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Bomb blasts in Mumbai

Like I said, he's an ideologically motivated entertainer.

please elaborate on this whole "ideologically motivated" part, i didnt quite get it

He says 'things' on camera and in print.

yeah, like most (if not all) journalists :rolleyes:

He's the one who is misguiding people through his 'entertainment' and misusing power of media

I dont see where expressing views and presenting some facts (based not just on Pakistani but international media, including indian media) is "misusing" power of media

using that logic, ToI NYT AJE etc. do the same thing!

Media is a business after all, and interestingly enough he isnt even profiting from his work

You dont have to agree or disagree with what he or other journalists say -- but they don't seek your approval.

Its you people who are being played.

our media is free and I think many would agree that Pakistani media is far more open than the media of any of the countries in our neighbourhood

just because YOU dont like his views doesnt mean that you should label him as "ideologically motivated" or whatever else you are trying to imply explicitly or implicitly.

you dont like what you read, then fine just close your window and find something else that "satisfies" your "taste"

that is all
Unlike TTP, naxals dont have the ideology nor motive to attack market places, population centers nor urban targets.

oh really??!! :azn:

will you retract this statement or do I need to post some links on the (nearly daily updated) india insurgency thread?

If you had any knowledge, you could see a pattern in Naxal attacks of attacking mostly (sleeping) Govt machinery, LEOs and Govt property, NOT massacring common people.

so bombing trains and derailing them is an attack on govt. and not civilians? While I agree that TTP and naxals are not one and the same thing -- you would be naiive to think that naxalite, ULFA (or any of the other 22+ rebel insurgencies in india) do not have the blood of scores of hindustany (civilian) blood on their hands

Even so, they are so timid that they attack the govt machinery mostly in rural areas!

and therein lies the real tragedy...it takes a bomb blast in mumbai or delhi to get the indians angry....blasts in rural areas, kidnappings and what have you --hardly make the headlines or cause even a blink of the eye

in a single instance not too long ago, naxals shot dead 76 indian jawans......took the arms and ammo off the dead.

and you call them "timid" :whistle:

So dont bring in non-existent connections of Naxals to Mumbai blasts. Naxals are being taken care of, and the matter will be sorted out, domestically through better politics and strong policies.

well one can only speculate thus far.....even your govt. is doing that as well, which is wise of them.

IM, SIMI are another ball game. They are the ones who are misguided, who have the motive and the ideology to attack crowds of innocent people. They dont have the guts or balls to attacks govt machinery or LEOS and hence they resort to such cowardice of attacking innocent civilians, all perpetuated in the name of religion.

its no less or no more cowardice than when extremists attack Churches or Mosques and engage in very specific communal target killings.....I agree, any violence in the name of religion is a misguided action.

You, for one, should have known the differences in their ideologies.

well in the end, such groups go against your national interests

speaking of which, your own PM Singh is on record having stated that the NAXALS are the "single biggest threat" to indian security....so i think you are best served by focusing on your domestic terrorist groups rather than waiting anxiously for non-existant links to the "dreaded ISI"
please elaborate on this whole "ideologically motivated" part, i didnt quite get it
Ideologically motivated - read HATE INDIA campaign. Thats all there is to it.
I dont see where expressing views and presenting some facts (based not just on Pakistani but international media, including indian media) is "misusing" power of media
Yeah like twisting facts, presenting only part of the picture to support his view point, taking things out of context and above all presenting false facts as evidence from wikileaks. Not to mention his regular vitriolic anti-India rhetoric. And you call him a journalist? He's the TTP'ized version of Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh.
using that logic, ToI NYT AJE etc. do the same thing!
Difference in presenting opinions and delivering vitriolic rhetoric.
just because YOU dont like his views doesnt mean that you should label him as "ideologically motivated" or whatever else you are trying to imply explicitly or implicitly.

