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Bomb blasts in Mumbai

according to najam sethi...

1)Al qaeda sleeper cells are in india and they have done this.
2)They want pakistani army defeat by provoking war with india,so that they can have an upper edge in pakistan.

Doubt they are too clever to think of that.
nothing clever in this...
They know pak army is the main obstacle in pakistan and if this happens,pakistan will have to shift troops to indian side..so afghan border is opened

its the AQ and TTP elements present within our army who wants to trigger a war with India , for them once the war kicks off ... they can easily take over and continue on with their policies , this menace is identified and accepted by the army and slowly they are getting rid of this element
its the AQ and TTP elements present within our army who wants to trigger a war with India , for them once the war kicks off ... they can easily take over and continue on with their policies , this menace is identified and accepted by the army and slowly they are getting rid of this element

Same happened here..our Col was involved..
nothing clever in this...
They know pak army is the main obstacle in pakistan and if this happens,pakistan will have to shift troops to indian side..so afghan border is opened

Yes and this will increase the Terrorist attacks on Pakistani soil and other the people of Pakistan. Meanwhile this must have been noted by the senior leaders from both side, I just hope...
Yes and this will increase the Terrorist attacks on Pakistani soil and other the people of Pakistan. Meanwhile this must have been noted by the senior leaders from both side, I just hope...

Thats why we need to work with their army ....if pakistan is attacked then next will be india.
so supporting pakistan is in india's benifit.
Fearing Inside Job, India Plays Wise, So Far, On Mumbai Blasts​


Please have some respect for this incident, stop publishing known propaganda sites like Ahmed Qureshis please as if they are some news reports.
Can't understand why Centre/State Govt. not able to crack these IM? damn..after Pune attack, it is still happening... need to recruit good guys to NIA and should provide them support..

that is because we have a few unemployed youth in the Country who fall pray for emotional brain washing, if you want to destroy this you have to eliminate the root with precession like the KGB did for its traitors.
When NDA was in power they were the first to increase ties .
And now when they r in opposition they r blaming government

when NDA was in Government, Pakistan's then self proclaimed president Musharaf was there. who was better at not only improving ties with India but also at dismantling the terror network inside Pakistan, now the GOP is a joke and they have no control over what is happening in their own country and so there is no need for a talk with the current Pakistan Government.
when NDA was in Government, Pakistan's then self proclaimed president Musharaf was there. who was better at not only improving ties with India but also at dismantling the terror network inside Pakistan, now the GOP is a joke and they have no control over what is happening in their own country and so there is no need for a talk with the current Pakistan Government.
Yeah agree with u .
Musharaff was way better than this current pakistani regime .
He almost stopped all the Lashkar operations in Kashmir
In pictures: Aftermath of Mumbai blasts | TwoCircles.net


Diamond Market, Opera House was the scene of a high-intenstiy bomb blast, according to the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Mr. Prithviraj Chavan.


Relatives of the injured at Opera House.


Security was tight at Opera House, a bit too late for those who died.

Citizens came forward to help each other. Mustafa Patakhdawala ferried an injured to the hospital on his bike and came back to Zaveri Bazar to help.


Saifi Hospital was one the spot were injured were taken for treatment.

mods were telling not to post pics earlier..
Please avoid posting pics. No need to glorify this event.
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