians wish to undermine my book that should make the effort of having actually read it and then criticize it with specific reference to sections from the book. It is not enough to merely call it conspiracy theorizing. Provide examples from the book PLEASE!

This comment still requires a sensible answer .....
Most of those 'kids' don't even read books :lol:

KIDS, Chek your avatar.


Going through your posts, one can determine what must be in the book, one doesn,t need to read it.

Anyhow good luck with your Marketing Skill.
KIDS, Chek your avatar.


Going through your posts, one can determine what must be in the book, one doesn,t need to read it.

Anyhow good luck with your Marketing Skill.

You think Family Guy is for kids? My, my, aren't you a perverted one.
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