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Bomb targeting Muharram procession kills five in Jacobabad

Peaceful procession? Wouldn't use the word "peaceful" to describe Muharram processions. They are horrific to watch from the outside. Just google it and check out some of the pics.
Looks gory ! :crazy_pilot:
They are not hurting anyone.

The solution is to not watch.

Not add to the gore.

I find Shias extremely private in their faith. And respectful of that of others.

Neah bro ! I have never seen a muharam procession ! Just image searched on google !
I know brahamins are very superior and wouldn't mind killing few dalits
Brahmins are supposed to be superior in education. Not in fighting, business or service. Hope that clarifies. Even then I am not in favor of following the jati pratha as enshrined in Sanatana Dharma. I am open to dialogue and change. :agree:

Ironically all these three fought your hateful kind for a separate nation :pakistan:
:cry: True. But that was before they woke up to the reality.
It is interesting to know how many people use the language of hate to claim that the other side is hateful. I wonder if they lack intelligence or are just immature.
Yazidiat is these self proclaimed distributors of kufar who kill people in Mazars and Imambargahs
Unless you have your head buried in the sand, you'll note that terrorist attacks are down 70% in the wake of ZeA. Unless you're being an idiot on purpose, or are just an idiot in general, you'll also know that no military operation against terrorists will ever result in a binary result -- where the only options are 100% reduction in terrorist attacks or complete failure. 70% improvement is a great achievement in a year's period.
Firstly all your military operations have failed miserably including Zarb-E-Adab or This-E-That. The militants know they cannot face a conventional war where the opponent is heavily outnumbered with the latest tanks and fighter planes. The militants will shift their operations or lie down. Of recent the militants are attacking vital installations in Pakistan.
All the sectarian killings have involved RAW in the past and now again to destabilize Pakistan.

Just when Taliban attacks were next to null, these sectarian based attacks are now in full swing.
Sirji aap bhi :cry: no substance, no backing up claims :tdown:
All the sectarian killings have involved RAW in the past and now again to destabilize Pakistan.

Just when Taliban attacks were next to null, these sectarian based attacks are now in full swing.
Sirjee, I never expected such a reply from you. There was no Shia Sunni voilence in Pakistan during 1947. From where did it come from. It is high time,u call a spade a spade. Shia Sunni voilence started in Pakistan in 1980 after the Iranian revolution.
Every year there are attacks against Shias during Moharram In Pakistan. I know it is very hard to provide security to each and every Individual round the clock, but this type of blaming and finger pointing towards India will lead u nowhere. Well RAW is a highly professional organization
This could be in revenge to Iran attacking our posts regularly with rockets.


The famous low IQ of Indians strikes again!!!!!1

I hope this sends the Iranians the intended message. Stop attacking our posts, stop siding with India or else these blasts will take place inside Iran.


Holy sheeeet

i am a bit amazed by your IQ sir :agree:..... shias are not pakistanis???? by your logic if iran attacks pakistan, you have tho kill your own pakistani brothers(shias) to teach iran a lesson??? :o:

A message for Iran :lol:
I am currently in Srinagar.Our driver had to take a small detour a day or 2 ago as the roads were closed due to stone pelting.When i asked him the reason,he said that Shia muharram prpcession was being attacked
Peaceful procession? Wouldn't use the word "peaceful" to describe Muharram processions. They are horrific to watch from the outside. Just google it and check out some of the pics.

Fake stuff ...

Looks gory ! :crazy_pilot:

They are fake shias... You can't hurt yourself for no reason... It's banned in Islam...

Idiots exist every where... Most of these shits created by British empire to destroy Islam...

Same as kingdom of al saud :)

Neah bro ! I have never seen a muharam procession ! Just image searched on google !

I never bean & see anything like that with my own eyes from near!
Fake stuff ...

They are fake shias... You can't hurt yourself for no reason... It's banned in Islam...

Idiots exist every where... Most of these shits created by British empire to destroy Islam...

Same as kingdom of al saud :)

I never saw anything like that with my own eyes from near!
Fake shias?:confused:
Fake shias?:confused:

Hurting head with knife is one of the idiotic things created by British empire to scare others from Islam & shia !

They are supporting ISIL for same reason...

Hurting head with knife

We call it ghame zani قمه زنی & it's totally banned in Iran...

You will end in jail for that... + They will check your mental health...

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