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Bomb blasts in Mumbai

Inside job implies it was carried out by Indian government, just as an example say to frame Pakistan. But if its carried out by anti-India elements within the Indian society, its no longer an inside job. So be careful with the terminology.
Inside job doesn't mean government, every society has wackos, perfectly capable of doing such things on their own.
It really don't matter whether these attacks were originated from the neighborhood or from the anti national elements within India -- The Indian intell agencies and local law enforcement agencies have failed to stop these attacks -- This should be our real concern and action point -- It is better for us to strengthen our security instead of hoping that our neighbor will act against so called "FREEDOM FIGHTERS".
impossible to prevent these type of attacks unless we do a whole overhaul of society.
For eg, most likely it was done by IM/simi. they would have purchased materials locally. now these loaclly purchsed materials like ammonium nitrate and urea etc are dual use . the local vendor who unwittingly sells IM these ingredients likely dont issue receipts to evade tax. So the trail goes cold there. This is because our tax laws are screwed. so really our society is like a giant puppet show with crisscrossing , tangled twine. To fix one part while leaving the rest is difficult . al the entanglements should be straightened out.
Can't understand why Centre/State Govt. not able to crack these IM? damn..after Pune attack, it is still happening... need to recruit good guys to NIA and should provide them support..
All groups hostile to India on "radar", govt on Mumbai blasts

Government on Thursday said that all groups "hostile to India" are on the "radar" in the probe into the terror attack here and did not rule out the possibility of the blasts being an attempt to derail the forthcoming Indo-Pak talks. After visiting the sites of the the three serial blasts
in crowded areas here last evening that killed 17 persons, Union home minister P Chidambaram made it clear that it was too early "to point a finger at any one group". 131 persons were also injured of whom 23 are seriously injured.
Chidambaram, addressing a 70-minute joint news conference with chief minister Prithviraj Chavan, also said "there was no intelligence failure" prior to the blasts.

There was no intelligence input either with the Central or the state agencies of an "imminent" attack, he said.

"Intelligence is collected every day, every hour. It (blasts) is not a failure of intelligence agencies...whoever has perpetrated the attacks has worked in a very clandestine manner," Chidambaram said, reiterating it was a "coordinated terror attack".

The minister said that intelligence gathering had successfully "neutralised" a number of planned attacks in the past two and a half years, but declined to give any details.

At the same time, he asserted that Indians lived "in the most troubled neighbourhood in the world" and therefore all cities in India were "vulnerable" to attack. "Pakistan-Afghanistan is the epicentre of terror...we are living in the most troubled neighbourhood," he said.

Asked whether the explosions were timed to disrupt the forthcoming Indo-Pak talks, Chidambaram said "we are not ruling out anything. That angle will also be kept in mind."

Giving details about investigations carried out since last night, Chidambaram said ammonium nitrate, an explosive substance, was used in the IEDs triggered by timer devices.

He ruled out the use of remote control to trigger the blasts in Zaveri Bazar, Opera House and Dadar areas.

"We are not pointing a finger at this stage," Chidambaram said, adding there had been no claim of responsibility for the attack.

"All groups hostile to India are on the radar. We are not ruling out anything, we are not ruling in anything. We are looking at everyone," he said. Chidambaram said, adding "We have to look at every possible hostile group and find out whether they are behind the blast."

Chidambaram's response came to repeated questions whether he suspected the hand of a foreign terror group or right wing groups or the underworld or the Maoists or Indian Mujahideen in the explosions.
impossible to prevent these type of attacks unless we do a whole overhaul of society.
For eg, most likely it was done by IM/simi. they would have purchased materials locally. now these loaclly purchsed materials like ammonium nitrate and urea etc are dual use . the local vendor who unwittingly sells IM these ingredients likely dont issue receipts to evade tax. So the trail goes cold there. This is because our tax laws are screwed. so really our society is like a giant puppet show with crisscrossing , tangled twine. To fix one part while leaving the rest is difficult . al the entanglements should be straightened out.

Thus, it is our action point....
Can't understand why Centre/State Govt. not able to crack these IM? damn..after Pune attack, it is still happening... need to recruit good guys to NIA and should provide them support..
because of human rights and stupid activists ilke arundhathi, cops are afraid to touch minority. A massive encounter to cleanse out these elemnts need to be conducted. just take out the real strong suspects and rest will fall in line.
Lack of reciepts are a problem. The government needs to ID daul-use materials, and track them so this doesn't happen.
Lack of reciepts are a problem. The government needs to ID daul-use materials, and track them so this doesn't happen.

haan for that, the traders will have to be left alone by the crrupt system. like is said, everything has to straighten out. yatha raja thatha praja.
Well According to Rahul Gandhi it's impossible to stop 100%terror attack ,Can anyone slap him Tightly and ask him to look at America,UK,Spain Etc where there is no 2nd terror attack kinda thing...........:sick::angry:
Well According to Rahul Gandhi it's impossible to stop 100%terror attack ,Can anyone slap him Tightly and ask him to look at America,UK,Spain Etc where there is no 2nd terror attack kinda thing...........:sick::angry:

Even developed countries have problems. You only had to look at Ireland when IRA was active to get an idea. Even in the US there were Puerto Rican freedom fighters at onetime who eventually became inactive. We have a population of 1 billion people and Mumbai is one of the most migrated to city. Watch "Shor in the City", you'll get an idea of how life is in the underbelly of Mumbai.
<personal comments removed>

Can anybody answer, whenever Indo-pak relation get going very well, some how these type of incidents disrupt the peace process. Is this my observation as well TV news, and rest all feel the same, or I just speculating.

Inside job doesn't mean government, every society has wackos, perfectly capable of doing such things on their own.

Hence the word I used was that it implies not means. You have to admit (also just as an example) when someone says 9/11 was an inside job, you're pretty much assuming that the allegation is that CIA or Bush caused it to happen, not that some wacko Americans did it.
Terrorism is a cancer in South Asia which is not being treated with the importance it deserves. Loss of lives, destruction to property and economy and a general fear and anger climate is what the terrorists want to instill in our societies. The anger must be directed towards countries which have bad relations. Right now I suspect that the timing of this attack is important. ULFA has started talks in Assam and this is going well but a small group of dissidents are still roaming somewhere. Pakistan has started talks with India and this is going well but a small group of people such as LeT will be threatened by these talks. Bangladesh and India are co-operating on a better platform and certain people there will feel threatened. The Tamil Tigers are virtually destroyed and Sri Lanka is looking at starting fresh with including India but some Sri Lankans will never forget India's support for the Tigers. Peace between Sth Asian neighbors is an expensive idea for certain groups. They will not hesitate to do everything in their power to derail any chances of peace. A joint task team should be established to work closely with neighboring countries intelligence to ensure that no domestic group or person uses violent or destructive methods against neighbors. Indians often show admiration for ISI and likewise Pakistanis for RAW. If these two organisations could be authorised to create special divisions to work with each other to counter terrorism in Sth Asia their potential would be great and it would be a great blow for terrorist outfits in the sub continent.
according to najam sethi...

1)Al qaeda sleeper cells are in india and they have done this.
2)They want pakistani army defeat by provoking war with india,so that they can have an upper edge in pakistan.
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