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Bomb targeting Muharram procession kills five in Jacobabad

The famous low IQ of Indians strikes again!!!!!1

I hope this sends the Iranians the intended message. Stop attacking our posts, stop siding with India or else these blasts will take place inside Iran.

i am a bit amazed by your IQ sir :agree:..... shias are not pakistanis???? by your logic if iran attacks pakistan, you have tho kill your own pakistani brothers(shias) to teach iran a lesson??? :o:
You can see the excitement and the happiness in their tone.

What you get a glimpse on PDF is a mentality of (and i am not going to mince words here) a filthy society......

Remember what these people do to the helpless in their society from naive Japanese female tourists to poor Dalits to beef eating Muslims !
Some Indians on this forum are so happy about this news, truly sickening behaviour
Believe me brother.. I condemn violence against all innocents irrespective of their religion ,creed,caste, nationality..i only want to higlight the fact that these zarb e azbs will not be of any use unless you people address the root cause..you should also realise that your hatred for india and your intent to inflict harm on it has brought you to this stage..until the day this realization dawns on you, this type of extremism will not end.
A state created on the basis of religious intolerance will always be in conflict within itself, since Pakistan has almost done away with other religious minorities like Hindus and Christians, now they are finding the "Other" within their own communities, namely Shias and Ahmediyas. Bangladeshis are lucky, they still have some Hindus left to persecute.
You are wrong Pakistan is heaven for Muslims specially ahmedi & shias forget about Hindu Sikh & christian community which just do dram to malign pakistan lining infront of India embassy to grant them citizenship
For you and other two face indians here
A state created on the basis of religious intolerance will always be in conflict within itself, since Pakistan has almost done away with other religious minorities like Hindus and Christians, now they are finding the "Other" within their own communities, namely Shias and Ahmediyas. Bangladeshis are lucky, they still have some Hindus left to persecute.
A very good point sir..
All the Indians whose asses are on fire because of a different thread few days ago, stay away from this thread.
yes sir... RIP innocents... but your own country men are telling that this incident was to teach iran a lesson!!! i would advice you to stop using "filthy" words and do proper argument... or atleast tell your countrymen that people killed were pakistanis!!!! instead of abusing indians please condemn such incidents in your country its for your good..... thank you

I see filth....I call it

Not going to be P.C here especially when it comes to dealing with filth.

That guy is a false flagger, I called it a month ago !
What is being celebrated is a war conflict of 1400 year ago and it is foolish to assume that it would not lead to another war...

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