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Bomb targeting Muharram procession kills five in Jacobabad

All the sectarian killings have involved RAW in the past and now again to destabilize Pakistan.

Just when Taliban attacks were next to null, these sectarian based attacks are now in full swing.
Why don't you take action against these haramkhors cheering here?
Totally disgusted.

Without fail every year they do this on Muharram.

I just came home from the Imambara. Where the news had spread. But notices pasted all over forbade worshippers from inflammatory gossip.


Every year. And yet it repeats.
OK..everything is being done by RAW..pakistanis are a peaceful people with ultra modern and liberal outlook ?there aren't any groups that call for the killings of shias? There are no madarsahs or moulvis who glorify jihad? It is only raw that is creating all this mess in the land of peace?

arey dont you know till today every wrong thing that has happened with muslims is bcz of RAW , MOSSAD and CIA ...otherwise muslims & terrorism tauba tauba
All the sectarian killings have involved RAW in the past and now again to destabilize Pakistan.

Just when Taliban attacks were next to null, these sectarian based attacks are now in full swing.

That's very convenient, hope the sectarian and religious minorities of Pakistan buy this argument.
What happened to this zarb e azb? The other day there was a blast in balochistan and today there is another blast.I told you it is highly impossible to wipe out terrorism in Pakistan without addressing the cause..the cause is there is a lot of extremist ideology being fed to the youth ;different sub groups of Islam instigating their youth against other groups;glorifying killing or getting killed for religion..with this sort of mentality, Pakistan will be a fuckd up place for a foreseeable future..the country should start propagating liberal and secular values across the country with extreme intensity so that it could be back to normal say in other 20 years.

Di*****d Zarb e azb was launch against ttp and its allied groups.

LeJ is mostly involved in sectarian terrorism.

TTP had hand in almost 70-80% of terrorist activities in Pakistan and this is the reason the defeat of TTP decreased terrorism roughly by 70% in Pakistan.

Anyway LeJ is Punjab based terror group and we have some sympathizers of LeJ in our govt.
This could be in revenge to Iran attacking our posts regularly with rockets.

did you have your sense to compare this accident order issue..

sectarian elements are high in upper sindh and in Baluchistan..
This could be in revenge to Iran attacking our posts regularly with rockets.

very nice, so people who got killed in the attack were Iranians. so pakistanis kill their own citizen to take revenge on iran

Some Indians on this forum are so happy about this news, truly sickening behaviour

no we symphthize with shias who also happen to be a victim of omnipresent sunni terrorism. Indians here are just showing you ignorant fools mirror. so next time dont jump start any stupid discussions on rapes toilets etc etc:lol: and meanwhile like i said, see the mirror.
some months ago there was a report that Sindh is going through what punjab went through in the 1990s. RAW and other agencies can be and have be dealt with, but extremism is a big challenge especially in a province run by an incompetent govt.
The famous low IQ of Indians strikes again!!!!!1

I hope this sends the Iranians the intended message. Stop attacking our posts, stop siding with India or else these blasts will take place inside Iran.

Maybe it is my low IQ, but could you explain how killing your own citizens is a message to Iran? Are you suggesting that since they were Shia, their death is supposed to hurt Iranians, rather than Pakistanis? If not, do explain how it is revenge - Iran shoots rockets at your people, so in revenge, you bomb your people? I think it is clear that somebody either has a low IQ, or is a bigot who thinks that his own country's Shia people are Iran's responsibility.

@DESERT FIGHTER : On a thread about a muslim man being murdered in India a few days ago, you tagged me and said you hope I'm all right. Should I return the favor and inquire about your well being in the light of this incident?

On topic, condolences to the departed. Unfortunately, such occasions present a soft target, to sectarian terrorists. It is impossible to secure every religious gathering or procession, the only way to eliminate these acts of terror is to eliminate all the terrorists.
Maybe it is my low IQ, but could you explain how killing your own citizens is a message to Iran? Are you suggesting that since they were Shia, their death is supposed to hurt Iranians, rather than Pakistanis? If not, do explain how it is revenge - Iran shoots rockets at your people, so in revenge, you bomb your people? I think it is clear that somebody either has a low IQ, or is a bigot who thinks that his own country's Shia people are Iran's responsibility.