you dont like what you read, then fine just close your window and find something else that "satisfies" your "taste"
What I am implying is quite clear. That this man, who calls himself a journalist, is worshiped by many who harbor anti-India sentiments and believe that India is Pakistan's enemy no 1. This in the face of many existential threats to Pakistan, which mostly are home bred and have nothing to do with India and yet, this man spews so much hatred against India and spins some of the wildest conspiracy theories ever - second only to ZH.
so bombing trains and derailing them is an attack on govt. and not civilians? While I agree that TTP and naxals are not one and the same thing -- you would be naiive to think that naxalite, ULFA (or any of the other 22+ rebel insurgencies in india) do not have the blood of scores of hindustany (civilian) blood on their hands
Of course they do. Thats why they deserve no mercy and our security forces make sure of that. However, Each of those insurgencies have different ideologies and targeting Mumbai makes no sense or gives credence to their ideologies whatsoever.
Again, Naxals attack govt machinery, not randomly target massacre civilians. Their whole reason for existence rests on their support of poor backward people. Any random killings would isolate that base that naxals enjoy. However, this does not absolve Naxals from their atrocities and destruction.
and therein lies the real tragedy...it takes a bomb blast in mumbai or delhi to get the indians angry....blasts in rural areas, kidnappings and what have you --hardly make the headlines or cause even a blink of the eye
Atleast there is a response from the population. The anger shown by people since the last Mumbai massacre really jolted the govt. Untill then people had no choice but to go around as if nothing had happened. Remember the public response after the 1992 Mumbai blasts? There was absolutely no public outcry for the govt to do something!
Hopefully things will change with the Naxal menace. The problem is Naxals draw their support from the tribals and poor from the Naxal belt. So their actions/atrocities are actually supported, however misguided that is, by the people in the hope that govt will alter its policies to benefit the poor.
in a single instance not too long ago, naxals shot dead 76 indian jawans......took the arms and ammo off the dead.
Yup. Life of a security personnel in India is cheap. Sorry state of affairs.
Ideologically motivated - read HATE INDIA campaign. Thats all there is to it.

well if that were the case, why would he talk about hoping for friendship with indians (i.e. the people)? And dont say something like "he just said it to please the audience" because why would he sacrifice the "hate india audience" you claim he aims to please?

Your argument just doesnt add up. And if you want to talk about hatred in media, I can point to you SCORES of instances where indian journos and even "thinktanks" engage in nothing but vitriol against Pakistani nation.

for God's sakes you even have politicians who engage in anti Pakistan & anti-Islam rhetoric

Yeah like twisting facts, presenting only part of the picture to support his view point, taking things out of context and above all presenting false facts as evidence from wikileaks. Not to mention his regular vitriolic anti-India rhetoric. And you call him a journalist? He's the TTP'ized version of Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh.

kindly present some examples to back your argument...I am neither agreeing nor disagreeing with you. To equate him or others who write for his blog with Beck or Limbaugh, however, is beyond absurd.

Difference in presenting opinions and delivering vitriolic rhetoric.

opinions (and analysis) are the key words here....

What I am implying is quite clear. That this man, who calls himself a journalist, is worshiped by many who harbor anti-India sentiments and believe that India is Pakistan's enemy no 1.

the countries have gone to war over 3 times; have territorial and resources disputes; the seperate nations have been on a confrontation course since even before 1947.....before any such thing like "TTP" or other such groups even existed

of course india is Pakistan's enemy no 1.....and vice versa.

That's just the reality --albeit there are times of war and times of peace.....to put things into perspective, israel and Syria are enemies of eachother (in that case, still officially in a state of war); though they are not engaged in hostilities.

This in the face of many existential threats to Pakistan, which mostly are home bred and have nothing to do with India

well to some degree that is very debatable....but regardless, there is a difference between immediate threats vs. medium/long-term strategic threats....It doesnt help when we are engaged in a full-fledged war against terror outfits and in the meanwhile big-mouthes like your former army chief talk about "cold start" and so-called "surgical strikes" (foolishly thinking that Pakistan would not return the favour)

and yet, this man spews so much hatred against India and spins some of the wildest conspiracy theories ever - second only to ZH.

at times, you may call it sensationalist journalism; but as i said -- at least he uses sources (valid ones) to back whatever claims or opinions he is making......if you dont like or dont agree with what you read, then just close the browser. Nobody put a gun to your temple and said "read it and agree with it"

I can cite for you SCORES (literally) of examples where your mass media outlets resorted to sensationalism and totally out-of-context material...You already know this, by the way.

