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Bomb blasts in Mumbai

that is because we have a few unemployed youth in the Country who fall pray for emotional brain washing, if you want to destroy this you have to eliminate the root with precession like the KGB did for its traitors.

Sorry your analysis is wrong, Unemployed youth are not Insane... They can loot, they can steal, they can rob, But saying that due to unemployment they will become terrorists , doesn't hold truth in any part of world.... Eduacted ppl are equally prone to brainwash... The real problem in tackling these cockroach is...

1. They are Muslim, slight miscalculation will cost there throne..
2. Collateral damage will backfire..
3. Remember Batla House Encounter?? Many still in denial mode that those guys were terrorists (even if Court denied inquiry on police)
4. Past record of Police (torturing innocent Msulims) stop any further chance of inquiry... :(

1. Make strong team, equipped with latest technology.
2. Create strong Human Network.
3. Kill selectively those who are running terror business from abroad (Dubai and Saudi)
4. Send a Strong message to them "We will kill you no matter where you stay" Either in American way or in Israeli way...
3. Kill selectively those who are running terror business from abroad (Dubai and Saudi)
4. Send a Strong message to them "We will kill you no matter where you stay" Either in American way or in Israeli way...

lol```how? you neither have the technology nor gut, what if they are staying in america?
Police source telling a news channel that IB doesn't share much info with Mumbai Police.
lol```how? you neither have the technology nor gut, what if they are staying in america?

I do Agree it need spine of steel, What if they stay in America???? have you heard how Israeli killed member of Black september , even if they were hiding in Europe... We have enough technology, just lack of guts... We need man like Indira gandhi... I think NaMo as home minister add some value...
IB may have jammed mobile phone network yesterday after blasts-Mobile Company Officer.
I consider this as an important event keeping in view the U.S departure from Afghanistan scenario. It could be a staged drama to get a big chunk of power in Afghanistan. Feel free to counter my point of view. :drag:
Pointing fingers is easier than doing actual investigation.

Arab news
India says no leads in Mumbai bomb attacks


Published: Jul 14, 2011 12:35 Updated: Jul 14, 2011 12:35

MUMBAI, India: There are no immediate suspects in the triple bombing that killed 17 people in India’s financial capital and the attack came without warning, the country’s top security official said Thursday, while shellshocked residents lambasted the government for the apparent intelligence breakdown.

The bombings, which shook three separate neighborhoods within minutes of each other during Wednesday’s busy evening rush hour, were the country’s worst terror strike since the siege of Mumbai that killed 166 people 31 months ago.

Home Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram said Indian intelligence had received no warning before the latest blasts of a possible attack on Mumbai.

“Whoever has perpetrated this attack has worked in a very, very clandestine manner,” he said at a news conference after an emergency security meeting.

He said police were looking into “every possible hostile group” in their search for the culprits.

That did little to reassure residents who questioned how the attack could happen despite massive security measures taken in recent years.

“After the 2008 blast and all the media hype (about safety), we thought we were safe,” said Anita Ramaswami, a 33-year-old accountant. “But things still are the same and people in Mumbai continue to feel vulnerable.”

No one has claimed responsibility for the bombing and Indian officials have so far refused to speculate on who might be behind the attack.

“We are not pointing a finger at this stage,” Chidambaram said. “We have to look at every possible hostile group and find out whether they are behind the blast.”

Indian officials have accused Pakistan’s powerful spy agency of helping coordinate and fund earlier attacks, including the 2008 Mumbai siege, which lasted three days. Peace talks between the countries were suspended after that attack and resumed only recently.

Asked whether the blasts might have been aimed at derailing a new round of peace talks expected in a few days, Chidambaram said: “We are ruling out no hypothesis.”

Top Indian officials said the government had done a huge amount to try to keep the country safe since the 2008 Mumbai attacks, but it was unable to provide airtight security.

“It’s very difficult to stop every single terror attack. The steps taken by our government over the last couple of years are quite profound steps,” said Rahul Gandhi, a senior leader of the ruling Congress Party.

Chidambaram called for patience.

“We live in the most troubled neighborhood in the world,” he said. “Pakistan-Afghanistan is the epicenter of terror ... living in the most troubled neighborhood, every part of India is vulnerable.”

Pakistan’s government expressed distress about the loss of lives and injuries soon after the blasts were reported.

A steady drizzle Thursday washed away bloodstains and threatened evidence at the site of the attacks, which ripped off storefronts, shredded a bus stop and left bodies strewn in the dirt of Mumbai’s crowded neighborhoods and market. Investigators covered the blast sites with plastic sheets to protect the evidence.

The bomb in the Dadar area in central Mumbai was placed on a bus shelter; in the Opera House business district in southern Mumbai it was hidden under some garbage on the road; in the Jhaveri Bazaar jewelry market a few miles (kilometers) away it was hidden under an umbrella, near a motorcycle, officials said.

All three were improvised explosive devices made of ammonium nitrate with electric detonators, authorities said.

“The IEDs were not crude and showed some amount of sophistication and training,” said R.K. Singh, India’s home secretary.

Surveillance cameras were in place at all three blast sites, Chidambaram said, but he did not reveal if any information was gleaned from them.

Meanwhile, families raced to find word about their relatives.

One man described hunting for information about his brother, who was in the jewelry market when the bomb went off.

“We are in that market every day from morning to night,” he told NDTV news channel, as he held back tears. “We went from hospital to hospital and finally found his body in the morgue.”

Kaushik Adhikari, 18, said his father, a goldsmith, was wounded in the same blast.

“He was hit by a shrapnel in the stomach and operated on. Doctors say he is stable,” he said. “This has come as a big shock. We realize how uncertain life has become.”

Chidambaram lowered the casualty toll to 17 confirmed deaths. He said a severed head was found that could be an 18th casualty. He did not explain the discrepancy from an earlier government statement that listed 21 deaths. Additionally, 131 were injured, 23 of them seriously.

The blasts marked the first major attack on Mumbai since 10 militants laid siege to the city for 60 hours in November 2008. That attack targeted two luxury hotels, a Jewish center and a busy train station.

© 2010 Arab News
2nd last picture of the man who sent victim to a hospital and came back is a legend. The one with blood on his shirt.

looks like he is a bearded mullah taliban, alquaeda, terrorist, any indian???

actually i think he is a muslim
looks like he is a bearded mullah taliban, alquaeda, terrorist, any indian???

actually i think he is a muslim

So pathetic of you bring in Religion for your glory sake, he is an India irrespective of his belief and he is a human not like you guys who find oppertunity to glorify on such an event. The thing that came to his mind to help the wonded is not his Religion. Grow up mate
Radicalisation of Indian muslim is the main reason behind the blast. They are radicalised by IM and SIMI with the help od ISI. Indian leaders should see the under current which is prevailing in our country. Disaster recipe is in the making.
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