@DESERT FIGHTER : On a thread about a muslim man being murdered in India a few days ago, you tagged me and said you hope I'm all right. Should I return the favor and inquire about your well being in the light of this incident?

On topic, condolences to the departed. Unfortunately, such occasions present a soft target, to sectarian terrorists. It is impossible to secure every religious gathering or procession, the only way to eliminate these acts of terror is to eliminate all the terrorists.
I'm fine thank you.. Il return the favour regularly from now on.. When your kind gets lynched,beaten n told to go to Pak.. Rapped,looted,made homeless or told to be passive slaves in your own country .. With your govts "ashirbad"...

And probably even your masters make a hate filled comment about your kind..!
I'm fine thank you.. Il return the favour regularly from now on.. When your kind gets lynched,beaten n told to go to Pak.. Rapped,looted,made homeless or told to be passive slaves in your own country .. With your govts "ashirbad"...

And probably even your masters make a hate filled comment about your kind..!

Ask yourself, who will have a better opportunity to win that (admittedly, facile) game. Would you expect more untoward incidents targeting Indian muslims in India, or Pakistanis in Pakistan? I don't want to participate in that game, but I thought I should remind you something about people living in glass houses.

One person was murdered by a mob in India, and you enquired about my well being, to make a brownie point. The entire Indian nation went into overdrive and even today, it is the talking point in all media, and the public space. Dozens of intellectuals have returned their govt given awards in protest, and others have also decried the murder. Twenty of your countrymen died in a sectarian attack today, and mostly it is Indians who are commenting here. This will be forgotten by your country in a couple of days. But India will be talking about the lynching for months to come.

There is a difference in the level of communal hatred in each country.

While I am aware that there are hate filled comments from Indians about "my kind", I have to point out that I don't have any masters.
Ask yourself, who will have a better opportunity to win that (admittedly, facile) game. Would you expect more untoward incidents targeting Indian muslims in India, or Pakistanis in Pakistan? I don't want to participate in that game, but I thought I should remind you something about people living in glass houses.

While I am aware that there are hate filled comments from Indians about "my kind", I have to point out that I don't have any masters.

Past 2 weeks ? Mobs lynching,beating your kind vs isolated acts of terrorism in Pakistan!

And yes you have masters ! Try talking about "beef" and I'm sure you won't come out in 1 piece that's for sure!
Past 2 weeks ? Mobs lynching,beating your kind vs isolated acts of terrorism in Pakistan!

And yes you have masters ! Try talking about "beef" and I'm sure you won't come out in 1 piece that's for sure!

I have added one more para, to make the point clear. There was exactly one mob lynching, which was a disgrace and a blot on the country, and is being treated as such. How many "isolated acts of terrorism" have targetted minorities in Pakistan, and how many victims have they claimed? Answer that to yourself, honestly. You don't have to type it here.

By the way there are many places in India where beef is heartily consumed, by muslims or hindus or others. Check out Kerala beef recipes on google, for some mouth watering delicacies. Or the Mangalorean ones. India is not a monolithic entity like you imagine. Ask the South Indians about beef.

As for your remark about "masters" - what would happen to a Hindu or Christian in Pakistan who drinks a beer or two, or opens a bar? Does Pakistan allow other faiths to violate Islamic prohibitions?
Thread which should have been solely for sympathezing with the victims and discussions by Pakistanis on how to tackle the problem was hijacked by this cross-border filth to score cheap brownie points on the shoulders of dead Pakistanis.
Ideally Shias and Ahmedia should also believe in their own sub Two Nation theories.
i. Shia and Sunnis are different countries with different cultures.
ii. Shia and Ahmedia are different countries with different cultures.
iii. Ahmedia and Sunnis are different countries with different cultures.

All three should get their own countries as per their own TNTs. :agree:

Shia and sunni are muslim.....and basis of two nation theory is not religion or culture...... infact political differences of muslims and hindus lead to two nation theory..........

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