You also are well aware, I presume, on how media works. In AQ's case, he isn't even earning a thin dime. Him and his group are investigative journalists though they don't hide the fact that they have more nationalistic leanings.

still doesn't mean that he is necessarily "ideologically motivated"; in their analyses they cover a lot more than just the topic of india. In fact, him and his group are quite critical of Pakistani politics, politicians and even some military top brass in their analyses. FYI.
Mumbai serial blasts linked to Varanasi, Delhi​

Investigators probing the triple blasts in Mumbai on July 13 have narrowed down the likely perpetrators to terror outfit Indian Mujahideen. This is after investigators concluded that the bombs used in Mumbai were similar to those that went off in Varanasi last December and outside the Delhi high court this May.

“Ammonium nitrate along with fuel oil was used in the previous blasts and in both cases the bombs were small and kept in tiffin carriers, which allowed better portability,” said an officer on condition of anonymity.

He said investigators suspect that the same group is behind the two previous blasts and the firing at Delhi’s Jama Masjid in which a bus carrying foreigners was shot at by two motorcycle-borne assailants on September 19, 2010, a day before the Commonwealth Games began.

A bomb placed in a tiffin box had gone off at Sheetla Ghat in Varanasi on December 7, 2010. A girl had died instantly and more than 20 people were injured.

An elderly woman succumbed to her injuries later.

The bomb that exploded outside the Delhi high court on May 25 this year did not cause any casualties. Investigators suspect that a module of IM, comprising of youths from Azamgarh in UP, may have been involved in these attacks as well as in the Mumbai blasts.

“We suspect that like the previous module which carried out a series of attacks in 2008 and was busted by the Mumbai Police’s crime branch, this group is moving from one place to another and carrying out attacks. He said a police team had gone to Azamgarh to hunt for clues but returned empty-handed. Meanwhile, the CCTV footage from various cameras has been forwarded to a private firm to get clearer images.

Probe spreads across country

The probe into the serial blasts in Mumbai on July 13 has spread across the country and suspects are being questioned to establish leads.

Ahmedabad Police are interrogating Indian Mujahideen (IM) operative Danish Riyaz, who had sent emails to top leaders of the outfit before his arrest in June from Vadodara.

Riyaz, who was a techie, is an accused in the 2008 Gujarat blasts in which more than 50 people had died. "Before his arrest, Riyaz had sent emails to top brass of the IM like Abdus Shubhan alias Tauqeer, Abdul Raziq and Mujeeb Sheikh and Kolkata-based Haroon. We are trying to find out if any exchanges took place between them in connection with the recent blasts in Mumbai," Joint CP , Ahmedabad crime branch, Mohan Jha said.

Bihar Police are questioning suspected Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami (HuJI) operative Mohammad Riyazul Sarkar, who was arrested from Kishanganj district on Saturday.

Kishanganj superintendent of police RK Mishra said Sarkar was a Bangladeshi national and had sneaked into India in 2000.

He added Sarkar’s hands were burnt and so are being examined.

Meanwhile, the union home ministry has asked intelligence agencies to prepare a list of persons who have disappeared from four West Bengal districts bordering neighbouring Bangladesh — Malda, Murshidabad, Nadia and North 24 Parganas — from where terrorist outfits are suspected of roping in recruits.

Mumbai serial blasts linked to Varanasi, Delhi - Hindustan Times
Naxals attack govt machinery, not randomly target massacre civilians. Their whole reason for existence rests on their support of poor backward people. Any random killings would isolate that base that naxals enjoy. However, this does not absolve Naxals from their atrocities and destruction.

Actually they DO kill innocent villagers,tribals branding them as Police informers.
Mumbai serial blasts linked to Varanasi, Delhi​
Bihar Police are questioning suspected Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami (HuJI) operative Mohammad Riyazul Sarkar, who was arrested from Kishanganj district on Saturday.
Mumbai serial blasts linked to Varanasi, Delhi - Hindustan Times

Riyazul not terrorist, Media misleading: Kishanganj SP | TwoCircles.net

Patna: No sooner a person named Riyazul Sarkar was picked by Kishanganj Police on Sunday than the media flashed it as a breakthrough in the Mumbai serial blasts probe, calling Riyazul as terrorist involved in the July 13 blasts, member of Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami (HuJI) and operative of Indian Mujahideen. On Monday however, Kishanganj SP Ranjeet Kumar Mishra watered down the spirit of the media when he said no link of Riyazul has so far been established with any terror group. The police officer also snubbed the media for exaggerating the development and misleading the country.

