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Book Review - THE INDIA DOCTRINE (1947-2007)

Everyone is happy to see your jokes will be back. you are as funny as zaid hamid. :cheers:

we enjoy you. :rofl:

Loooook ........ RAW agents are every where! :lol:

I really do not require a sales and marketing team for my book The India Doctrine (1947-2007) the Indians do the whole job simply through their sheer inanity. :coffee:

Anyway back to thread which concerns the actual contents of the book and not what some Indians imagine is in the book.
Chew, Gum , Jelly fish, teeth even magic wand.
O well, whatever.
Munshiji is getting banned ???? Now time to come up with defence.pk doctrine:2011.....Plese Munshiji expose those RAW agents whohave infiltrated among mods to silence you. (They are not happy with blocking your blogs....)
A pointless post ....... O well, whatever.

Anyway back to thread which concerns the actual contents of the book and not what some Indians imagine is in the book.

No I was referring to the words emphasized in the
previous discussions. However pointless it was.

The book you have written however is not pointless
and does have some very interesting perceptive
regarding the typical geo-political spectrum.
People obviously don't feel comfortable when something
red comes out of the blue!
No I was referring to the words emphasized in the
previous discussions. However pointless it was.

The book you have written however is not pointless
and does have some very interesting perceptive
regarding the typical geo-political spectrum.
People obviously don't feel comfortable when something
red comes out of the blue!

I owe you an apology ......... Sorry for jumping at you like that but these Indians are aggravating.

doc·trine (dktrn)
1. A principle or body of principles presented for acceptance or belief, as by a religious, political, scientific, or philosophic group; dogma.
2. A rule or principle of law, especially when established by precedent.
3. A statement of official government policy, especially in foreign affairs and military strategy.
4. Archaic Something taught; a teaching.

So, I take it that it is a Munshi made Doctrine since by the definition it none of the following:

1. A principle or body of principles presented for acceptance or belief, as by a religious, political, scientific, or philosophic group; dogma.
2. A rule or principle of law, especially when established by precedent.
3. A statement of official government policy, especially in foreign affairs and military strategy.
4. Archaic Something taught; a teaching.

Some may classify it as a DOGMA caused by Insecurity.

doc·trine (dktrn)
1. A principle or body of principles presented for acceptance or belief, as by a religious, political, scientific, or philosophic group; dogma.
2. A rule or principle of law, especially when established by precedent.
3. A statement of official government policy, especially in foreign affairs and military strategy.
4. Archaic Something taught; a teaching.

So, I take it that it is a Munshi made Doctrine since by the definition it none of the following:

1. A principle or body of principles presented for acceptance or belief, as by a religious, political, scientific, or philosophic group; dogma.
2. A rule or principle of law, especially when established by precedent.
3. A statement of official government policy, especially in foreign affairs and military strategy.
4. Archaic Something taught; a teaching.

Some may classify it as a DOGMA caused by Insecurity.

Having not read the book you have nevertheless developed some dogmatic and unfounded beliefs about the contents and argument of the book.
You are right.

Just going by the title of the Book.

The Title should be correct and not misleading.

A Doctrine is a policy propounded by the one who authors such a doctrine and not by a third party with fevered imagination.

A Doctrine cannot be an assumption.

Unless of course you were sitting alongside the Indian Cabinet Committee of Political Affairs,

I daresay I have the inclination to read any old thing that is published.
You are right.

Just going by the title of the Book.

The Title should be correct and not misleading.

A Doctrine is a policy propounded by the one who authors such a doctrine and not by a third party with fevered imagination.

A Doctrine cannot be an assumption.

Unless of course you were sitting alongside the Indian Cabinet Committee of Political Affairs,

I daresay I have the inclination to read any old thing that is published.

If everyone strictly followed your dictum books would never get published in the world and research would become valueless and meaningless. Everything that is written is based on someone's idea, conception or speculations on the world (both fiction and non-fiction) and those which appear to have a semblance of truth and is based on thorough and sound research and on observation gains acceptability.
If everyone strictly followed your dictum books would never get published in the world and research would become valueless and meaningless. Everything that is written is based on someone's idea, conception or speculations on the world (both fiction and non-fiction) and those which appear to have a semblance of truth and is based on thorough and sound research and on observation gains acceptability.

Exactly, Mr Munshi.. I'mm with u... U r awesome man...
If everyone strictly followed your dictum books would never get published in the world and research would become valueless and meaningless. Everything that is written is based on someone's idea, conception or speculations on the world (both fiction and non-fiction) and those which appear to have a semblance of truth and is based on thorough and sound research and on observation gains acceptability.

Absolutely awesome a deduction!

A Daniel come to Judgement!

I presume your book is the Doctrine of Lapse since the manner in which it is being market here by you does suggest that it has collapsed?

Doctrine de déchéance
Absolutely awesome a deduction!

A Daniel come to Judgement!

I presume your book is the Doctrine of Lapse since the manner in which it is being market here by you does suggest that it has collapsed?

Doctrine de déchéance

The Indian hope is that the book has collapsed but it is actually doing extraordinary well and in no small part due to the inadvertent publicizing and marketing of the book by Indians on this forum. Every word of ridicule from Indians merely spurs further interest and views of the thread further increasing sales of the book.

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