Addressing a press conference on 18th July in Kishanganj, SP Mishra said that investigation agencies are interrogating Riyazul and truth will come out soon but whether he has any role in Mumbai serial blast or any link with any terror group has not yet been proved.

Lambasting media for making the issue sensitive unnecessarily, he said that media should not be prosecutor and judge. He also rubbished the news that the arrest was carried out under direction of Mumbai police and an NIA team is soon reaching Kishanganj to quiz Riyazul. “Mumbai Police is not in touch with us regarding Riyazul’s arrest and also NIA team is not part of the investigation in this case” said Mr. Ranjeet Mishra.

The investigation will reveal the fact about Riyazul whether he is part of the terror groups or not but the way media adopted to produce him as terrorist and spread speculation without any evidence, has once again exposed the biased face of media against Muslims. If the arrested person was a Hindu, the same media perhaps would not have dared to link him with terrorism until the probe was over.
The investigation will reveal the fact about Riyazul whether he is part of the terror groups or not but the way media adopted to produce him as terrorist and spread speculation without any evidence, has once again exposed the biased face of media against Muslims. If the arrested person was a Hindu, the same media perhaps would not have dared to link him with terrorism until the probe was over.

EDIT:- Not for Ejaz but for the man who wrote this article.

Is this part really necessary ?

Did not the media hound out Aseemanand and continue to potray him a terrorist inspite of he retracting his statements ?

Did it go the house of Aseemanand and give the interview of his wife.mother and children as it usually does with other suspects ?

I have no problem with castigating the media for sensationalizing, but saying it is biased against Muslims is gross overstatement.
AFP: Death toll rises to 20 after Mumbai attacks


MUMBAI — The death toll from last week's triple bomb blasts in the Indian city of Mumbai has risen to 20 after one of the wounded died in hospital, a senior medical official said on Tuesday.

The dean of the state-run J.J. Hospital, T.P. Lahane, said that a 45-year-old man passed away on Tuesday morning, according to the Press Trust of India news agency.

Lahane was not immediately available for comment when contacted by AFP.

The simultaneous rush-hour blasts last Wednesday in the diamond trading hub and jewellery quarter of south Mumbai as well as a third district of the city left more than 130 people wounded.

Two people died in hospital over the weekend.

No group has claimed responsibility for the attacks, which were the first in India's financial and entertainment capital since the November 2008 Islamist militant strikes that killed 166.

Suspicion has fallen on domestic militants the Indian Mujahideen, which has said it was behind a string of bomb attacks across India in 2008, including in the capital New Delhi.

Police have said they are making headway and have "good leads" on the bombings, which involved the detonation of home-made ammonium nitrate bombs left in metallic containers in the crowded streets.
It shows that despite tensions between Pakistan and India, now is the time both need to cooperate against terrorism.

Indian can never ever cooperate with Pakistan.
Because its not into their favor at all!!!
The scourge of Mumbai terrorism

Momin Iftikhar
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mumbai comes closest to the representation of contemporary India as a microcosm. Not only is it the commercial hub of India, housing the glitzy world of the Indian cinema but is also the reflection of squalor of the teeming masses of Indian poor who inhabit its trademark ghettos that survive in the shadows of the high-rise glamour of its architecture. It is also a showcase for communal outbursts that identify the deep communal fissures so adroitly camouflaged in the concealing fabric of the “largest functional democracy in the world” rhetoric. Mumbai is home to India’s thuggish underworld ruling their fiefdom with an invisible iron hand and also tops the Indian metropolises in being chosen as a target by terrorists; a fact driven home by the latest string of three blasts at Dadar, Zaveri Bazaar and Opera House localities, on the evening of 13 July, killing twenty one and injuring over hundred people.

For its macabre attraction to the terrorists, Mumbai has also acquired relevance in determining the pace of rapprochement between India and Pakistan. This is because whenever Mumbai is rocked by forces of terrorism, the Indian establishment without taking a pause to investigate and rationalise, begins to harangue Pakistan; excluding the local dynamics that are behind the precipitation of such a vitriolic expression by the indigenous actors. Serial blasts hit Mumbai in 1993 and again in 2006 and then there was the infamous three days long assault in November 2008 that sent the sputtering peace dialog between India and Pakistan into a deep freeze.

Even as the Indian government and its media have been routinely accusing Pakistan for the repeated Mumbai targeting yet the fires smouldering behind the cosmopolitan razzmatazz are too prominent to be ignored. The string of devastating serial blasts in 1993, attributed to the underworld don Daud Ibraheem, killed two hundred and fifty people, surpassing the deadliness of the 2008 carnage in which one hundred and sixty one people lost their lives. It was a reflection of the rage felt by the Muslim community in India over the demolition of five hundred years iconic Babri Mosque in Dec 1992 by throngs of Hindu Right Wing militants under the inactive gaze of the Indian government and insouciance of its political order.

On 11 July 2006, Mumbai’s sprawling suburban railway network was rocked by a series of seven bomb blasts within a span of eleven minutes. Two hundred and nine people were killed and over 700 were injured. The communal angle was prominently manifest. A seething anger in the Muslim community in the aftermath of the Gujarat pogrom in 2002 and the injustices meted out to the community was barely waiting to burst out. Despite the fact that over two thousand Muslims had been butchered by the berserk Hindu mobs, Indian Prime Minister Vajpaee had passed on the blame back to the community by justifying their ordeal. The pogrom, as per him, was spontaneously triggered by Muslim “militants” act of setting fires to a bogey of a train at Godhara, in which Hindu karsevaks, returning from Ayodhya, were travelling; an un-substantiated allegation that was negated by further investigations. The pent up rage among the Indian Muslims manifested itself in the explosions which targeted the commuters of Mumbai Railway System in July 2006.

The 1993 and 2006 Mumbai bombings were bad enough in vitiating the ambience for promoting bilateral relations but the Mumbai terrorist attack of 2008 really brought the Indo-Pak crawling peace dialog to a grinding halt.

The Indian government blamed ISI for masterminding the attacks; baseless allegations that have taken close to three years to peter out. It was the verdict of a Chicago court in June this year which has sounded the death knell of the Indian propaganda which had maintained all along that ISI was the mastermind behind the attack in which six Americans had been killed. Indian hopes were dashed when the US court, in June this year, acquitted Tahawwur Rana of the charge of providing material support for the terrorist strike.

Indian government had high hopes that Tahawwur’s conviction would substantiate the Indian claims and would bring in the US pressure to extradite six people, including the non existent Major Iqbal and the LeT commanders that the Indians accuse of having masterminded the attacks. The NIA had framed a case in 2009 against Headley, Rana and the six other absconding persons for involvement in 26/11 attacks and was eagerly awaiting the verdict of the Chicago court. Their expectation proved short lived; the documents submitted by the US government in Rana’s case did not mention ISI nor did it refer to Major Iqbal as an ISI officer. There is consternation in NIA in India now that acquittal of Rana has thrown the bottom out of their allegations against Pakistan for complicity in the Mumbai terrorist attack. It is worth recollecting that an Indian interrogation team had got access to Headley in Chicago in July 2010 and Indian investigators appeared smug that his production in the US courts would help them buttress their case against Pakistan — a dream that has suddenly gone awry.

The finger of accusations regarding Pakistan’s involvement in the latest bombing attack in Mumbai has not been officially raised by the Indian government — so far and it is a good omen. The profile of the India’s home grown terrorism is prominently emerging and currently the suspicion is on the Indian Mujahedeen and the SIMI for having created this communal backlash. Some footprints of the Mumbai’s underworld are also being talked about. The good thing is that the Indian government has shown responsibility and restraint and the peace process is still on track. For this part of the world this is no mean achievement.

The scourge of Mumbai terrorism
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